Never Forgotten From Thou.

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"Oh, Mark..What would I do without you?"

Still tied up, Cesar put Mark on his couch. His useless struggling eventually came to an end.

"Oh my! One minute."

Cesar wiped blood off from Marks forehead.

"I'm truly sorry! That head injury must've been bad, huh? Oh, you! You're so clumsy!"

Mark could only cry.

"Heyyy..Mi Amigo..What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

Sobs erupted from Mark, making Cesar a little surprised..He wasn't use to this anymore.

"Oh, don't cry. It's getting on my nerves, here."

Cesar wiped Marks tears too.

"I missed this so much..How about we look through the old photo album huh? The one Adam gave me, remember?..Oh! You're to forgetful!"

Cesar walked over to his book shelf, grabbing a pretty big book from it and walking back, sitting next to the tied up brunette.

"Isn't this just nice?..Man, what would you do without me?..I missed you so much! I was so sad that those police officers took you away from me. I'll never let it happen again, okay?"

Mark looked away, shutting his eyes tightly. He could barely even think. His mind was so fuzzy, and his head ached..Cesar acted oblivious but he knew what was going on.

"You look so pale! Would you like anything to eat? Tea? Cocoa?"

Mark quickly shook his head, in fear of what Cesar would do to him.

"Are you sure, Mark? I'd hate to have my cooking go to waste."

Mark new exactly what Cesar would try to feed him, maybe what he fed him last time. The thought made his stomach turn.

"What's that? Oh! You'd like tea, yes? I'll make it right away."

Cesar went to go to the kitchen, it only made Mark panic more..He looked around..Nothing looked useful.

He heard a kettle whistle, he started to look around a little more frantically..

He had to do something though, this wasn't happening again.

Mark rolled onto the floor, groaning from pain..His body ached now.

Cesar obviously heard. Everything went silent until he heard a knife being pulled out of a knife holder..Marks eyes widened.

He heard quick footsteps, he could barely move.

"Mark. What are you doing. Are you trying to make me kill you? Or are you just being fucking stupid."

Cesar set Mark back up and looked at him..Tears in his eyes. The ravenette wiped them away, but they kept coming back.

"Oh..What could you do without me, huh? You're so worthless. No wonder your sister hasn't came to get you! She doesn't care about you and you know it."

Mark put his head down, sobbing.

Cesar stared at him, giving him fake sympathy. He hugged him.

"You know I actually care about you? Right? More than anyone else. Especially that deadbeat police officer."

Mark tried to block out what Cesar was saying but it didn't work.

"I'd never forget about you, Mark. Wont you trust me? Unlike everybody else."

The whistle became louder.

"Oh! That must be your tea! I'll go get it."

Cesar walked back to the kitchen, leaving Mark by himself.

They hadn't..Actually forgotten about him, right? I mean..They'd never..They..Care about him enough to not forget..

Oh..God. Oh god.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now