"Arthit, Kong what a surprise!" Bright looked into the car seat smiling wide. "you have the babies! I've been so excited to finally met them!" he exclaimed. It's true that none of our friends have seen met the twins. We haven't allowed anyone to meet them yet except mae and pawpaw. I could see that Kong was a little uneasy, which annoyed me more.

"And you will not be meeting them tonight you big buffoon." Rome said smacking Bright on the arm. "It's date night, you should be ignoring everyone but me" he said smacking Bright again.

"Hey shorty stop hitting me" He said pouting rubbing his arm. I rolled my eyes, as if Rome hit him that hard. Bright then smiles making kissing faces at Rome. "I was just saying hi! Come on baby lets get to our date!" He grabbed Rome hand dragging him towards the entry "See you two later" Kong giggled, and I rolled my eyes. I could see that he was more at ease now that the two of them were Kong. I wonder what cased him to be on edge. Bright being an alpha or them so close to the babies.

We follow Bright and Rome into the restaurant and Kong eyes go wide. Inside warm and inviting. Little fairy lights across the ceiling with ivy twisted around them. Soft music was playing, and the sweet smile of vanilla was pushed though the vents at the entrance. This was the type of place you needed a reservation if you didn't have one, You normally had to wait for a table. I gave my name to the host, who lead us towards the back of the restaurant.

"Did you plan this?" Kong asked after we were seated and got the baby settled.

"Sure, did not bunny, I always have a standing reservation here" Kong looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Arthit! Why didnt you tell me you were coming!" Tutah exclaimed rushing towards us. Kong turn towards Tutah. I could see him being uneasy again making me raise eyebrow at him.

"Well, I didn't know I was" I said chuckling. Tutah eyes the car seats but didn't say anything, instead he turned to Kong. "It's nice to see you N'Kong, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay P'Tutah, thank you. How are you doing?" Kong asked softly. Tutah laughed shacking his head.

"How much time do you have?" he chuckled again waving off the question "My host said you were here, so I thought I'd come and say hi! I will leave you two to your date" He winked before walking away. Kong relaxed again looking at me.

"Does P'Tutah own this place?" he asked I nod smiling.

"He told me he wanted to start a restaurant. He has a master's in business like the rest of us. He pitched the idea, so I floated him a loan. I told him if he paid me back it was up to him. He paid me back in full within a year. This restaurant does as good if not better than some other really fancy restaurant in Bangkok." I say. I was very proud of my friend he did a wonderful job. "This place only hires omegas. From the host to the kitchen staff, every employee are omegas. There is a safe room in the back, where an omega can go and lock themselves in if they start their heat unexpectedly. Its not just for the staff, but the customers as well. There are four different bathrooms. Two males one of omegas and one for everyone else, same with the females. There are also nursing person rooms. If you are breastfeed and don't feel comfortable you can go, there and feed the baby." Kong was smiling wide nodding his head. I look over at our sleeping little ones. "Tutah nor the staff takes crap from anyone. If a nursing person want to nurse out here and someone complains, the complainer is kicked out, and Tutah will charge not only their food but the nursing person food to the complainer." Kong laughed hard at that.

"P'Tutah is petty" he said after he finished laughing.

"Oh, you have no idea bunny" I laugh.

We order our food and as we wait, we sit and talked. We talked about everything and anything that came to mind. One of the many reason I love about Kong is he always listen. Even if he doesn't have anything to talk about, he always listens to what I have to say. As our food is being sat down Sonny decided its time to wake up. I chuckle because he always chooses the best time to want to eat, its like he has a sense for these things. As Kong feed our son, I feed him. It's something we have mastered over the last six weeks the boys have been home.

I look around as Kong feed Sonny. I don't see anyone paying us any attention. Which keeps my relax. The last think I want is someone upsetting my mate and babies. As soon as Kong is done feeding Sonny, he picks Korn up who is awake but remains quite. Korn is always quite unless he needs a change or is upset about something. We continue to talk this time about the kids and how excited Kong was to finally have a home and a place the boys can run around when they are older. I love listening to the excitement in his voice.

Kong puts Korn down after feeding him and as he is fixing his shirt, I hear my name called, yet again. Kong sighs but says nothing.

"I'm sorry baby" I say kissing his cheek gentle before turning towards the voice. This time I freeze. Kerkkrai Suthiluck, and his second wife are walking towards us. Normally I would be excited to see my uncle, especially since I haven't seen him for six months.

"Arthit my boy! Its so good to see you!" He says walking up to us. His wife rolls her eyes. I never liked this woman and who could blame me, she was a bitch.

"Uncle!" I say putting on a fake smile. I could feel my inside tighten up; this was not the way I wanted Kong to meet his father. "When did you come back? Why did you let me or mae know?" I ask standing to give him a hug, blocking Kong as well.

"I flew in last night and haven't had a chance to let anyone know" he chuckles "since I have been bouncing around for six months to our different location, I figured I would have a date night with my wife" He said wrapping his arm around his wife. She gave him a sweet smile, but I could see the fakeness of it. I give her a polite smile wai her

" a pleasure to see you again." She gave me the same fake smile as always.

"like wise Arthit"

"Uncle I am glad you are back. There was something I need to speak to you about."

"If its important we can step outside and speak" He said his face growing serious. I shook my head.

"Oh no, you are on a date as am I." I chuckle as I felt a tug on the back of my shirt making me turn to look. Kong looks up at me, and I can see the tiredness in his eyes. I turn back to Kerkkrai giving him a warm smile. "We were actually about to head out. My mate is tired, and I need to get him home." I see the shock and surprise on his face before a giant bright smile feels his face.

"My boy why didn't you tell me you finally found your mate!" Kerkkrai looks over my shoulder to Kong who face is buried into my side. I can see the moment he notices the car seats as well. "And you already have children? Arthit Rojnapat! How much have you been hiding from me?" he laughed but I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"It's a long story uncle one I promise to fully explain later." He nodded

"you better my boy. I will leave you be then. Call me later." He said walking away with Chirawan. I place my hand on Kong head gentle.

"come on bunny, lets get you and the boys home so you can sleep." He raises an eyebrow at me, and I knew the meaning behind that look, I chuckle softly kissing his nose "Yes bunny sleep, nothing more I promise." We say good buy to Tutah, as I pay for our meal and Kerkkrai even if he hasn't order anything yet.

When we get home Kong and I bath the twins, Kong then feeds them one more time before laying them down for the night. As he does, I take a shower, then Kong does after the twins go to sleep. As we are lying in bed, I play with my loves hair gentle thinking.

"Bunny...what would you do if you ever met your father" Kong doesn't say anything for a moment, and I think he has fallen asleep.

"Ask him why he told everyone I was dead. If he didn't want me, why not give me to your mae instead?" I could hear the pain and anger in his voice. "I wouldn't have gone through all that I have, and I would have been with you sooner" I tighten my hold on him, pulling him closer to me. "but...then maybe I wouldn't have the twins" he said softly.

"I don't know baby, maybe we still would have the babies. I already can't keep my hands off you as it is" I say chuckling. Kong 'slaps' my chest lightly before giggle. "do you want to meet your dad?" I ask. His answer will determine my next move.

"Yes...just for closure." I nod my head, kissing his head.

"Alright bunny, I will see what I can do. Lets sleep now, I know how tired you are." He snuggles closer to me and in minutes he is sound asleep. I soon follower with a plan forming in my mind. 

**Surprise another update! I was in a writing mood tonight! Happy reading!**

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