Never Truly Free.

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Adam was immediately brought to the ER. Jonah and Mark had to wait outside. Jonah sat still while Mark was pacing.

"I-..I could've stopped this..- what's wrong with me?..I'll never do any of this shit correctly!.."

Jonah just sat there. Panicking. All Cesar was doing was tormenting them. They'll never really be at peace. Cesar would always come back to torture them a little more. It would always happen.

Well, unless Cesar was dead.

"You can see him now."

Mark and Jonah bolted into the room, Adam was sleeping with bandages wrapping around what would've been his arm, they stared.

"I-I can't believe I..- Didn't..Wake up-.."

Mark sat down near Adam, who was sleeping soundfully. He seemed peaceful, and unaware. Mark envied that feeling.

Mark looked at Adams bandaged arm, or, what what've been his arm. It was bleeding..Mark could see the blood soaking the bandages and it made him shutter. And so it was done. Adam really lost his arm. There was nothing he could do about it except wait for him to wake up.

"It's late..Should we-.."

"Yeah..Let's go home."


Adam slowly woke up. He didn't move, but he looked around at his surroundings. A hospital..Why was he even in a hospital?..

He reached out..


Nothing was there not even his arm. He seemed confused..


Adam moved his head over to look at his arm..


"Wh..What the.."

Then Adam remembered, Cesar had cut his arm off. Nothing was there..Nothing at all.
What..Why? Why would Cesar ever do tha-

"Hey kid."


It was Jude. Jude Murray. Adams father.

"I- Uhm..- So..Someone told me that you were hospitalized..I..Didn't know it was this bad, I'm sorry."

"N-No it's fine, I'm just..Surprised-..I can't believe I lost it.."

"It'll be alright kid, no arm or not..You're still you! And you're my son."

"T-Thanks dad.."

Adam smiled weakly. Jude smiled back, though, he hated seeing his son like this..Suffering in such a painful way. Nobody deserves that.

"I..I just need some time.."

"Of course! Take all the time you need, okay?"


Jude left Adam to himself..He sat there, honestly in disbelief. He lost his left arm..And..There was nothing he could do about it. Not even scream for help. It was gone..Forever.

He looked at it..He felt..Somewhat useless. But he knew he wasn't. It's just..Aggravating.

"I..I need a nap."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat