"Who came up with the name?" He asked gentle. His voice the softest I have ever heard.

"Mine" Kong said gentle. "I...I wanted to do something to honor the man who raise my mate." I could tell he was nervous, and I knew he had no reason to be.

"Kong told me while he was in labor. He wanted to keep it a secret from Arthit. I don't think I cried that hard since his funeral." My mae said a small smile on her face. "He even looks a little like Sonchai, with the dark eyes and dark hair." She said tearing up a little.

"And you will call him Sonny?" Somasak said, looking up at us. We both nodded. "Who came up with the nickname?"

"Kong thought of all of it. We had thrown around some name, but Kong said he wouldn't know what to name them until they were born. I didn't even know he was going to give them my last name till after they were born." I said telling the truth. Though we had talked about first name, the conversation never came up about if the babies would have his last name of not.

"Of course, they would you silly alpha." Kong said swatting my arm gentle. Mae and grandpa both chuckled at that.

"Do you know, Arthit grandmother and I use to call Sonchai Sonny? It was his nickname all his life. Only those close to him was allowed to call him that." Kong eyes grew wide surprised.

"Arthit doesn't talk about his father much, so I didn't know that." He mumbled gentle. I could see the wheels turning in his yes.

"Thank you" Somasak said, finally taken his eyes off of the baby looking directly at Kong. "Thank you for honoring my son in such a way." Kong blushed nodding his head. At that moment I feel in love with my mate all over again. He won the heart of my grandfather which was never an easy task. My mae use to tell me it took her years to win his effect like this. I look over at my mae who has tears in her eyes. I know she feels the same way my grandfather does. I kiss Kong head gentle whispering to him.

"I love you, more than I can ever express my love" the blush on Kong cheek grew brighter as he hid his face in my chest. I heard him mumble something, but it was to low for me to understand it. It was fine at this moment I knew it could only be him saying he loved me too.

We spend the next couple hours sitting around and just talking. The babies sound asleep in their little cot close to Kong and I. My mae and grandpa took turned telling Kong different stories of my childhood embrassing me. Hearing my bunny laugh so hope and heart field I didn't care at the moment. I love seeing my Kong so full of happiness. My mae brought out an old photo album which had me groining rolling my eyes.

"Really mae? He doesn't need to see this" I said trying to take the album from her.

"Of course, he does you were so cute as a young boy" she said smirking at me. I knew there were embrassing photo of me and my friends in there. Maybe some of Yo as well. She hands the album to Kong who opens it happily.

"Traitor" I grumble only to have him stick his tongue out at me, giggling at me. I shack my head smiling at him. I can't help but want to do anything and everything that would make him happy. Kong points at different picture, asking the story behind each of them. Some my mother remembers others she doesn't. Of course, the most embrassing ones she would remember.

Kong flips the page and freezes. I look at him as his eyes fill up with tears. "bunny?" I place my hand on his cheek gentle turning him to face me. "Whats wrong?" He blinks back the tears trying to stop them from falling, but it doesn't work. He leans into my touch closing his eyes. He doesn't say anything as I pull him into my arms. Mae and grandpa look at him worried. It takes a few moments, but he finally stops crying pulling away. "Kong honey tell me what happen" I ask again wiping his tears with my thumb. He points to a picture of a my mae, and por, with another couple. I don't understand, why this picture would make him cry.

"My mom" He says shocking all of us. Kong always said he didn't remember anything but the orphanage. "When I was...when I was in the coma I...I was between life and death. I...I felt so peaceful. It was the first time I felt at peace." He looked at me then quickly looked away. "I wasn't in pain anymore. I wasn't scared anymore, I was just...at peace. There was a woman there. She was stunning, very beautiful. Being with her felt so...right...so peaceful...like I have always known her." Tears start to fall more, as he leans into me. I wrap my arms around him. this is the first time he has ever spoken about his coma. "I didn't want to leave her. Something was telling me not to leave her. I could smell Arthit scent, it smelled so familiar like home, but it still didn't stop me from not wanting to leave. Then I started to hear Arthit voice. Begging me to come back. I hear Ming voice once too." I rocked us back and forth gentle, rubbing his back, letting him take his time. We were all silent for what seemed like hours but was only a few moment. "Kannika, she said her name was Kannika. She explained...that she had a son, who she lost at the age of five. She explains that he was the joy of her and her husband life. She said...said that she never wanted to leave him." Kong took a deep breath looking at the twins. "I can understand where she is coming from now." He looked at me before burring his face in my chest, my shirt getting wet from his tears. "She told me...she had a best friend...they were childhood friends. She would take her little boy over to play with her friends son." Kong wiped his tears, even though they refuse to stop. He looked at mae and my grandfather. "She said, her friends son was ten years older than her son, but he didn't mind. He would let the little boy follow him around. They were close." I looked down at the album at the woman with my mae and por. I knew the man; he was a business partner with my father. A close friend of my parents. Even know I do business with him. I don't remember the woman to well, but I know she was his first wife.

"Kong...honey...what are you saying?" my mae ask tears in her eyes.

"Kannika said...said that she was in a car accident...she had...had her son with her...a truck...a truck crossed the lines hitting them dead on." Kong took a deep breath looking at my mae. "She...said that...that she was sent to bring her son with her...that I was her son...that...that...she didn't want to leave me" Kong put his face back in my chest sobbing. I held him tight. I remember a little boy always following me around, but that was years ago. I couldn't remember his name, mae and por stopped talking about him out of the blue one day. I always thought they left.

"Oh god..." my mae sobbed, coming to kneel in front of us. She took Kong hand gentle placing it on her cheek. "I always knee there was something about you. Something I couldn't put my finger on. You are Kannika and Kerkkrai son." She said sobbing. I look at my grandfather who had fire in his eyes. Something was sitting right with me. I would have to get to the bottom of this. 

**double update! woot, woot! sorry for the delay, was super busy this week! happy reading!!**

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