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Thatcher felt like his body wasn't his. No, his body isn't his. He had no control over it, Jude did.

Jude looked at the blonde and smiled at him. It had such a massive sense of fake comfort. It was reassuring and seemed genuine, though there was no way it actually was though. Thatcher tried his best to struggle and break the grasp Jude had on his mind..But his body didn't move. He felt his hands clutch the axe, but he didn't move..

He tried to talk, but no noise came out.

He tried to yell, he felt his chest start to hurt.

"Don't you want revenge, Lieutenant? Dave has put you through so much..If it weren't for him getting kidnapped, Ruth would still be alive?"

How did he know what happened? He never said that Dave got kidnapped and it was never covered at all, so there was no way he'd just know unless..

He was there?

That also didn't make sense. Cesar works alone. He killed Evelin, he'd kill anyone who'd get in his way or drag him down. No matter what status they had with him, friend or not. People had to pay to actually give him tips or help him..He learned that from the anonymous investigator that came..Looked awfully a lot like..Jude.


That's it.

Jude was on both sides though he was a vampire, then he broke into Cesars house trying to pay him for more tips to torture Dave. And then he saw what happened. That humming was him. It wasn't Thatchers fault..It was never his fault.

"Get up, find Dave. And kill him."

Thatcher got up unwillingly and left the house.

He felt multiple eyes shift his gaze to him, though all he was doing was walking in a vacant forest..He wanted to throw up. He didn't wanna kill Dave. Or anybody for that matter. That wasn't him and it'll never be.

He eventually got to his house. He obviously wasn't in control of his body, though he wanted to turn around and leave this all behind. This wasn't happening, this is all just a horrible dream.

He opened the door slowly..

"Wow. You actually came back, you were gone for the whole entire fucking night, Thatcher."

Thatcher slowly walked over to Dave with the axe.

"U-Uhm. What are you doing?..Thatcher?"

Thatcher held up the axe and swung.

Dave was thankfully able to dodge the attack.

He stared for a little and then ran away to the kitchen, Thatcher heard the shing of a knife..Of course.

Thatcher quietly walked in the kitchen, then he heard the noise of someone running up the stairs quickly. He followed it.

"Daaaaaave..It's me, Thatcher."

Thatcher didn't say that. He wasn't doing this. He wouldn't do anything to Dave. Nothing. He didn't want to hurt him..Or kill him.

He heard muffled soft quick paced breathing..Thatcher immediately came to the sound. It was coming from a closet..

He opened the door slowly..

He opened the door, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach..He looked down..

Dave had stabbed him out of self defense. Thatcher was able to choke out a cough.


He heard Dave mumble and then run away.

Thatcher felt heavy, his knees felt weak and his mind was cloudy..Jude knew that Thatcher was slowly slipping through the manipulation. So he just tried to make him keep going..And it worked.

The blonde heard the door knob move around quickly, Dave was trying to get out..Get the job done, lieutenant.

Thatcher ran downstairs, then he saw Dave trying to open the locked door..Thatcher came up behind him clutching the axe.

You didn't mean to do it.

You mean, you didn't mean to cut it off right?

That was disgusting. You are disgusting lieutenant.

What will people think of you?

You're useless.

Less than useless.

You're sick.

Something fell to the ground, followed with a thud and struggled breathing.

Thatcher looked down..

He cut off Daves arm. Right arm..He didn't mean to. He didn't want to. His body..Isn't his. Not anymore..Not ever..

Thatcher felt the axe raise above his head..

Then he felt the pain of being stabbed, he dropped the axe on the floor and held his stomach.

He heard something behind him.


It was Jude.

He pulled Thatcher back.

"We're leaving now. Leave him to die."

Then they teleported..Somehow..Oh well.

Knock, Knock..

"Lee? You okay?"

Knock, knock.



"Oh my god..D-David?"

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now