Late For Work.

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"Ugghhh..Turn off."


"Fuckin- Turn off!"



Thatcher slowly got up, yawning..Stretching..And looking at the time.

Way past nine thirty. How many times did he hit snooze?

"Fuuucckk..Sarah's gonna be so pissed."

Thatcher rubbed his eyes, groaning loudly..He was late as fuck..And Sarah was definitely gonna chew him out about it. He reluctantly got up, changing into his uniform and fixing his messy blonde hair, putting it into a ponytail. Grabbed everything he needed that was necessary..And set off.

He got in his car, driving to the police station. Dreading the "talking to" he's gonna get, even though he's literally older than her, AND a higher rank..This shit is stupid.

He arrived at the police station, getting out of his car and locking it. He purposefully walked a little slowly to the building..He opened the door and sighed. Looked around..And started to speed walk to his office.

"You're late."


"It's past nine! Where the hell were you?!"

"I was tired, okay? I needed rest and I overspent a little to much. And I'm sorry."

"You better be, damnit. We're past schedule, Davis."

He knew she was angry at him, after all she called him by his last name..That rarely ever happened. Hell, Dave never even called him by his last name.

"Cmon, LT. Let's go."

Thatcher and Sarah both walked out the door, they were gonna go get something to eat first..They went to the same sandwich shop as they did the other day.

They got to there seat and waited for the waiter to come to their table.

Then, Thatcher saw somebody..Ravenette hair..No gloves. Though, the hair looked like Cesars clearly.

"Sarah- Sarah! Look!"

Thatcher secretly pointed at the ravenette, Sarah looked intently..

"Holy shit, there's no way."

"I'm just as surprised as you."

"Alright, I have a plan, okay? You pay for his meal, and make conversation outside. And take off that pin!"

Sarah took off Thatchers pin and put it in her pocket.

The waiter eventually came, took their orders and went to the kitchen. Though they kept their eyes on the man..Watching his movements and everything.

The man finally got his check, and figured out it was already paid for so he walked out.

"Alright, LT. Good luck."

"This better go well."

Thatcher also walked out, trying to catch up to the man.

"Hey! Hey! Sir!"


Thatcher walked a little closer.

"I uh- I paid for your meal."

"Oh! Why thank you. Why?"

"I dunno, I just figured you deserved it, y'know?"

"Thank you, uhmmm.."

"Thatcher! Thatcher Davis."

"Ah, I'm Dexter-..Uh..Dexter."


"Oh! No-..Uhm..Dexterrrrrr..Woods?.."


"Mhm! You're the lieutenant, yes?"

"Mhm. Overrated experience."

They both chuckled, Thatcher smiled though he was keeping track of the man, looking carefully at his clothing..Quite formal even though he was going to a sandwich shop.

"Ah, well it's nice to meet you, Thatcher. Might I have your number?"

"Oh! Yeah, sure."

They exchanged numbers, and Dexter waved goodbye and left to go somewhere. Then Sarah came up to Thatcher.

"How'd it go, Davis?"

"Pretty well, I'd say..I got his number."

"Wow, that's quite lucky!"

"Mhm..Though, he looks..Really similar to Cesar. Only with a little bit of stubble."

"I'm not surprised..Maybe they know each other?"

Thatcher looked down at the number on his phone.


𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now