"Ming, Ming, Ming I have an idea! The house next to mine is for sale. I can buy it for you! We can be neighbors! P'Kit always says how much he loves the area and its close to his hospital, and we can drive to school together!" Kerkkrai surprised me on my wedding with my mothers will. In there she left me all her money one hundred million bhat. I was so shocked. Kerkkrai said he put the money in a trust and never touched it. He didn't want to touch it. His plan was to gift it to Arthit first born son. I had no damn idea what to do with that kind of money. Arthit and I talked it over and came up with what to do with it. I would use it for school. That's it. I had everything I needed. I couldn't ask for me, but now thinking about it, I could give back to Ming, Yo, and Aim.

"What? Don't be silly Kong" Ming says yawning. I shack his arm again getting his attention.

"I'm serious, you stupid alpha!" I pulled out my phone as I step away from the table calling P'Arthit.

"Hello Kongpob, Arthit is in a meeting right now. If you give me two minutes, I will let him know your calling" Rome said answering the phone.

"Actually, just have him call me back when he is done, thanks P'Rome" I say before discounting the call. Arthit had decided to start working back in the office again since school started. He would be working from home on Fridays and during my breaks. I sit back down next to Ming who is sound asleep. Except for Yo, Aim and me the only ones who know about P'Kit pregnancy are Beam, Forth and Pha, so its understandable that they all look at him worried.

"is he okay?" Tew ask. I nod my head rubbing Ming back gentle.

"Just tried" I say. My phone vibrates next to me P'Arthit name flashing on the screen.

"Hi P'Arthit" I saw a silly smile on my face.

"Hi Bunny. How were your morning classes?" I groan pouting even if he can't see.

"I already have a group project due in both classes. The professor says I can't work with Ming, the groups have to be 'of your own gender'" I say mocking her, rolling my eyes. "So, Wad, Aim and I are in a group"

"hmm...do you want me to talk to your professor?"

"No, I'm in a group I'm comfortable with so its okay for now. That isn't why I called. I need your help with something P" I stand up gathering my books. I need to hurry and get to the economics building.

"Anything baby tell me."

"You know that house right next to ours? The one for sale? Can you help me buy it?"


"Well...Ming and Kit are going to have a baby. Ming hasn't told Kit about his family, so he wouldn't be able to explain how he can afford an apartment. Ming isn't doing to good today since he had to sleep away from Kit and the baby. Please P'Arthit please? I really want to do this for my friend." Arthit chuckles on the other side of the line.

"Sure baby, I'll help you buy it. Why don't you have Ming and Kit stay with us till everything is finalized?" Arthit and I love our privacy, so for him to say that makes me really happy.

"You mean it! Thank you, P,' thank you so much!" I do a little dance as I walk.

"You can thank me in a different way tonight my omega" he says his voice dropping becoming husky. I can feel my face turning red, blushing.

"Alpha...I'm at school"

"I know baby. So be a good omega and say "yes alpha anything you want" I bit my lip trying to hold back a moan.

"Yes, alpha anything you want"

"good boy, I will see you after school" He says hanging up. The stupid alpha has now turned me on, and my mind will be on getting home.

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