I look around the room, trying to take as much in as I can. I don't know if I am under ground or not, but the room is all stone. There is a toilet and a sink in the far left cornor. There are three pips running across the ceiling with a rope hanging off them. The bed is the only furniture in the room. I am chained to the bed. My hand crossed above my head tired to the bed. I try to get out of the ties. If I can get out of the ties maybe I can remove the boards on the window and climb out.

I can feel the ropes cutting into my skin, making them bleed. It hurt like hell, and I didn't care, I just wanted to get lose. Just as I feel the ropes start to give way, the door opens and in walks P'Tae, Park and . My eyes go wide looking at Chirawan. She knows Park?!

"Well look who is finally awake" Chirawan sneers walking over to me. "Here I thought you were going to sleep the day away you lazy bitch" She grabs my hair wanking my head up before slapping me hard. I am confused how does she know Park?

"Ho...how?" I ask looking between the three. P'Tae start undressing and I know what is going to happen. I try and get away, but the ropes around my wrist wont let me go far.

"How what dear?"


"Park is my nephew of course. My sister owns and runs the orphanage you grew up in" She laughs. "Why do you think I put you there in the first place? There would be nobody to question me." I looked at her as if she was crazy! She willing knows what happen there and doesn't care?! "And how do I know about you? You really think your father can keep anything from me? I found the DNA results that fucking Arthit did. I started to follow your father after that and look what I found! You! The brat I thought I got rid of fifteen years ago throwing you in my sister orphanage" I was shocked. She knew I was alive this whole time and did nothing?! She knew what was happening and didn't care?!

"My dad...he will divorce you for this" I say. She rolls her eyes sneering at me.

"Your father won't do anything of the sort, not if he wants to see his children."

"You're a horrible mother!" I yell at her only to get smacked in return.

"You know nothing!" She says standing up, looking at P'Tae and Park. "We have an auction in two hours, make sure not to mess up his face" she says walking out, shutting the door behind her. Park and Tae look at me smirking. I start thrashing on the bed. I don't want this; I never want this! Tae forces a pill down my throat along with some water. I know what this pill is. It's going to cause me to go into heat. I start crying, begging them to not do this.

"Shut up, this is all omega's are good for." Park says shoving two fingers into my hole. I hiss out in pain biting my lips. I know he loves the sound of my screams and cries, he has said it time and time again.

"It was just my luck my best friend here knew you. When I showed him your picture and told him I wanted you, he knew just what to do" Tae said, as he grabbed my hair pulling my head back, Park climbs on top of my spreading my legs wide. "and now you will be mine" He sneered shoving his cock into my mouth at the same time Park slammed into me. I try to buck him off me, I tried to fight, they both were overpowering me.

They both took turns, with me. the pill they gave me forcing me into heat. My body craving for their touch. They laughed at me begging them to stop, while moaning begging them for more. After each had a turn and then shared together, they cleaned me up, putting me only in a sheer rob.

"It's time to take him to meet our guest" Tae said making sure to keep my hands tired together in front of me. They dragged me out of the room I was in, and down a long hallway, my brain is hazy due to the heat pill they gave me, but I tried my best to look around me. There is other door down here. I could hear screams and cries from behind the doors. The walls look like stone, the same as in my room. I was able to count five rooms total on each side. At the end of the hallway there was a large wooden door. Park opens it, causing me to close my eyes. The sunlight hurt; it was so bright. The light that was streaming in my room wasn't enough to keep my eyes use to the light.

They pushed me forward causing me to stumble forwards. I blinking a couple times allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. When I did. I found myself in a glass room. Three walls were nothing but glass, I turned around to see the door I was pushed though closing. The wall made of stone as well. I turned back around to see chairs lined up outside the glass walls. I wasn't able to see who they were, they were covered in shadows.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, This is our first object of the night. A twenty-year-old male unmated omega. He has been taught well to cook and clean and take a cock. He will do anything you ask of him. As a special bonus he is in heat right now." Someone said over a loudspeaker. I raised my hands to my neck to feel the mate make my alpha put on me, but it wasn't there anymore. What did they do?! How did they get rid of the mark. "As he is not a virgin, but in heat, we will start the bidding high." I wanted rushed over to the glass wall banging it with my fist. This isn't right! They can't do this! I was married! I was marked! I heard the bidding going up and up as my body started to feel hot. I could feel the slick start pouring out of my hole again. I slumped down to my knees breathing fast. My cock already hard standing up at attention.

"Going once...Going twice...Sold to guest 206, for twenty-five million bhat!" I started crying looking down at my tired hands. My ring missing, the only link I had to my P'Arthit.

"Please find me my mate, my alpha" I whisper to myself, as two pairs of hand force me to stand up, dragging me back to my room. 

Will you be mine?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα