Tea Time.

335 7 10

"How are you feeling, Heathcliff? A little better?"

Mark kept still, making Cesar a little more demanding.

Cesar was constantly playing this facade of being kind to him, making sure he was safe..But, constantly driving in the fact that absolutely nobody cared about him.

Cesar stared at Mark..His hunger only getting worse by the minute.

"I'll be right back."

Cesar got up, walking back to the kitchen.

When he came back, he brandished a knife in his hand.

Seeing that made Mark panic more than anything. He wasn't going to let this happen.

He struggled..A lot, Cesar just stared. There was really nothing he couldn't do.

"GOD! Mark, can you fucking stop?"

Cesar came over to hold Mark still. Tears fell from the brunettes tired eyes..

Cesar calmed down and gave Mark a comforting smile.

"Wont you just..Stay still?"

Cesar got a tight grip of Marks neck, lifting his head and putting the knife right under.

The coolness of the blade hit his skin. Cesar drew it a little closer, drawing a small amount of blood.

"You'll let me do this if you care about me..And you do care about me, right?..I mean, I care about you..A lot."

He was met with silence.

"God, let me just take this off your mouth. I miss hearing your voice."

Cesar look the cloth off from Marks mouth, giving him time to breathe and comprehend what was going on..Well, at least try.

"C-CESAR!-..Cesar please-.."

"What is it?"

"Let me go-..You're hurting me!"

"Im hurting you because I care about you."

"No— No! No, just-..Shut up!- I-I don't want to listen to you!"

Cesars demeanor shifted. He changed his holding position of the knife, carefully positioning it where Marks voice box would be.

"Or, how about I just kill you now, huh? It'll save me the trouble since you wanna be so fucking whiny all of a sudden. Shut the fuck up, Mark. You don't know what you're even talking about."

Cesar inflicted fear onto him, Mark went silent.

"Perfect! You're so compliant."

Cesar positioned the knife near Marks shoulder.

"I must thank you, Mark..Really..You know how I care about you, don't you? And, hell. I know you'd want me to do this."

They pulled up to their house, Jonah helping Adam out of the car.

Sarah walked to the door..But she saw that the window was..Shattered?

"What the hell?"

Adam and Jonah came up to her.

"What..The fuck happened?" Jonah asked.

"No idea." Sarah answered, but then she remembered.

"Fuck- MARK!"

She rushed to unlock the door, quickly running upstairs and checking every room..No sign of anything.

Jonah and Adam were constantly calling him, but it went straight to voicemail every time.

Sarah felt like she was a mess. She sobbed, after all, she couldn't believe herself. Letting someone do such a thing..To her brother. She couldn't even believe someone would do such a thing, honestly.

She picked up her phone, and dialed.

"MCPD, what may we do for you?"

"Thatcher, come to my house. I'll meet you there."

She hung up without answering any of his questions. She was tired of waiting around.

This'll end one way or another.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora