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He looked down just to see a knife right in his chest. He coughed up blood, his whole body ached..He'd much rather just die right now.

"F-Fuck.." Noah groaned, not knowing what to do..He looked up.

"Oh, wow. I expected you to be dead by now."

"C-Cesar! Cesar- Oh it's you! I missed you-..So much.."

"Hello, Noah..How are you?"

"I-..I need help..Please.."

"Oh but of course! Give me a moment."

Cesar went over to him, slowly pulling the knife out of his chest, slowly stretching the cut.

"All better..Now how about I take you to my house so you can heal up, yes?"

"P-Please..-..Everything hurts.."

Cesar smiled. Just another victim to manipulate and shape into his own.

He helped Noah up, carrying him..He limped a little, holding his stomach.

Cesar seemed to rush to his house quickly, finally arriving and slamming door behind him, locking it.

He sat Noah down on the couch, and then went to the bathroom to get bandages, and rushed back to go bandage his chest up..Along with his neck.

"There we go..Are you okay?"


Noah smiled..Cesar used this exclusive vulnerable chance to do what he does best.

"Y'know..I saved you, right? You definitely owe me..Nobody would've saved you if I wasn't there. You'd bleed out and die..God, your useless without me."

"Wh-..Huh?..Cesar? What are you-..On about..?"

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm on about..Your entirely useless, Noah. And you have no idea what to doing, do you? You need me. You always have needed me. Your worthless."

"No- I-..Cesar..- Stop..I'm sorry-.."

Cesar smiled as he realized that Noah was giving in to the manipulation..It was working. God, people are so stupid.

"Now, I need your help..Since you do owe me."

"Of course!..Anything.."

"Here, we need to give Mark something! I heard he's in the hospital right now so this'll be perfect! He'll love it..But I can only do it with you."

"R-Really?..I'll help you with anything!..You saved me.." Noah smiled weakly.

"Good. You're gonna be so useful..Mark will love this!"

Cesar got closer to Noah's neck, the heat from his breath made him shutter. He kinda wanted to cry from feeling it.

Cesar bit down, making Noah jolt up in fear.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"Why..Why are you-..Hurting me?.."

Noah put his hand on his neck, and then looked at his hand. His eyes widened and then seemed apathetic when he saw the blood on it.

"I'm not hurting you..I'm just helping myself."

"B-But-..You made me bleed...Cesar..Cesar I'm scared.."

The ravenette looked pissed and ravenous. But sighed and thought to himself, he needed to avoid the statement.

"It'll be fine. You're fine..Im just oh so hungry..I can't believe you'd rather let me starve. That's quite greedy and selfish."

"N-No!-..I'm sorry! It's just-..It really hurts..Uhm.."

Noah was obviously uncomfortable..Of course. How could Cesar forget?

Noah was terrified of needles. Especially things that felt like it was piercing his skin.

"Oh..Don't you worry, Noah..It won't hurt unless you struggle."

Cesar gave Noah a reassuring smile.


Noah laid back down, to which he immediately felt the sharpness of teeth digging into his neck..Deeper..And deeper. His neck felt tingly and his hands shook.

Cesar finally stopped, he giggled and smiled at Noah who was trying to catch his breath. His chest stung and now his neck hurt a lot.

"Thank you so much, Noah..Now when you heal up where gonna do that thing for Mark, okay?"

"..Anything for..You!.."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now