Feel Better.

730 13 14

Sarah sighed, she had heard her brother had been found but she hadn't seen him at all..She was scared for him for the longest time.

She heard a knock at the door, she sighed, getting up and walked downstairs to the front door.

She opened it and froze.


"Hello, Sarah."

Sarah felt a chill down her spine..though this was Marks best friend she still felt..Unsettled. She was always comfortable with him but now..She didn't know what was going on.

"May I come in?"

"S-Sorry, but no..I'm..Uhm..My house is messy..I'm not in the right mental state."

"I know where your brother is."

Sarah froze up again, her lungs tightening.


Cesar shook his head.


Sarah opened her door wider, inviting him in.

He sat on the couch, politely. Sarah always remembered him being really polite.

"Now, tell me..Where the hell is my brother?"

"Oh, I'll tell you."

"Just tell me!..I wanna see him.."

Cesar pulled out his gun, Sarah froze up again.

"You're going to help me kidnap him, okay?"

"I— Wh— Huh?—"

Sarah was confused..And scared.

"No! You're fucking crazy!"

Cesar reloaded, the gun was real and Sarah knew.

"I'd hate to kill the older sister of Mark Heathcliff.."

He walked closer to her, pointing the gun under her chin. It was then he noticed how violently she was shaking.

"Are you gonna help me? Or do you want your little brother to find your corpse."

Sarah's lungs tightened and he hands shook. She was stronger than this and she knew it. But she just..Didn't know what to do..How to start..


"A— I— C-Cesar-"

"Answer me, Sarah."

"F-Fine!..Just please..Don't hurt my brother!.."

"Good. I'm the only one you need right now, no one else."


"Go get ready. We'll be going to Adam and Jonah's house and killing them first."

"A—Adam and Jonah?.."


"But you said—"

"Shut up, Sarah. They'll get in my way. We need to get rid of them."

'We'..Sarah thought,

Cesar looked at Sarah. Who was shaking.

"Oh, Sarah, calm down. You know I wouldn't ever hurt your precious brother.."

She stayed quiet, fighting back tears.

"We're just helping him, okay?"

She didn't answer, she was terrified.

"Answer me, Heathcliff."


"Helping me..At least."

Sarah didn't wanna do this, she was better than this. She started crying. Cesar wiped her tears.

"Don't waste your tears on something so little."

'That fucking bastard..I'll kill him one day.'

"Oh..Sarah..I'm all you need right now. Everyone else secretly wants your brother dead..I just want him safe."

Hics and sobs came out of the poor brunettes mouth, she fell to her knees.

"You Heathcliffs are to easy to manipulate."

Cesar kicked Sarah over, pain coursing through her body.


Sarah just cried, she didn't know what to do..She didn't know how to deal with it.

"Remember, we're doing a favor for your brother."


𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now