"Son why don't you go check on Kong. You are very tense." Mae whispers in my ear. I look at her shacking my head.

"It's not the reason I'm on edge. I will have to explain later" I whisper back to her.

"You know secrets don't makes friends" the bitch says. I turn growling at her, slamming my hands on the table.

"What my mother and I talk to each other about has nothing to do with you, so shut your fucking mouth" I snap not caring that the boys where here. "Sud...take your brothers and go into my bedroom now!" Sud quickly gather his brothers rushing out of the dinning area. Once they were gone, I look at her eyes bright red, my alpha taken over. "You want to talk about secrets you fucking bitch? Why don't you tell your husband what you have been up too the last six months huh? The men you have fucked. The young omega's you have kidnapped or brought just to auction them off." Chirawan looked at me her eyes flashing orange as she stands up rage rolling off her.

"How dare you accuse me of such thing! I would never cheat on my husband! Nor would I ever involve myself in kidnapping or sealing omega!"

"Arthit those are some very serious accusation, you better have some evidence to back it up" Kerkkrai said looking between his wife and me. I pull out my phone smirking as I pull up the audio recording. "Chirawan...the person...the person name is Chirawan. She...she came to me personally and told me about your mate. I didn't know...know he was your mate...she just...said she need...need to get rid of him." I shut the recording off as I look at Kerkkrai then back at Chirawan who face has turned pale.

"That is all you got! That is nothing and for all we know you pieced those words together!" Chirawan looked at Kerkkrai crocodile tears filling her eyes. "Kerkkrai, you know me, you know I would never do anything like that. Our oldest son is an omega. Why would I hurt them?" I snort rolling my eyes. An idea popped in my head. I just hope my bunny doesn't get scared when I ask. I dial Ming number waiting for him to answer, putting the phone on speaker I sit it on the table.

"Hello?" my bunny answers. I see Kerkkrai and Chirawan both look at my phone shocked.

"Hi Bunny. Sweetheart, I know you hate talking about this, I know you really do, but can you answer a few questions for me?" There was silence on the phone enough for me to look down to make sure the phone was still connected.

"Ye...yes alpha" He says. I can hear the fear in his voice as he answers.

"That's my good boy. Can you tell me...who was in charge at the auction?"

"There was P...Park...and T...Tae...and....and...Chirawan...All three were there when I woke up."

"You are doing so well baby; can you tell me what she said or did to you?"

"do I have too? Please P'Arthit I don't want too" I can hear the tears in his voice, which pissed me off. This fucking woman is the cause of my bunny distress!

"No, my love you don't have too. Take a deep breath for me, okay? Everything is okay"

"He needs you know P'Arthit he is starting to panic" My eyes grow wide as I quickly leave rushing upstairs to our bedroom. My bunny was sitting on the bed tears in his eyes.

"Bunny" I rush over to him kneeling in front of him "Bunny, I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. It's okay love, it's okay. You are here with me, safe." I say as I pull him into my arms. I rub his back gentle planting kisses on his head and neck "Deep breaths for me baby, deep breaths."

"I'm sorry" he sobs into my neck "sorry for being so weak"

"You are not weak my love, You are not, You are the strongest person I know" I kiss his mate mark as I keep rubbing his back. The room is silent except for his cries.

After a while his cries finally calm down and he pulls away gentle "Sorry alpha" he says voice hoars from the crying

"Don't be baby, you have no reason to be." I use the pad of my thumb to wipe away the tears on his cheek "I'm sorry for asking you that question" He looks at me tears in his eyes still.


"Why did I ask?" he nods biting his lip

"So, I can find every single person who hurt you and kill them" He gasp shacking his head.

"No...please no...I don't want you to get hurt facing off with them. I don't want their blood on your hands" He sobs again holding my hands.

"shhh...baby its okay...I'm sorry shhh" I kiss his cheek gentle; he buries his face in my neck again tears wetting my shoulder. We all sit here quite for a while, the only noise coming form Lamai who was playing with no care in the world.

"Kong?" Kerkkrai said, his voice full of shock. We both look over to see him standing in the doorway with mae and my grandfather. The twins asleep. Kong looks at his father before quickly buries his face in my neck again. I look at Kerkkrai who is on the verge of tears.

"He isn't ready to meet a lot of people. I wasn't even going to tell Mae. She found out when the boys started to say mama." He takes his eyes off Kong and looks at me.

"My ex-wife is the case of this?" he asks his voice growing cold.

"Some yes, only Kong knows the whole truth and he isn't ready to talk yet." He nods and I can see his eyes flashing between brown and blue. He was trying too hard to keep his alpha at bay.

"Where is Mae?" Decha asked. My eyes grow wide in relation. Pawpaw yelled for a guard to check on the bitch only to be told a few moments later she was no longer on here.

I look at Kerkkrai my eyes stone cold. She was going to pay for this.

**Surprise update! Things are coming to a head. FYI this book should be finished in the next three or four chapters 😥. Happy reading!**

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