Do You Swear On Your Life?

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Adam had noticed that Jonah had been extra paranoid, he was confused and he had barely been able to speak to him about it! He was just worried about him. After all, he didn't know what to think.

Jonah could barely look at his phone after the second video had been sent. He was extremely quiet. Adam wanted to confront him but he didn't know what to say..He was nervous, well, not nervous. Just scared for Jonah..What happened to him? Was it something with his phone? He had been avoiding getting on his phone for a little.

His phone vibrated one time, and then he stared at it and his eyes widened SO much. Adam seemed a little scared of what he had seen..He could probably sneak into Jonah's room and get his phone.

"Uh, I'll be right back, I need to go to the store." Jonah said, his voice was kinda flat.

"Oh! Alright."

Jonah left, and Adam took this chance to find things out.

He went upstairs, straight to Jonah's room.

..He took his phone with him.

"God damnit!"

He was pissed, unable to look through it..He felt defeated and useless.

Until he looked at Jonah's night stand..

"His diary!"

Adam felt like what he found was golden. Maybe he wrote about it? Whatever it was he could find out something..He was extremely curious.

He picked it up, it was locked but he easily found the key, unlocking it.

He turned the pages until a page caught his interest.

"I don't know what to do. I don't, I just don't. This is so much pressure. I know he's gone again but I can't do jack shit about it. I'm so tired of this. It's happened so much it's almost getting tiring. Why isn't he just dead yet? Why is he having to endure this? What the hell? What is wrong with this place? Mark. I-"

Adam closed the diary almost immediately after seeing "Mark" written. He knew this had to do with him.

Adam put it down, scared.

Was that why Jonah was so scared? Was that the reason he had been so quiet?..

Adam felt chills run down his spine. He wanted to just sit there and think. He was terrified.

Well, he didn't even want to think.

His mind was completely clouded. He was scared. He was so scared.

He didn't even want to move. He just wanted to freeze there forever.

Now he knew how Jonah felt.

He heard the door jingle, but he completely ignored it.

He heard it unlock and lock back again, but his mind was occupied.

He heard creaking up the stairs, but it didn't matter.

"Adam? What're you-"

Adam turned his head a little. Their eyes met and locked together.


𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now