"Ming...I...I don't want too...I wouldn't be good at hazing...not just the crowds but...the yelling as well. I met the third-year head hazer, and he gives me the creeps." Kong says rubbing his arms gentle. "please tell P'Deer I said no" Ming looked at Kong nodding. So, he will take Kong word but not mine? I wasn't sure how to felt about that, happy or annoyed, maybe both. And why did Kong not tell me about this head heazer.

"Alright Kongy I'll tell him. Why didn't you say something about P'Tae?" Ming asking what I was thinking.

"I ran into him yesterday, coming out of the engineering building. I had to speak to our computer professor and when I was leaving, I bumped into him on accident." Kong looked at me biting his lip, before looking away "I didn't like the way he looked at me. I got a really bad feeling from him." I close my eyes taken a deep breath. "I really did mean to tell you both, but I forgot, both the boys were cranky and teething. Then Sud and Ram needed help with homework. It just slipped my mind." He finished in a soft voice. I stand up rolling my neck.

"Bedroom. Now." I say heading that direction. I don't look back to see if he is following. As soon as he walks into the bedroom, I shut the door locking it. Kong stands in the middle of the room hands folded in front of him, looking down. "What have I told you about keeping things from me?" Kong remains silent, shuffling on his feet a little. "Kongpob answer me now" I can see Kong flinch at the sound of his own name. I know he hates it when I say his full name, but I want him to know how serious this is. When he remains quite, I walk over to him, grabbing his chin, lifting his head to look at me. "I said answer me Kongpob" His eyes are filled with worry, and a little fear. I don't like seeing those because of me. Especially the fear. I drop my hand taken a step back. "Fine. Don't answer me." I turn to leave and just as I unlock the door, I feel his arms around my wraist.

"I'm sorry, my alpha, please...please don't leave me" He says his voice full of sadness. "I didn't want you to worry. I didn't think anything would come of it. I'm never alone when at the engineering building. I know you and P'Forth have people watching me at the economic building." I feel him squeeze me tighter head buried in my back "Please I'm sorry, I wont keep anything from you anymore. Don't leave me my alpha please" I release his hold one me, a small sob escaping his mouth. I turn to face him, tears in his eyes. I grab his face gentle kissing his eye lids

"I won't ever leave you, my omega. The thought never crossed my mind. Promise me Kong that you wont keep anything from me again. I hate when you do. I want to keep you protected and safe, so I need to know these things." I say planting small butterfly kissed all over his face. His arms wrap around my wraist again holding tight. I know he has this great fear I will leave him, and no matter what I say or do, the fear never goes away.

"I promise my alpha, I promise." I kiss his lips slowly, both of us pouring our love into the kiss.

Other than Kit and Ming, the rest of the gang didn't stay much longer after that. They helped clean up then packed up and left. Ming and Kong took the twins outside and talked. Ming looked worried and annoyed, and I could see Kong trying to appease him. they were outside for a good two hours, before coming back in. Kit didn't seem to mind. He must have come to the realization a while ago, that Ming and Kong could never be separated. They were mates, but in a different sense. All four friends were. After putting the twins back to sleep, the four of us watched a couple movies, with both omegas falling asleep halfway through the third one.

The next morning after settling the boys down in their swings and eating breakfast, we were sitting in the living room when I presented Ming and Kit with the papers to their house.

"Ming, Kit I have something for you." I say passing Kit the envelope. He tilted his head to the side confused but taken it. He curled against Ming opening it. The look of shock, then happiness showed on his face.

"Really?!" He asked excited. I nodding, Kong looks at me confused.

"All you have to do is sign, but I have the keys right now." I look at how Kit was bouncing on in his seat. Ming just looked at him, pure love in his eyes.

"Thank you, Arthit! Thank you so much!" Kit said jumping out of his seat to give me a hug. I hugged him back patting his back. "Ming! Ming! Lets go shopping! Can we go shopping?" He asked tugging on Ming arm.

"Sure, baby why not?" Ming said laughing as he stood up.

The four of us spend the afternoon, at the mall. Kong and Kit picking out everything they would need, from dishes, to furniture. Ming and I just stayed back letting the omegas do as they pleased. Ming was very watchful of Kit, making sure the omega took rest every now and then, making sure he didn't go without something to eat or drink every hour. Though I find the other alpha highly annoying I can't say anything bad about how to treats his omega. Or mine for that matter.

Once they were done picking everything out, Kit and Kong announced they needed the restroom so Ming, and I waited sitting on some benches about twenty yards away. Ten minutes went by, and I could see Ming start to get nervous. He stood up pacing back and forth.

"Ming calm down. The mall is very busy today, I'm sure there is a line" I tell him, even if my own gut is telling me different.

"Maybe, should I go check?" he asks as he paced, looking towards the bathrooms every ten seconds.

"Let's give it another minute or two, okay?" Ming nodded his head, sitting back down. We gave it five more minutes, before we both got up heading to the bathroom. We got within five feet of the door when Kit burst out, tears falling down his cheek. His shirt was tore half falling off him. His pants had blood on them. Ming and I rushed towards him, Ming pulling him into his arms.

"Kit, whats wrong what happen?!" Ming asked, rocking his omega gentle. "Here is Kong?" He asks

"Men...there were men...Kong...Kong called one of them Park...They were already in there...They pinned me to the wall...they...they beat Kong...they put something over his mouth to knock him out...chloroform I think...idk...but...They took Kong...they took him" Kit cried. Hearing that name, my blood boiled, hearing he took my mate, my husband, the fucker was going to die. They took my mate...they took Kong.

**Since I was not able to update on Wednesday, here is a new chapter! I plan to post two more today, just not sure when! Happy reading!**  

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