Digital Fate.

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Jude threw Kaiden into a warehouse, quickly tying him up.

"God- Can you stay still?!" Jude complained.

Kaiden continued to struggle as Jude tightened the rope.

"Fuck, I'm not built for this shit anymore."

Jude muttered as he got off of Kaiden, standing up and lighting a cigarette.

"Just wait until Cesar gets to your dumbass. You're gonna be in some deep shit."

Kaiden thought that was weird. Why did he mention Cesar? But that wasn't really that important. Why did he get kidnapped?

He heard someone walk towards the warehouse, causing him to smirk.

"Speak of the devil."

Cesar walked in the warehouse, holding a pair of fancy looking sharp scissors.

"You owe me. Big time. Understood?"

"Fine, fine, just get outta here. I'll pay you later. Get out of here, Murray."

Jude scoffed, nudging Cesar as he walked out of the warehouse.

"Useless prick." He grumbled.

Kaiden stared at Cesar, confused.

He had to put on an act if he really wanted to get out of this alive.

He stopped struggling, just trying to sit himself up.

"Oh! Do you need help there?"

Cesar said, helping Kaiden sit up a little.


"It really is a pleasure to have you here with me. You have no idea how long I've been trying to get dirt on you."

Kaiden scoffed.

"You can't get shit on me and you know that."

"Don't be so bold. You clearly have no boundaries when it comes to..Y'know. Hunting."

Kaiden froze.

"Shut the fuck up!- You aren't gonna bring up the fact that I hunted pricks like yourself and use it against me for blackmail-!"

Cesar stared at him, a smile creeping onto his face.

He sat down across from him.

"You aren't so different from me, y'know?"

"..Gross. I'd hate to be like you."

Kaiden scoffed, laughing.

Cesar rolled his eyes in return.

"I'm being serious. You and me aren't to different from each other."

Cesar got up, pacing around the room.

"We both have similar goals. Though..Yours are a bit different."

Kaiden was confused. He just stared.

"You hunt vampires. Well, you use to at least. You didn't care how old they were, as long as you got the money you deserved, right?"

"F-FUCK OFF! I don't- I don't do that shit anymore!"

Kaiden immediately noticed the manipulation, he was pissed. He obviously didn't wanna talk about the things he did while he was living in Mandela. He moved far away to escape from that past not relive it.

"Yet you did it, right? You murdered so many-"

Kaiden headbutted Cesar in the nose.


He wiped his nose. Blood on his hand.

"I never knew you'd put up a fight."

"What the fuck did you expect?!"

Cesar scoffed, smiling.

"You're gonna be a real piece of work."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora