Your Pain Is My Pleasure.

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Cesar watched Mark like a hawk, not taking his eyes off of him. Even though Mark couldn't even move..He had to be sure. After all, who would want him escaping?

He bummed softly, making himself a glass of tea.

A small tune his father use to hum to him when he was little.

He sipped it, sitting on the couch, Mark writhed in pain.

"Ahhhhh..Beautiful morning, isn't it?"

Cesar looked at Mark and smiled.

"The sunrise is so beautiful."

Cesar sipped his tea happily. He felt amazing! He had everything he wanted!

His best friend..

A beautiful sunrise..

And a cup of—

Knock, knock.


Cesar annoyingly got up, groaning and opening the door.


"..Alright, what the fucks going on?"

Cesar looked confused, Joel stepped closer and Cesar stepped back.


"Where the fucks Dexter?! I KNOW you have something to do with him."

"Yeah, blaming his only son, fuck off."

Joel's eyes narrowed.

He walked in, shutting the door behind him.

Cesar walked back, honestly scared for his life.

"What the hell did you do to him?! Do you know how important he is? Are you FUCKING stupid Cesar?"

"Why're you even coming here so early in the morning? I just woke up. And accusing me of killing me father? How dumb do you have to be?"

Jude grabbed Cesars wrist.

He tried pulling away, but he was to strong.

"H-Hey! Damnit!"

His front was slowly shattering, he looked genuinely scared, and nervous.

"You did kill him, didn't you? You're the most hated vampire here. You know that, don't you?"

Jude insulted Cesar, his shoulders dropped. He looked away, confused on why this was happening right now.

"Can we do this..Later? I have things to attend to, Murray."

Jude stared at Cesar for a minute, then let go of his wrist.

"Fine, don't expect me to do this next time. I want answers."

Jude left, slamming the door behind him, Cesar winced.

Cesar felt so pissed at that moment.

He quickly grabbed his pocket knife and looked over at Mark.

"Maaark..Could you do something for me? It'll be fast. I might have to..Remove, something."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum