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Cesar obviously didn't mean to actually shoot Mark in the leg,

He looked up at Mark. He looked..


"No- nonononono- Mark! Mark! Holy fuck— Mark!"

Cesar let go of the gun, and went to check Marks pulse.

"No, no I need you alive! I can't have you rotting, can I? Can I? Mark! Don't do this to me—.."

Marks pulse was still beating..Cesar sighed out of relief. He didn't care if Mark died, but he needed to keep his blood pumping or it'll go black. Unpure. Disgusting.

"Thank goodness..Looks like I'll have to cut back on stuff or you're gonna die, huh? Fuck.."

Cesar slowly caressed Marks cheek.

"You are my sunshine."

Mark slowly woke up, just to see the gun still in his leg..But..No Cesar. Amazing, just great. He had a gun in his leg and no one there to help.

Mark noticed the shell on the ground..He gagged. So he really was shot in the leg, huh? No wonder he nearly died. Cesar was fucking sick.

"Oh! Wow! You're awake!"

The brunette looked up at the stairs to see the surprised ravenette. He giggled, smiling at Mark.

"I thought you died..You scared me so bad, Mark..Y'know that?"

Mark started to shake. A lot. Cesar would only smile. Smile at the useless brunette that he could kill any minute.

"You're friends..Never cared about you. You've never had someone in your life who actually cared about you. But..I do. I care about you so much, Mark. I'm the only one you need! Nobody else!"

The brunette could barely move. His health was deteriorating slowly and Cesar knew.

"Here..Let me get you something to eat."

"God- Adam I'm actually so fucking scared. It's been weeks."

"I-I..Know. I'm scared too..I don't know what to do. The polices don't know where he is, Sarah doesn't..Dave doesn't..This is fucking crazy- I'm so..I'm so scared."

Jonah sighed, sipping his hot chocolate, Adam was overthinking..A lot. He was scared. Scared for Mark. Why..Why now. Out of all times..Now?

"Don't worry, Jonah..He'll turn up."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now