Worthless, Yet Perfect.

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Cesar noticed the amount of missing posters. How much do they actually care about this boy? It's not like he was special..Though he was kidnapped twice..And the police had recently found Evelin's body.

Cesar looked at Mark, who was staring at the ground. Tape on his mouth.

Cesar smiled looking at him. Knowing he had power over him. It wouldn't take long to just kill him. Not like he would, but he could. At any moments notice, too.

Mark was so perfect to Cesar, his needless whining and crying was slowly ending. He seemed lifeless..But, he was alive. Perfect..How..Perfect.

"Mark..You're..You're so perfect to me. You don't know how much I care about you and your safety.."

Cesar caressed Marks cheek, it made him let out a muffled sob. He was..He was crying.

Cesar didn't know why. Why was he crying? Was it his touch? He needs to fix this.

"Calm down, Mark! Why..Why are you crying?"

Mark started to shake..Violently. He looked like he was about to hyperventilate. Cesar just smiled at him.

"Are you happy to see me, Heathcliff?"

Mark hated when Cesar called him Heathcliff when they were friends..It meant he was definitely in trouble but using it now? It sent shivers down his spine.

"I know you are! After all, I'm your only friend..I heard you got into an argument with Jonah..God, they really don't care about you, do they, Mark?"

Mark could only cry. He couldn't say a single thing yet his body language let Cesar know how he felt. His shoulders slumped while still shaking. He was so hopeless, no one was gonna come for him anytime soon, and he knew. Nobody cared about him. Just Cesar. Cesar was keeping him alive and well, and safe. Cesar was his only friend. Cesar.

Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar ,Cesar, Cesar, Cesar, Cesar , Cesar , Cesar.

The ravenette smiled, quickly biting into Mark.

Little to no reaction, he seemed focused..On..Cesar?

"What's wrong, Mark?.."

Mark heard mumbling but he blocked it out. He..He felt genuine hurt, not like the hurt he's felt before but different. Knives of emotions pricked into his skin. He fell into more tears.

"Oh..No..You're crying even more..It'll be okay Mark, everything's fine."

Cesar pulled out his pocket knife, aiming for the shoulder.

Everything's fine.


𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora