You'll Never Understand How Much I Love You.

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Cesar giggled, that giggle turned into a laugh.

He knew he left Mark mentally broken, Jonah scarred, Adam hurt. And he was laughing about it. He was so proud of himself.

He happily skipped to his house..


Shot. Right through the chest.

Cesar stumbled, and soon fell over..The person who shot him was Ruth. Who was still investigating the scene. Thatcher walked up to Cesar.

"Damn, Ruth-..How did you-"

"You know I have better eyesight than you! And better hearing."

"Oh hush."

Ruth smiled, pinning Cesar down and putting him in handcuffs.

"Finally caught this bastard. Nice job, Ruth!"

"Thanks, Davis."

Cesar started to struggle..Ruth tightened her grip and threw Cesar up, pushing him out the door.

"Hurry up, Torres."

How did..She know his name?

Ruth pushed Cesar into the car, closing the door behind her.

"Phew..Finally got 'em." Ruth sighed.

"Mhm. Let's drive him to the police station."

Thatcher and Ruth both got into the car, and they drove to the station.

Meanwhile, Cesar was dumbfounded and speechless. How did Ruth even know it was him?..Okay that was stupid to think, of course Ruth knew that Cesar was..Well, Cesar. Things about Marks missing case was spread around, of course they'd know.

They arrived, Thatcher grabbed Cesar by the wrists and tugged him out of the car..And then forced him inside the building.

A couple steps later and they were in the interrogation room, Thatcher shoved Cesar into a plastic chair.

"Stay here, Thatcher. I'll bring him in."

Him? Who the fuck is him?

"Got it."

Ruth left the room, leaving Thatcher and Cesar alone. Cesar stared at the ground, then he looked at Thatcher. Thatcher gave Cesar a disgusting look. Like he was scum under his boot. Like he was some disgusting horrible person..And he was. He was disgusting.

Ruth eventually came back in.

"He said he needs a moment, just allow me to talk to the boy."


Thatcher left the room while Ruth sat down across the wooden table.

"What..Happened to you, Torres?"

Cesar kept quiet. It's not like Ruth knew him when he was little-

"I remember you when you were little..You were so bubbly and nice..Now look at you, you're a vampire. You're lucky you aren't dead right now."

Cesar froze.

"How did you..Even know me? I don't even remember you, Ruth!"

"Oh god..Has it really been that long? I use to be friends with your mom."

Cesar's lungs tightened, then he remembered, Ruth and his mom were close, practically sisters. She would always come over. Cesar called her 'Auntie Ruth' a lot. Ruth was one of the only people he'd never bring harm to, and he definitely ended up doing so..Like he did Mark.

"Oh my god-.."

Cesar quickly fell into tears. He couldn't believe he was actually seeing Ruth..And being like this..Meeting Ruth again for the first time in forever and being in handcuffs is something he dreaded. He couldn't even believe himself..He felt disgusted with himself.

"Yeah..Hey, Cesar..It's me!..Ruth Weaver."

Cesar put his head down. He actually felt ashamed of himself. He wanted to puke.

"I can tell that your moms death ruined you, huh?..I'm so sorry, Cesar. It must've had a horrible effect on you, it had one on me too..You probably don't remember, but you use to shut yourself out from all of your friends..I apologize. But, kidnapping somebody and using them to fill that void in your heart will never help you, Cesar."

Cesar was dumbfounded, yet speechless. Ruth found him..He felt at peace, yet he hated himself for feeling that way. He missed Ruth. But more importantly, he missed his mom.

"I-I just-..I- can't believe it's you-.."

Cesar kept sobbing with his head down. Ruth kept trying to speak to him but he blocked out most of it. Ruth, the woman who he treated like family was seeing him like this. Cuffed and crying hopelessly. He really was scum. Imagine his mom seeing him like this. Useless. Disgusting. She'd probably disown him right then and there.

"I miss her..I miss her so much..-

"I know you do, Cesar. I do too. Me and your mom were so close when you and Mark were little..We were very close until she died. It left all of us broken. Even her close family."

"I-..I can't believe you're seeing me like this right now..I..Feel ashamed..Of myself.."

"I know, I know. But I know who-"

Knock, Knock.

"He's ready to come in."

Ruth sighed.


End Of Season I.

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