Home, at last.

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Mark walked in slowly, Adam following behind him.


Jonah looked at the two, surprised.

"I— Oh— Oh my goodness!-"

Jonah ran over, hugging the two. Mark felt..Comfort..He really needed this feeling.

"Jonah— You're okay!-..I was so worried.." Adam muttered quietly.

"Yeah..I'm glad you guys came out unharmed..I patched myself up, Heh."

Adam and Mark smiled, but Mark focused on getting to his bed, he needed a lot of rest.

"Mmh..I need to go..M'tired.."

"Yeah..Seems like we all need some rest."

Mark slowly walked upstairs to the guest room, falling on it.

Mark never wanted to feel like how he felt in that basement, but now those feelings were reawakening.

But, he knew that Adam and Jonah would always keep him safe.

Cesar huffed, sighing. He was hungry..He hadn't gotten food in days.

"I just don't get it! Why haven't I been able to eat anything! Uugghhh..I'm so starving."

Cesar spotted another man, he didn't care who it was at this point, he got up immediately, walking towards the man.

"Sir? Could you help me?"

"Oh, with what?"

This was..Jude Murray? Cesar looked surprised, almost in shock.

Jude looked back like he didn't know the ravenette.

"Oh- I- uhm- I'm—Huunnnnggggrrryyyyy?..-"


The man checked his wallet.

He pulled out a 20$ bill.

"Here. Buy yourself something nice."


Cesar felt guilty..He didn't want to hurt the man anymore.

"Uhm..T-Thank you sir-.."

Cesar took the 20$ and walked away, he wouldn't even use the money because he didn't need it at the moment. He needed human.

He then saw a lone civilian, he had no idea who this was but he didn't care, his stomach ached.

The ravenette pulled the poor civilian back to the forest, he heard them struggle, and kick around. He needed to get this over with quickly.

He bit down into their neck..Deep. Drawing more blood than needed.

He started sucking the blood out of them, eventually stopping to see if they're still alive..Which they were.

He put a cloth around the civilians neck to try and stop the bleeding, who had passed out already.

"Someone will find you tomorrow I bet, don't worry."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now