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"Wow..That all happened tonight? I deeply apologize."

"No, I'm fine..I really shouldn't have said that..It really affected Dave."

"He shouldn't have hit you! I mean look..Your cheek is still red."

Thatcher was at Jude's house, they were both talking and sitting on the couch.

Thatcher heard his phone vibrate.

He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the message.

"Uhm..Oh- Fuck- I need to go.."

"No! It's okay! Please stay."

"Seriously, I need to-"

"Stay. Please."

Thatcher felt uncomfortable, he realized that the brunette was holding his arm.

He shook him off.


"Here! I'll even fix us something to drink, okay?"


Jude left to go to the kitchen, he was making tea..Odd. I guess waitresses like tea? But at this hour? Oh well.

Jude eventually came back with a tea cup.

"Here, help yourself!"

"Ah..Uhm..Im sorry, I don't like tea."


"Im sorry, Jude. I just..Don't like it."

"Please, just a sip! It's good I promise!"

"I- No! Damnit. I don't want your fucking tea."

"Why not!?"

"I- Already told you why."

Jude seemed disappointed. And angry. Thatcher noticed a nice aroma..And some soft humming.

"What..Is that?"

"What is what?"

"F-Fuckin-..That song.."

Thatcher noticed the humming. It was the same humming he heard before Cesar got away.

"That's it..Calm down, lieutenant.."

Jude came closer to Thatcher.

"I'll show you true pain."

Thatcher felt multiple hands on him. He couldn't move nor get up. In the corner of his eye, he saw the actual Jude wielding an axe.

"So, Thatcher..I want to make a deal with you, okay?"

Thatcher looked at the brunette in horror. There was no way this was happening. This was it. Tonight was the night he was gonna die. Right after the argument with Dave. He was ready to accept his fate.

"All I want you to do..Is kill David..Mark too while your at it..Maybe even..My son and his friend."

Thatcher noticed the hands leave his body, he tried to get up and move but it didn't work. Like he was stuck in his own body.

Jude handed Thatcher the axe.

"Just think about it..You'll be left alone..And you'll gain respect again. Wouldn't you love that, lieutenant?"

Thatcher unwilling held the axe and clenched it in his hands.

There was no way this was happening. Not now. Never. He wasn't going to kill them. That's inhumane. He'd never..

"You'll do such a great job lieutenant..I'm so proud of you..Letting me manipulate you so easily."

So that's what it was. Manipulation. But there was no way..Was Jude- A vampire?

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now