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The first thing the two had to do was question Dave. One of the known survivors of Cesar excluding Mark.

It was obvious Thatcher didn't wanna go. I mean, he cut off his arm. Does he remember? No, no there's no way.

"Focus, Lieutenant."


Sarah was dressed in a dark grey police uniform with a tie, with black slacks and black snow boots..Fancy.

Though, it was odd that Sarah was giving THE Lieutenant Thatcher Davis orders..Pretty weird. She wasn't even a police officer.

They arrived at Dave's house, Thatcher swallowed. O'Brain should be there too.

Knock knock.

"Mandela Police Department! Open up!"

Someone opened the door, of course it was O'Brian.

"Oh, hey Lieutenant annnddddddd.."

"Sarah. Sarah Heathcliff. We're here to question Dave Lee? Is he in?"

"Oh! Yeah, come on in!"

O'Brain opened the door fully, inviting them in.

They walked in..It smelt pretty good, like blueberry pie..Mark loves blueberries.

"Here, I'll have Dave right down K?"


They both sat down on the couch. Thatcher slouching a little bit, still keeping his posture but a little lazy.

"It's crazy that I'm being more professional than you."

"..Don't act like you can give me orders since you almost killed Cesar, Heathcliff."

"I'm the reason that you're going to keep your job. So it's best you treat me with respect or you're gonna lose it."

Thatcher groaned.

"Plus, Dave is our lead..Strange how you never questioned him, yeah?"

"..I didn't get to."


"I didn't!..I had other things to do."

They had both gone quiet. The atmosphere was thick. Suffocating, even.

Dave eventually came down the stairs, he seemed surprised to see Sarah and Thatcher on his couch.

"Sarah! Thatcher!..How are you guys?"

"Hey uncle Dave! We're just here for some questioning."


Dave sat on the couch next to Sarah, though Thatcher kept his eyes glued to his shoes. So Dave didn't remember what happened..He was gonna find out one day, not today. Not soon.

"So, it's about Cesar since you're one of the main leads we have at the moment."

"Oh..Uh..Ask away!"

"Okay, so..Do you remember anything Cesar said or did while you were there?"

"Well, he kept referring to me as Mark."

Sarah wrote that down.


"He mainly goes for the shoulder..Sometimes the chest. In my case, at least."

"Ah, I see..Anything else?"

"Oh! Well, O'Brain did say he saw a boy with ravenette hair, a face mask and a black hoodie speaking to one of Marks friends."

"Is that so? Which one?"

"Uhh..Noah? I think that's what he said."

"Amazing. Thank you for cooperating, Dave!"

"Anytime Sarah!"

Dave got up, heading back upstairs.

"Get up, Thatch. We got another lead."

"Alright, okay, I'm comin."

Thatcher got up and stretched, and then walked out the door.

"The fuck was that?"

"Oh my god. What?"

"You didn't even question him. Nor did you speak at all. You just kept looking down. You're supposed to be helping me."

"Look, Sarah. Something happened with me and Dave that I just-..Dont wanna talk about."

"Well you better suck it up if you wanna get this done."

Thatcher groaned quietly and looked away.

"Now, our next lead is 'Noah W.', got that?"

"Mhm. And a boy with ravenette hair, face mask and a black hoodie, right?"

"Now you're getting the hang of it! Mhm. We gotta search his house soon. And then try to find the ravenette which is suspected to be Cesar, yes?"


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