Off Day.

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They went to the bottom of the hotel, while Kaiden spoke to the person at the front desk, Mark sat down and ate some of his food.

"Ouais, mais c'était sympa de te parler !"

"C'est sympa de te parler aussi !" The person yelled back as Kaiden walked over to Mark.

"Where are we going?"

"I need to run errands, and I don't trust you in my home by yourself."

"Wh-! Why?!"

He gave a look, and then chuckled.

"You know why."

Mark grumbled as he got up, and began walking out the building.

"Also, because I wanna talk to ya."

"Oh? What about?"

"Well, for starters, how's everyone in Mandela doing?"

Mark went pretty silent. He knew he had to lie..Kaiden would hate to hear the truth..Especially about Adam.

"..How's Noah?"

That was even worse.

"O-Oh! Noah's doing fine."

Kaiden had a warm smile on his face after he heard that.

"That's good, I'm glad he's okay. Y'know, me and him have been friends for a long time, y'know?"

"Yeah- I uh..I get that." Mark said, nearly choking on his words.

"Everyone's doing pretty well, Thatcher-"

Kaiden groaned at the thought of him.

"Uuugghh..That fuckin guy? He's still around? Jeez. Stubborn."


Kaiden and Thatcher never really had the best relationship. Even when he was still living in Mandela. Though, who knew how much his hatred for him heightened after the fact that Mark had been hurt so many times.

"He always use to piss me off, especially after what he had done to Noah. Fuckin prick."

It was..Really awkward. Especially since Thatcher was nearly a father to him..Well, almost.

Kaiden just seemed to..Resent him so much.

"Anyway, how's Sarah?"

"She's good, I feel like she's getting better day by day."

Mark smiled warmly.


Mark and Kaiden continued to walk, them eventually showing up at a pastry shop, Kaiden spoke to someone as Mark looked around.

He couldn't understand anything on the labels, but everything looked pretty good. The snacks looked delicious..

He smiled, looking up at Kaiden.

"Ehhhhh..Non, nous avons beaucoup de travail, mais nous n'avons jamais vu ce genre de personne auparavant." The cashier said.

"Ah ? Vraiment? Désolé de vous déranger, alors... Mais puis-je avoir quelque chose de chocolat ? J'ai faim et j'ai aussi besoin d'acheter quelque chose pour mon ami."

The cashier nodded, after a little bit of shuffling he handed him a paper bag with two containers in it.

"Mark! Cmon, we gotta go." Kaiden yelled for him.

Mark Immediately ran up to him.

They walked out and Mark picked up the conversation again.

"What where you two talking about?"

"Mm? Oh, I uh..I just wanted to buy some stuff, but they weren't selling what I needed." Kaiden lied.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

"Ehhh, I don't really care."

After a while of running errands, they ended back up at Kaidens apartment.

"Uugghh..I'm so tired..My legs hurt so bad."

"Your gonna have to get use to it, because I walk everywhere." Kaiden teased.

Mark giggled softly, sitting on the couch.

"Speaking of which- I'll be right back.."

Mark got up, and left to go to the bathroom.

He left his phone on the couch.

After a bit..It started to buzz rapidly, like he was getting a dozen messages at once.

Kaiden got curious..And picked up his phone.

It was from a random number, you and Kaiden could probably guess who it was.

And he read

Kaiden dropped the phone on the floor, in disgust and shock as Mark opened the door to the bathroom.

"Kaiden?- What's wrong?"

"Who the fuck was that?"

Marks blood nearly ran cold.


"That fucking number! That's not normal! What do you even have going on?! Have you been lying to me!?" Kaiden yelled, though his voice was shaky.

"No- Kaiden that's not the case. I'm sure it's just-"

"Yeah, and so Adam isn't even safe, huh? Nor is Noah. He's STILL in the hospital?!"

Mark broke into a cold sweat.

"I knew you wouldn't like to hear the truth, I KNEW you'd fucking react like this!"

"I REALLY feel like I'm having a very reasonable reaction here, Mark! You LIED to me. I don't want you bringing your shit from Mandela over to me!"

"Well sorry for wanting to go to a place where I thought I thought would be my safe place."

Kaiden had a disgusted look on his face.

"MY LIFE IS ACTUALLY GOING HOW I WANT IT TO! I don't want you bringing your baggage over to MY OWN safe place!"

Kaiden calmed himself down.

"I don't have time for this."

"You mean you don't have time for me?"

"SHUT UP! Just- shut up, Mark! I don't even wanna listen to you after how badly you lied to me!"



They yelled, Kaiden storming into his room and slamming the door.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now