Losing Dogs.

308 11 28

Mark was obviously still pissed, he kept still on the couch and looked out the window. Everything was pretty..Calm. Even though Kaiden and him argued yesterday.

Suddenly, Kaiden walked out of his room.

"Get up. I need to get something from the bakery." Kaiden said, he was straight forward with everything and Mark kinda hated that.

He grumbled and got up.

"Don't complain." Kaiden snapped.

"I wasn't gonna."

Mark got up, slipping on his shoes..He just wanted to get the day over with already.

Kaiden had picked something up before they left, putting it in his hoodie pocket:

They walked in silence, it was awkward though Kaiden was walking quickly.

They eventually got there, Kaiden looking around for a snack..Maybe something chocolate, like he got yesterday.

Mark noticed something, though.

..The cashier was looking at him..Weirdly.

Like he was for a bounty, or something. The cashier was watching him closely.


Mark mumbled to himself, looking around a bit more, him and Kaiden were the only ones that were in the store.

But, Mark hadn't heard the cashier leave from behind the counter.


Mark felt himself being pulled back suddenly, his eyes widened as he felt a cold blade turn towards his neck. He broke into a cold sweat.

"N'ose pas parler." The cashier muttered.

Mark..Had no idea what he just said.

When he tried to speak, the cashier covered his mouth.

"Personne ne me croira quand j'entrerai avec toi-"

B A N G !

He heard the cashiers body fall to the floor. He was shocked, scared..Even. When he looked towards the person who was holding the gun.


It was Kaiden, shocked, though seemingly a lot more calmer than Mark.

Like he had done this before.

"Je ne peux pas croire ça putain- ! SHIT!"

Kaiden exclaimed, seemingly a lot more pissed than shocked.

He put the gun back on his pocket, and went over to Mark.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

He searched Marks neck, letting out a sigh of relief.

"No I'm fine-! W-What the hell was that?!" Mark yelled, extremely surprised and scared.

"Hold on."

Kaiden got on a knee, and looked over the corpse. He slowly opened its mouth.


Kaiden smiled when he found something, quickly pulling a tooth.

"I fuckin knew it."


"Vampire teeth. So you ARE bringing your Mandela county shit over to me?"

"Wh-! Well- not on purpose! Plus- Kaiden that's gross!"

"What? These go for thousands."

Mark was confused.

"How do you- know that?"

Kaiden rose an eyebrow.

"I use to hunt em' in Mandela. Before I became friends with Noah, and met you."



Kaiden was calm about it, while Mark was ecstatic about it.

"..Oh..Uh..What do we do with the body?.."

Kaiden looked down at it..

"Lets dissect it."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now