"What the fuck is the CEO thinking" Kerkkrai said throwing papers on his desk. He got up to pace. "What kind of CEO does such a shitty job? I mean these numbers are fucking messy as hell."

I leaned back against the chair rubbing my eyes. I could feel a headache coming on. "If we take over, then we will have to straighten everything out. It might cost more to get them up and running properly." I picked up the last quarters reports flipping through them again. "but if we do it correctly, we could make a huge profit" I said thinking. My phone beeped three times in a row pulling me out of my thoughts. Brights name flashed across my screen. At first, I was confused as to why he was holding Korn then I remember they were there to help in the nurseries.

"He looks like Kongpob" My uncle said looking over my shoulder. I looked at him as he gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I saw the picture from the cornor of my eye" He said shrugging. I shook my head.

"If you want to see picture, just ask" I say chuckling. "I know you are dying to ask questions" Kerkkrai chuckled before sitting back down in his chair.

"Well, tell me about your mate. Clearly, he is an omega and male so skip that part" He said smiling.

"He is twenty years old, a collage student, taken duel degrees. I guess you can say we are the same in that matter" I laugh looking down at my phone. "He is shy, quite, even temper, loyal to his three best friends. He is smart and caring, always thinking of others over himself. He makes my bad days go with just one word, one smile. He is a wonderful cook; I don't think I could ever eat someone else cooking again" I laugh at that while my uncle smiles with a far away look in his eyes. "He is warm and welcoming, like the sun on a warm spring day. When he pouts his cheek puff reminding me of a chipmunk. When he is upset about something or doesn't like something he wiggles his nose like a little bunny." Kerkkrai looks at me with a pain expression on his face. "When we first met, it wasn't the best. He was scared and frightened, I've called him bunny ever since. He doesn't like when I say his name because he knows I'm upset with him. He will even correctly me." I shook my head remembering the small agurement in the hospital and him saying he was my bunny. "and he is stubborn. If he doesn't want to do something he wont do it." I look down at the picture of Bright holding Korn, smiling.

"Your in love with your mate, deeply in love."

"I am. I so very much am. It took us months to admit our feelings to each other, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

"I always thought, you would be mates with my son Kongpob. The way you two were always together, the way he followed you around." He turned around picking up a picture frame showing me. "It's been fifteen years since they pasted, but do you remember him?" he asked showing me a picture of Kannika and Kong sitting under a tree in a park. "You used to call him your little baby bunny." I look at the picture. Kong smile was wide, one of his front teeth were missing, he was holding a stuff bunny, one I have seen before.

"I remember him. I was only fifteen when they passed away." I look at Kerkkrai. He is rubbing the picture frame gentle as if it would break at any moment. "Uncle...what would you do, if Kongpob was still alive? What if...what if he didn't die in the crash with Auntie?" He chuckled softly wiping away his tears before putting the picture frame back.

"I used to dream about Kannika, almost every night, for years. She would always come to me, tell me to find our son. I thought it was a curl joke my brain was playing on me. My wife and son both died in that car accident, but I use to think...what if he was still alive. Would he get along with his brothers? Would he still be the cheerful carefree young boy he was? If you were not his mate would have found his mate?" He looked at the picture again, my heart breaking for him. All this time his son has been alive, and he didn't know.

"Uncle...I want you to meet my mate." I saw Kong had agree to meet with him even just once. "Come over for dinner tomorrow night." I stand up just as my phone rings Kong name flashes across the screen. "Hello bunny"

"Alpha where are you? Its been hours" He whined making me chuckle.

"I know baby, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving now, okay? Are the guys still there?" Before he can answer I hear Tutah yelling at Bright in the background. "Never mind that answer that" I chuckle.

"Come home, the babies and I miss you" I cover the phone with my hand turning to uncle. He just smiled and waved me off

"I need to go...I will send you details of dinner, okay? And just you, my mate doesn't like meeting a lot of new people at once." Kerkkrai nodded waving me off again laughing. I put the phone up to my ear as I head out "I'm coming home now baby, okay? I love you sweetheart"

"I love you too alpha" He says before hanging up.

I get home within the hour, after first stopping and getting Kong favorite pizza. When I walk in the house is deadly silent, causing me to be worried and get my guard up. I head into the kitchen to place the pizza down when door to the backyard open up. Knott walked in rolling his neck gentle.

"Hey, your finally back" He said grabbing some water from the fridge.

"Where is everyone?"

"Tutah and Kong are upstairs in your bedroom talking. Kong has been...emotionally all over the place today. Bright, Perm and I are outside by the pool." I nod my head pointing to the pizza "Those are for you guys, same a box for Kong and me" We both chuckle as I head upstairs. The closer I got to the door I could hear whispering and what sounds like sniffles making me worried. "Kong will be okay I promise" I hear Tutah say as I walk into the room. Kong was huddles against the headboard crying, while Tutah said on the edge of the bed. I could sense the distress coming off my mate, causing the worry to grow deeper.

"Bunny? Whats wrong? Tutah what happen?" I ask rushing over to him. Kong looked up at me jumping into my arms the moment I got to the bed sobs racking his body "Hey...hey...it's okay baby I'm here, I'm here" I look at Tutah holding Kong tight to me. Tutah was staring at Kong with sorrow and empathy. "Tut what happen?" as Kong cried more.

"He has been acting strange all day, very emotional, carring around one of your shirt being clingy to it. So, after yelling at Bright and throwing something at him, I kicked the guys outside and brought him up here to talk." Kong buried into more sobbing, shacking. I could feel his nails clawing at my chest. "I asked him if you two were intimate again, unlike Bright I didn't want dirty details. He said yes. I asked a few more omega questions, about his heat, and he started freaking out on me" Kong arms wraps around my wraist tight as if he is scared, I'll pull away. "Arthit, I think he will go into heat here within the next couple days." I nod my head understanding why he has been so emotional. I pull away just a little, using my thumb I tilt Kong head to look at me.

"Is that why your crying? Because of your heat? Are you scared of it? Do you not want it?" Kong looks at me with tear stain face, his doe eyes breaking my heart. I hate how scared he looks, the fear in his eyes.

"Bad things always happen on my heat." He says before burring his face in my neck again. I hold him tight swaying us back and forth as I rub his back. I can only imagine the things that were done to him while on his heat in the past. I swear those things would never happen again.

** How do you think Kong will react to meeting his father? Happy reading!**

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