What Happened, Torres?

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"Oh! You're finally awake! While you were asleep I did some work on you..You won't mind, right Mark? I mean..Your helping me y'know?"

Everything hurt. He could barely even struggle. His legs were generously sprinkled with slits and cuts, even a stab wound. It hurt to breathe..He looked at his chest to see he had already gotten stabbed in the chest, he was surprised he wasn't dead by now.

"When that lieutenant comes around..I'll kill
him for taking you away from me, Mark.."

Dave could only stare in horror as Cesar told him these things..He was blocking out most of it expect for that part. Was he really gonna kill Thatcher? No..No there was just no way.

"Maybe I'll get you to kill him..How does that sound, Mark? Oh! I bet you'd love that."

Dave looked around at his surroundings. A basement with blood stains in a certain spot. The floor was stone so no wonder it stained. He felt disgusting and gross.

"You..You're amazing. Your special, Mark. You don't know how much I care about you. Your skin is so delicate..Nobody deserves someone like you except for me."

Cesar rubbed one of Dave's stab wounds on his arm, making him wince and cough out a sob.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Mark! Did I hurt you?"

Cesar smiled at Dave, the brunette shuttered seeing him like smiling at him, like this was some happy situation. He felt like..Mark. Scared, horrified and used so Cesar won't starve.

"God..Your amazing, Mark. Your all for me, only me. Only I care about you. Nobody else does. Just me, okay? Just me."

Cesar took out a cloth that was tied in the back.

"Now..Close your eyes.."

Cesar put a blindfold on Dave, he tried to fight back but his hands and legs were tied. He could barely even speak, not in the state he's in.

"Now! Isn't this fun, Mark? Oh! Of course your having fun aren't you? You're so..Amazing..So perfect..Your skin is so delicate, I could just cut right through it!"

Dave heard metal clinking together, and then prepping on his arm.

A quick slash right down his arm, all the way down to his wrist made him scream out in pain. His head jerked away, wincing.

"I know..I know..It's okay! You're helping me.."

The brunette felt a sharp pain right near his neck..Something slick and sharp. And it was drawing blood.

"There we are..Your doing such a great job, Mark..Just stay still. Maybe I'll be gentle."

Dave tried his best not to wince or move around a lot, only taking deep breaths when necessary.

"Oh..That's a lot..I don't want you dying on me!"

There was shuffling, and then something that felt like a towel was pressed down on his neck. That made him wince out in pain, nearly screaming.

"Now, I can't wait for the lieutenant to find you in this state, Mark! He'll be so regretful..And then I'll kill him right in front of you. You'd love that. Wouldn't you, Heathcliff?"

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now