Facing Your Issue, Lieutenant.

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Thatcher sighed, sitting down in the chair next to Noah's bed. He had been asleep..Must've passed out. He lost a lot of blood, obviously.

Though Thatcher felt tense..Oddly tense.


Thatcher turned to the door and froze.

"You alright, Thatch? You look a little uh-..Tense."


Thatcher didn't know what to do. He was panicking already. He already hadn't spoken to Dave since..What he did. Even after the argument they had.

Dave walked over and sat next to Thatcher, sighing.

"Hey, uhm..I just wanna say that I'm sorry..For the argument we had. I uh-..Really shouldn't have slapped you, y'know?"

"O-Oh! N-No it's okay. Don't worry. Im..Im actually really sorry. I can't..Really make up for my actions. And I hurt you. So..Horribly."

"It's alright, don't worry."

"But it's not! You got hurt and I-..I couldn't even stop it."

Thatcher sighed.

"Dave. There's something I..Uhm. Need to tell you."

Dave looked worried.

"Uh..Tell me."

Thatcher felt a knot in his stomach..He didn't know how to tell him..Or, at least explain it a little easier without making him panic. There was only a clearcut way to tell him.

"Dave. I cut off your arm."

"Excuse me?"

"Okay, please just listen-"

"No- NO! Do you know what the fuck you just said to me?! I- AND YOU HID THIS FROM ME!?"

"Dave. I have an explanation, please."


"DAVID, PLEASE! Just listen."

Dave couldn't calm himself down. He felt genuine rage..And confusion. Why? Why would Thatcher hide this from him and tell him now? Out of all times..Now?

"I..So..It's just-..Really hard. I wasn't..Me. I'd never hurt you like that. N..I felt horrible after I figure out what happened. Jude was..Manipulating me. And..God, there's just really nothing else for me to say except for I'm..Im terribly sorry."

Dave fell quiet. He didn't know what to say. Should he even forgive him? Should he just leave?..

"I'll pay for everything you need, I swear. Trust me, okay."

Thatcher put his hand out for Dave to shake.



Adam and Jonah sat at Marks bed, talking with him and just giving him company and comfort.

"I'm glad that you finally healed, Adam!.."

"Mhm..I'm still getting use to having no arm..Just learning a little more everyday." Adam smiled.

"We're just both glad that you're finally alright..We were so worried about you." Jonah sighed.

Mark sighed..They all had on the rings Jonah bought them for Christmas..The friendship rings.

"I'm so lucky to have you guys.." Mark sighed, tears in his eyes.

They both smiled.

"We're lucky to have you too, Mark." Adam said..Also tearing up a little.

Jonah hugged them both together..They laughed and smiled..

Moments like these will always be cherished.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now