Misery, And Regret.

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Cesar was caught by himself. The house was empty, of course. And he was pretty bored. He decided to look in a couple old dusty books.

He pulled one out from a bookshelf..Looked like a photo book..He hadn't seen this one in a while.

He sat on his couch and opened it.

"Cesar! Cesar!"

I looked over at Mark, holding a sea shell in his right hand and smiling. It was a conch shell, and it looks really pretty.

"Quick, Adam! Take a picture!"

"Huh!? Oh! Alright!"

Adam took out his camera as Mark posed with the shell, I looked over to see a large wave..Coming closer.


He immediately got hit by the wave and got a mouthful of sand.

We all looked at him, worried. He got up and giggled, and that giggle turned into a laugh.

We all started laughing with him, we were all a laughing mess and Jonah had tears in his eyes.

Adam shook off the photo and looked at it, it was a blurry photo of Mark falling over.

"Oh, I'm definitely keeping this."

I cracked my knuckles, readying myself to start playing as Mark sat next to me, a little confused but he had some spirit.

"Okay! Show me!"

"..Show you, what?"

"How you play! I'm curious and your piano is soooo big! I wanna learn to play it with you!"

"Oh, really? You're gonna need some lessons then. Wanna listen to me play a little?"


"Alright, then."

I started to play a small tune, Mark watched in fascination. I felt so special playing, Jonah and Adam were watching too.


I quickly turned around to see a photo coming out of Adams small little starter camera his mom got him to start photography.

"Sorry! It was a nice moment, y'know?"

We all chuckled.

"You're good, Adam."

Cesar quickly closed the book before he'd start crying. He really did miss his friends..A lot..To much.

Mark was his best friend after all. Everything he did he did with Mark..The times he wanted to 'protect him' he was just hurting him. Traumatizing him.

No! Oh, god no! How silly of me! To think something so incorrect. I mean, what? I know Mark needs me, he always has. Hell! He can't do anything without me, can he?

Cesar smiled. Honestly a little happy. Creating a facade for himself..He had an amazing idea. Everyone has went out, even Marks sister. Leaving him all by himself..Sarah shouldn't be there.

He smiled bigger. Getting ready, putting on a mask, a jacket and grabbing some rope, heading out..Straight to Marks house.

He knocked..Nothing.

"Mark! Oh, do you not remember me? Goodness, I mean how could you NOT remember me? I'm your best friend. Open the door, will you?"

He heard faint panicked breathing.

"Wow, Mark..How rude!"

Cesar started to bang on the door..And then looked at the window.

"You know how much I care about you, don't you?..Wont you answer?"

Cesar walked over to the window instead.

"Lets do this for the..What? Second? Third time?"

Cesar broke Marks window, he heard footsteps upstairs so he immediately climbed in the window and went upstairs.

"Where are you, Heathcliff. This isn't funny, y'know? It's rude to hide from friends."


Cesar pulled out his pocket knife.

"Mark..Where might you be.."

Cesar searched around the hall, walking down it.

"Remember when we all went to the beach? When you got hit with that massive wave? That was quite funny, don't you think?"

He looked in a room..Jonah's room.

He smiled. He sensed Marks presence.

"Remember when we use to play the piano together?..When you use to.."

Cesar immediately grabbed Marks arm, he was hiding under the bed.

"Why are you hiding from me? Can't you tell I miss you?"

Mark couldn't muster any words though he tried his best to struggle, Cesar eventually slammed his head down on a desk, knocking him out almost instantly.

"Out cold so easily..You're so weak, Heathcliff."

Cesar grabbed the ropes, tying them around him tightly.

"Now, you'll never leave me! At least I won't let that happen."

Off to my house, we go!

"See, Mark? Don't you miss this?"

Panicked muffled rang out as Cesar had both of them sitting on Cesars piano stool as Cesar played.

"I must thank you, Mark."

Cesar looks confused.

"What do you mean 'for what'? For being my best friend!"

Cesar hugged the tied up brunette.

"You're an amazing friend."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now