I Need To Leave.

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The police showed up, questioned us and investigated..Though they found no trace of forced entry.

Mark was scared. He immediately went to his room and closed the door after they were finished. He didn't want to face anyone else.

He stayed in there for hours. It was already dark out.

He wanted to get out of there.

He needed to get out of there.

Sarah opened the door to his room.

"Hey, Mark?"


"Your gonna be alright tonight on your own? I know what happened today might've scared you."

"I'll be okay, don't worry about me, alright? Get some rest."

Sarah smiled.

"Thanks, Mark. Sleep well."

She shut the door, and went to her room.

As soon as he heard her door shut, he sat up on his bed..Looking at his backpack.

"..This is so stupid."

He shuffled out of bed, turning on his lamp and pulling his backpack onto his bed.

He looked around..Honestly a little excited but also scared.

He started picking up things he needed..Clothes, water, a charger, his phone, shoes, soap, rags, and a lot more other things.

And..A photo.

He looked at it, and then put it in his phone case.

He sighed..Was he really about to do this..?

The trip would..Definitely be long.

He shook his fears away, calming himself.

"Yeah..I'll..I'll do it."

He put on a hoodie, and grabbed his pocket knife..Swinging the backpack on his back.

"..To far to go back now, huh?"

He sighed, opening the door to his room..Quietly going down the stairs.

He opened the front door, and then locked it when he got back outside.

"I can..I can do this. I don't want to be here anymore."

He set off..

At a road, a bit far from his house, he put his thumb up in front of a road..He was gonna hitchhike.

It was risky, but what would he have to lose?

After a couple minutes..Someone eventually stopped and opened there door.

Marks eyes lit up.

"Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, of course, kid." Said a voice.

He got in, putting his backpack on another seat.

"Where ya headed?"

"The closest airport, please."

The driver thought for a minute.

"I'll only be able to take you to a motel that's close to it, that alright?"

"Yeah-! It's fine."

The driver started driving..

The drive took a day, how far was the airport anyway?

Mark yawned after his nap, looking out the window to see the sunrise as the driver stopped.

"Alright! Here ya are."

"Again, thank you so much sir.."

"Of course, kid."

They chuckled, before Mark got out the car.

The driver drove off, leaving Mark at the motel.

..At least he could get a good breakfast before he kept going.

He went inside, and spoke to the people at the front desk..They were kind enough to let him have a free breakfast here.

He got some cereal, and french toast.

After not being able to eat breakfast for a couple months, it felt like heaven..He loved it.

While he was there, he decided to charge his phone too.

..So many missed calls.

He knew why, though he didn't wanna face his problems just yet.

He just wanted to enjoy his breakfast, honestly.

After a while, he left again, thanking the front desk people.

He then, walked down the road a little and held his thumb out.

Someone picked him up a lot quicker this time..

The drive was pretty quiet, they hadn't spoken but Mark was so happy to just..Be there.

Through the course of multiple days, he had been in many peoples cars..Until he finally arrived at the airport.

He took out a digital ticket, and showed it to the flight attendant, who allowed him to get on the plane ride to France.

He put his bag down, and lucky enough, he got a window seat! He watched the clouds closely..

After a long while, it was night..Though he was still awake staring at the roof of the plane, and taking out his phone.

He opened his phone case, and pulled out the photo.

"..It won't take me long to get there, let's just hope you hadn't changed."

He said, smiling and putting the photo back..Going to sleep.

The next day, the plane landed..He got off with his bag and took a breath of fresh air, and stretched.

"..And back to hitchhiking."

He said, holding his thumb out for a car.

Again, he had hitched hiked for a couple days..Before he ended up at a hotel.

He walked in, and went up the elevator..

He stopped at a door..And knocked on it.

Someone answered, they looked tired. They had ginger hair that was to their shoulders, and a hoodie with light black sleeves and a beige center on.

As soon as they saw Mark, their eyes widened and they immediately shut the door.

"Wh-!? Kaiden!"

He banged on the door, but he didn't answer.

"Do you not remember me?! It's Mark! You knew me before you moved!"

Mark said, a little bit of panic in his voice.

"What? So you just don't wanna talk to me after what happened? I know you know what happened to me back in Mandela."

He was just met with silence.

"A-And now your doing this?! Your giving me the silent treatment! You KNOW what happened to me! And yet here you are, treating this like we're kids!"

He sat down at the door.

"I'm not moving until you open this damn door." Mark said, now starting to get a little angry.

Minutes passed..Nothing happened.

"..I just- I went all the way over here so I could leave..I didn't wanna be there anymore..I-I.."

Marks voice cracked, he pulled on his hoodie strings.

Hours passed, until he was meant with a voice.

"Is he still there?"


"Is HE still there?"

Mark knew who he was talking about.

"Mhm, He's with Jonah. B-"

Mark fell back, after the door suddenly opened.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now