Mind Taken.

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It all happened quickly, Cesar's knife instantly cutting through the layers of Marks skin.

Any deeper and he probably could've cut off his arm. Is that even a pocket knife?

"Oh my..I'm so sorry..Did that hurt?"

Mark couldn't answer, he could barely even speak. His mumbles were inaudible..Cesar smiled at Mark wider, staring at him.

The brunette was forced to see the ravenettes crooked smile. He looked down at the stone floor. Blood trickled from his arm onto the floor. He wanted to puke, he felt disgusting.

"Your skin is so delicate, Mark. I can cut right through it without any problems..So soft.."
Cesar cooed, looking at the massive cut on his shoulder, which was pouring with blood at this point.

Mark cried, the pain was intense and the fact that Cesar was cooing at him made it worse. It hurt so bad..

"Here..Let me just.."

Cesar ripped the tape off of Marks mouth, he wheezed and coughed out sobs.

"Look at you..Mark..You're amazing for helping me.."

Cesar smiled bigger, petting Mark.

"Please..- Please stop.." Mark quietly begged, it's not like he could do anything about it. He was tied up and practically useless. All he could do was beg.

"What was that?"

"I-I said stop! Get away from me!-"

Cesar stared. Annoyed by this sudden determination, he was pissed.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Heathcliff."

Cesar wrapped his hand around Marks neck, He stared at Cesar in fear.

"Say aaaaahhh.."

Cesar carefully put his knife in Marks mouth, carefully moving it around.

Mark knew he couldn't speak or he'd probably get stabbed in the mouth..Who knew what that would feel like.

He heard the knife click against his teeth, he shuttered and looked at Cesar. Who was quietly giggling and smiling, his grip tightening around Marks neck.

Mark held back the need to cough, it would only make it worse, the thought of him getting stabbed in the throat flooded his mind, he was terrified of it happening, he didn't wanna die like this. Not to Cesar.

All Cesar could do was smile and giggle at Marks pathetic expression.

He slowly pulled the knife out of his mouth, making Mark cough as Cesar let go of his neck.

The ravenette stared at Mark, who started to cough violently after soon stopping. Cesar needed another way to bring more pain to Mark. So, he did one more thing.

He stuck the knife back into the fresh cut he opened, stretching it open.

Mark winced from the pain, Cesar just dug deeper into it.

"F-FUCK!- Nnn—!"

"It'll be okay, Mark..Shhh..Shhh..Its okay..Don't Panic.."

Mark cried out as Cesar kept digging deeper, until he finally pulled the knife out.

Cesar licked Marks shoulder, drinking the blood pouring from it.

"Thank you."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now