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Cesar stared at the bloodied knife..Then at Mark.

His left eye was closed and bled profusely..The ravenette smiled.

He stared at Mark as he picked the eye off of the tip of the knife and ate it in front of him, forcing his eye open.


"Aw..What's the matter, Mark?"

Mark winced and whined, everything hurt..His chest hurt, and worst of all..He couldn't even see in his left eye. Not one bit. The amount of pain he felt was indescribable..He choked out sobs.

"Now, was it that bad? You did so well."

Cesar wiped the blood away from Marks eye, but it kept coming out.

"I'm a little surprised on how easy that was." Cesar scoffed, smiling.

Cesar got up.

"I should probably clean you up a little then, huh?"

He went to the kitchen, the sound of running water was heard..Cesar came back with a warm rag and bandages.

Mark was still hyperventilating, wincing from every touch.

First, Cesar cleaned and bandaged up Marks chest..Just so he wouldn't die from blood loss.

Then, he used the rag to clean the blood coming from around Marks eye, then bandages it up, wrapping the bandage around his head.

Mark cried..He was overwhelmed.

"I'm quite happy with you, Heathcliff. You barely put up much of a fight. I'm glad your so easy to take from! I could take anything from you whenever I wanted to and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

Blood soaked the bandage on Marks eye.

"They aren't ever coming for you."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now