Home..But at What Cost?

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Mark really didn't have to spend a lot of time in the hospital, but he really just wanted to be in the comfort of his own home.

"You sure you don't wanna stay at my house? I really don't mind! I have an extra guest room."

"I'll be fine, Uncle Dave..I promise. Don't worry about me.."

"Mm..Alright, just..Please be safe..Okay?"

"I will, I promise.."

Mark smiled at Dave, Dave smiled back warmly. But, the truth is..Dave was scared. Scared for Mark, but he needed to let him go regardless..

"I'll call you if I need you, okay? I just need to see Adam and Jonah.."

"Alright, thanks champ."

Dave started the car and began to drive to Adam and Jonah's house. Mark needed to apologize anyway, and he just missed them..she stared out the window waiting.

They finally arrived, Mark got out the car and waved to Dave. He waved back and drove away..

Mark sighed..With a heavy heart, he opened the door.



Adam ran over and jumped on Mark, hugging him. Mark hugged back, smiling big.

"What's going on?..-"

Jonah saw Mark, Mark saw him too. He looked..Tired. Had Marks disappearance really bothered them this bad?

"Hey Jonah.."


Jonah ran over to the two, and joined them in a hug. They were all close to crying.

They eventually let go of each other..Mark looked at Jonah.

"Look..I need to apologize..I really shouldn't have said that you didn't try to fight back, I know you did."

"I..I need to apologize, too..I said some stuff too that was pretty wrong of me. Forgive me?"

"As long as you forgive me first."

They smiled at each other, Adam was visibly stimming.


"Mhm..But I need a nap..I'm tired.."

"Of course! Your room is right where its always been!"

Mark smiled, walking to his room upstairs.

He felt comfortable being able to finally sleep in his room.

He fell right onto his bed, immediately falling asleep.

"Look at you..Mark, sleeping so soundfully..Without a care in the world..I'll wipe that smile off your face permanently."


"Mark! Jonah and I-"

Adam saw it.

He'd regret seeing it almost immediately.


Adam swung Cesar off of Mark, that fucking axe..He was..Was he really gonna-


"I'm just visiting my best friend..But you're making this way harder than it has to be."

Cesar stood up, Adam froze. But only for a little.

Cesar had an axe. A sharp one. Looks like it's barely been used..But it..Obviously has? This doesn't make any sense. Mark..Just got back. Why did Cesar want him so badly? Why..Why. This is all so dumb.


Adam pushed Cesar.

That gave Cesar time to do something inhumane.


Cesar cut Adams arm clean off. Straight through the bone.

His arm fell. Adam fell back in response, he was bleeding out. Mark started to panic. How did he manage to sleep through the start of it?


Adam shuffled away.

Mark stared in horror.

"Whoops..Wrong person. Your lucky, Mark. Don't let that fool you..I'll always come back for you."

Mark watched as in a blink of an eye, Cesar was gone.


Mark got up, rushing over to Adam. Who looked pale..


"Huh?.. Wha—"

Jonah saw Adam with a missing arm, he started to panic. This was..All to much. He froze in his tracks. He really didn't know what to do, Adam was..Bleeding out in front of him again.

Jonah dialed the ambulance as Mark tried his best to stop the bleeding, but it was no use. Adam had already passed out..There was nothing to do about it.

"This is..This is..All just..A bad dream..Wake up, Adam- Please.."

The ambulance finally arrived..They carried Adams body on a stretcher and Mark and Cesar followed.

The torment will never truly end and Mark knew. It will always come anew, in a new shape..Form..Anything.

It'll never truly be over.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now