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Thatcher was sitting in the waiting room, waiting on some feedback on how his friends were doing. He wanted to puke. He had failed to go catch the vampire again. That had caused so many people grief and anguish..And he let it get away.

A nurse soon came up to Thatcher.

"How are they?"

"David Lee is fine, the bullet hadn't gone all the way through, he's sleeping right now."

"A-And Ruth?"

The nurse sighed.

"Sir, I am so sorry for your loss."

It took Thatcher a while to actually get what they just said. Ruth was dead? There was no way. She had been his friend for years and now she was dead? Just like that? No, no that's not true. Ruth..Couldn't had been dead. She was strong and resilient. And very well respected. How would..Dave react?..

"Can I-..Go see David?"

"Of course."

Thatcher got up, heading to Dave's hospital room.

He saw Dave sleeping peacefully in the bed, his heartbeat was steady.

He sat down on a chair.

"Thatch?-..Is that you?"

"Mhm, yeah..Its me."

"Wheres..Where's Ruth?.."

Thatcher sighed.


"W-Wait what?..-"

"She's dead, Dave."

Dave froze, and then he quickly fell into tears.

"This is..All my fault-..I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry.."

"No, it's not. It's none of our faults, Okay?"

"But-..I'm the one who got us into this mess..I-..God fucking damnit."

"Just, go get yourself rest okay?"


Thatcher left the room. He felt like he had been in the hospital so many times.

He left the hospital and got into his car,

He went to that coffee shop that Dave and him hung out at. He got in and ordered himself a black coffee, he then pulled out a note book and started writing.

"Hey, Ruth. I know you definitely aren't reading this. But I'd like to think you are, y'know? So I can actually feel peaceful. But, Ruth, I miss you. I miss you a lot already. I lost you because I was to stupid to not try and push you out of the way at least. Why did it have to be you? I'll never actually find a friend like you ever again. Never, will I be weak like how I was back then. You were an amazing friend, and a great colleague, Weaver. You always put up with me and David. I'm so glad we had those moments and memories. Thank you so much for all the happiness and gratitude you've shown me throughout the years."

"Sir? Your coffee?"

"Oh- Thank you."

Thatcher grabbed his coffee cup and looked at the waitress.

"You look really familiar..Do I know you?"

"Oh, I'm Jude. Jude Murray."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now