Looking For You.

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Missing posters.


Dave was stressed, Thatcher was also..Stressed..Mark was missing again. Again. Daves mental health was already down the drain and now he had to deal with this? He felt stressed and he wanted to cry.

"F-Fuck, Thatcher..-"

Dave cried in Thatchers arms after telling him all the things he was going through, plus Marks sudden disappearance. He felt weak, and useless.

"It's alright, Dave. I'm glad you told me, I- I was kinda unaware, y'know?."

The two let out another awkward chuckle, then..Looked away.

"Look..Dave, I'll try and help you find your nephew, promise."


The both smiled at each other. A nice end to a horrible argument.

Thatcher wiped his tears away, Dave forced a bigger smile.

"Sorry, I hate seeing you cry like this, Dave."

"It's fine, Thatch."

Thatcher felt comfy hearing that again. His nickname that Dave randomly gave him one day..

"I..I'm just-..Stressed..I'm so stressed. I can barely get up for work in the mornings- I'm..Losing my worth."

"Don't speak like that, Dave. You know damn well you aren't. You're my best friend, y'know that?"

"I know, I know."

Dave felt nice having some reassurance, but the thought of his nephew stretched the back of his mind..Missing? Again? Why now?

Thatcher realized that Daves expression shifted, he knew his friend to well.

"Hey, hey..It's alright..Don't worry, okay? We'll find him."

"I-It's just- I..I thought I could-.."

"Don't stress yourself out more, Dave. Okay?"

"Mark..I..- I already miss him..I miss him so much Thatch. I barely saw him when he was back!- And- now I..I just..-"

Thatcher rubbed Daves back gently, that always calmed him down..Dave looked at Thatcher more clearly.

"We'll find him in no time..Wanna take a walk?"

"Of course..I just..Need to clear my mind."

They both put on their shoes and slipped on a jacket, Thatcher opening the door for Dave and following him out.

Dave stared at the ground, he was still..Nervous. Something was watching them but he wouldn't dare look up.

He heard a whisper, it was inaudible..What the fuck?


"What's the matter?"

"It's— Its just- I feel unsettled. And somewhat scared..Is something watching us?.."

Thatcher looked around carefully and shrugged.

"If something is watching us I'll beat their ass, k?"

Dave chuckled at the blondes confidence, smiling at him warmly. Thatcher smiled back.

Though, Dave still felt scared..They both walked past a house.

"Eugh- Ew! What the fuck his that smell?"

"You smell that too? It smells like..Rot.."

It came from Evelin's house.

"We need to investigate."


They both walked up to the house, they were pretty scared to say the least. Well, Dave was.

"Mandela county police! Open up!"

No response.


Still no response.



The smell became stronger, Dave gagged.

Thatcher didn't care, he busted down the door.

"It's dark- goodness."

Thatcher turned on the light.

"Oh- oh my god-"

Blood. On the carpet. From trickles to puddles. Dave gagged more..It smelt like death.

"Check downstairs. I'll stay up here."

Dave went downstairs, the air was suffocating but it was at least a little better down here.

There was blood in a corner, rope on a chair, that seemed to be it.


Dave heard Thatcher scream, he dashed upstairs.

"What!? What the-"

Thatcher stared in the Fridge. Dave looked in.

"Holy shit.."

There was a body in the fridge. Most of the limbs were gone.

"Oh my god-"

Thatcher got out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? This is Thatcher Davis. Me and my friend Dave found a body at ______. We need backup right away."

Thatcher hung up. He looked at Dave.

"This.-..This place is insane."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now