Weeping Angel.

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"Evelin? That's a nice name."

Sarah thought to herself for a moment..Then her eyes widened.

"Wait- But-"

"Shhh! Shut up! I know you already figured it out so don't announce it. Come to my house and I'll explain everything, got it?"

"I- Alright."

They both got up, Evelin looked around and left the hospital, jumping into her car. Evelin drove off to..A pretty new looking house. It definitely wasn't Sarah's old one.

They got out the car, and walked inside her house. Evelin locked the door behind her.

"Well, how the hell are you alive? Cops said that they found YOUR body parts in a fridge."

"..If I tell you, you won't tell that deadbeat Lieutenant, will you?"


"So uh..I may have..Created a double, and-"

"The fuck do you mean 'created a double'?!"

"Fucking listen!..Its just-..Okay, hear me out. Stay here."

Evelin left to go get something, Sarah looked around..Pretty clean. The air smelt awfully sweet..Like cinnamon and citrus.

Evelin eventually came back with a book.

She looked through it with Sarah and stopped at a page.

"Here, read this."

"Vampire and Which mixed breed. I found them a while ago, I don't know what to call them. They're..Violent. Their magic isn't much but it can be used for horrid things. Such as;

Doubling; They can create doubles of themselves, sometimes triples. And-"

Sarah immediately closed the book.

"I get it..But-..How the fuck-"

"So I may have..Uh-..Studied a little bit of witchcraft. And learned it..I'm not a mixed breed, I just learned."

"Holy shit- This is so much to take in."

"Trust me, Sarah. I was surprised when I saw you yelling at the Lieutenant. Was it about your brother?"


"I'm so sorry, Sarah..Though I think I know where he is."


"Cesar, again. I'm just-..I didn't know he was so persistent. He killed me. Or, at least my double. I got to learn a lot, and I heard about you. I'd love to help you and Thatcher-"

"Oh, no fuck Thatcher. He can die for all I care."

"Sarah. You can't let an argument get in the way of this case."

"Well he shouldn't have fuckin said anything! We was being dumb and said something he shouldn't have said. He's a fuckin asshole, Eve."

"Sarah, please-"

"NO! I'm not gonna speak to him unless he fuckin apologizes. My brother nearly died because of stupid cops like him."

"Okay, okay..Would you like anything? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate, please."

"Alright, make yourself at home, I'll go make it."

Evelin went to the kitchen and Sarah sat down on the couch..

She was confused. She had no idea what was going on, her said was spinning..So much was happening at once and she still didn't get anytime to process it herself..

After a couple minutes, Evelin eventually came back with a mug of hot chocolate, she handed it to Sarah, sitting down next to her.

She sipped it..Seemed normal.

"But, please, Sarah I'm begging you. Please make up with him soon."


"Ah! Splendid!" Eve smiled.

Sarah just sipped her hot chocolate and sighed.

Probably just a tiny white lie.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now