Going Home, Back to Her.

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The next morning arrived..Kaiden woke Mark up.

"Mark. Mark! Get up."


"Cmon, we gotta go."

"..Go where?.."

"To Mandela."


"Oh my god."

Kaiden took out his phone, showing Mark his plane tickets.

"I gotta get you back home."

Mark looked a little surprised at this. He sat up, putting his hand on his head.


"Yeah, our flight isn't to long from now."

"REALLY?!- You didn't tell me?!"

"I didn't wanna wake you."

"I-It's fine. I'll just get ready."

Kaiden nodded, heading to his room.

Mark went into the bathroom to change into everything he needed..

He was glad he was going home honestly, and that Kaiden was coming with him..He wanted to see Sarah again. She was probably worried sick.

After a while, they finally got dressed and set out for their flight, obviously walking to the airport which wasn't that far away.

They set their bags up, passing through sec-

The detector beeped.

"Sir, what's in your bag?"

Kaiden looked nervous.

"Just..My stuff?"

..The officer looked at him weirdly.

"..Kaiden we're gonna be late just give them what they want."

He groaned, handing them his pocket knife.

"That's all."

He scoffed, getting through the metal detector and walking on the plane. He grabbed Marks hand.


"Oh- Okay!"

The two got on, Mark got a window seat luckily enough.

The plane finally started.

He looked out the window, and then looked over at Kaiden, who was gripping his seat.

"You good?"

"Im fine." He answered quickly, shutting his eyes as the plane began to move.


"Kaiden? Are you scared?"

He looked surprised, almost offended.

"What?! No..Just- nervous to see everyone again."


He rested his hand on Kaidens, who was tensed up.

He realized and calmed himself down a bit.

"Don't panic! Im sure everybody misses you."

"..Yeah..Yeah- your right."

He smiled, resting his shoulders.

"I'd hope so."

They finally made it.

It had been so long since Kaiden had been there.

"Hasn't changed a bit, huh?.."

He smiled.

"We should go to the police station first! Im
Pretty sure my sister should be there!"

"..The..The police station?" Kaiden asked, he seemed reluctant to do so.

"Yeah! Cmon!"

Mark grabbed Kaidens hand and led him to the police station.

"Mark- I-I really don't think-.."

"Kaiden it'll be fiiine! Let's go!"

They walked to the police station, immediately going to Thatchers office.

As soon as Kaiden saw him, he stopped.


Mark smiled brightly, running over to him and hugging him tightly.

"Mark? Is that really you-? Oh! Where've you been?!"

Thatcher hugged back.

When they let go, Mark turned to Kaiden.

"And look at who I brought back."

Thatchers eyes met Kaidens.



Mark was confused at the sudden tone shift.

Thatcher got up, walking a bit closer to Kaiden.

"It's nice to..See you, again. After all these years!..You've gotten so big, how old are you now?"


"Ah, well it's nice to see you again.."

Thatcher placed a hand on Kaidens shoulder.

He flinched back, it seemed like his instincts kicked in since he punched Thatcher and knee'd him in the stomach.

"GHK-! What the fuck?!"

Thatcher fell back almost instantly from the impact.

"You- You— Don't fucking touch me!"

Kaiden stepped back.

"Kaiden?!- Whats the matter?! What happened!?—"

Mark went over to Kaiden, but when he did he ran out of the station completely.

He went behind the building, bringing his knees up to his head and covering his face.

"..Hey? What's wrong with you?" A voice asked.

Kaiden looked around to see who it was.

It was a ravenette, in a mask with a black hoodie on.

"What's it to you?! Who even..Who even are you?.."

"That doesn't matter, does it? But..Hey, what's the matter?"


Kaiden looked away.


"Is that so? Ah..I apologize."

"I don't need pity."

There was an awkward silence, before the boy sat down next to him.

"What's your name?"


"That's nice. Im Cesar."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt