You Left Me Behind.

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Cesar sat still at his dinner table, his body aching with hunger. After Mark had left, all his hunts had been unsuccessful. The town being on a very close radar after Mark had gone missing.

"Idiots! I can't believe they'd do this to me! Mark leaving me behind like this..Hungry.."

The ravenette got out of his chair, he was going to get something to eat tonight, he didn't care what would happen.

He put on a coat and a mask and set off to find something to eat.

"It's so..Vacant out here tonight. How odd..Oh!"

Cesar spotted a police officer, alone. Perfect.

"Sir! Sir help me please!"

"Huh? Oh, uhm. Are you alright? What's happening?"

"It's so dark out here!..Im scared something might come out and get me!"

The officer was Lieutenant Thatcher Davis. Cesar had seen him on the news already, nothing he couldn't handle.

It was obvious that the blonde really didn't want to deal with Cesar's antics.

"Well..I don't see anything?.."

"B-But I swear I saw something! Look!"

Cesar turned and pointed to something, making Thatcher go and check.

He pushed Thatcher over and held him down.

"H-Hey! Unhand me!"

"Humans are way to naive..No way you actually believed me."

Cesar pulled down his mask, he couldn't take the hunger anymore.

"W-What the hell are you doing!?— Get off! Help!—"

Cesar bit down on Thatchers neck, but before he could get anything, Thatcher started to struggle.

Thatcher..Started to struggle.

It's obvious that the cop was stronger than Cesar, but Thatcher eventually got out of his grasp, kicking him and running to the police station.

"Ow!—..Jeez. Okay, maybe not a cop next time?..That's was so stupid of me."

Thatcher ran as quickly as he could, bursting into the doors of the station.

"Lieutenant? What's the rush?" Dave asked, honestly more concerned than curious.

"U-Uhm— I need you to help me..With..Something."

"Thatcher, bud, you're worrying me."

"Just come with me."

Thatcher grabbed Dave's hand and ran into his office.

"God you're making me Seasick—"

Thatcher didn't care, letting go of Daves hand and getting alcohol pads and band aids.

"I got bit on the back of my neck."

"Holy shit— Lieutenant are you alright-"

"I'm fine! Just clean the bite!"

Dave obeyed, cleaning the bite with the alcohol pad.

"There..Now, tell me, how the hell did that happen?"

"I..Don't know! It was all so sudden!"

"Just tell me the basics? K?"

"Okaysobasicallywhatsgoingonisthataguywithblackhairranuptomeandwaslike"helpmesir!"andiwaslike"withwhat?" And-"

"Woooaahhh, Thatcher, slow down buddy."

"Sorry. Well, a guy with black hair came up to me asking for help, and when I went to look he pushed me and pinned me down."

Dave froze, 'black hair'?

"Black hair?..That reminds me of someone my nephew use to hang out with..Heh."

"Your nephew Mark?"

"Yeah..Tough kid for his age."

"But..Yeah, that's what happened."

"I'm glad you came quickly, vampire bites are as horrible as human ones, a little worse though..Without treatment there's a high chance you'd be put in the hospital."

Dave put the bandaid on Thatchers neck.


Thatcher sighed, smiling.

"Woah! Is that a Thatcher smile?"

"Huh? No."

"Ahhh, I think I saw one! Don't lie!"

"Alright, fine. You caught me."

"I knew it!"

Dave smiled with Thatcher, both of them laughing.

Dave really knew how to cheer him up.

"Alright, I'll see you later."

"Bye 'Mr. Lieutenant Thatcher Davis'"

"Pfft, bye Dave."

Thatcher walked out of the room, Dave's mood shifting.

Black hair..

"God..I hope my nephew is safe."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now