"I know but...I can't believe they are home. I can finally hold them freely. I can feed them freely." Kong says chocking on a sob. I grab his hand tugging him over to the couch. I sit down, pulling him to saddle my lap. I grab his face gentle making him look at me. "Baby whats wrong?" I could smell the distress coming from my omega and if I can't calm him down it will wake the babies up. Kong looks at me with his doe eyes filed with tears.

"I'm scared. What if I'm not good at being a parent? I don't know what a parents love supposes to feel like. What if I mess up? Will they hate me? Will you hate me?" he spoke voice full of fear, tears threating to fall. I kiss his lips gentle, then places butterflies kisses all over his face.

"You are going to make a great mother bunny; I just know it. Look what you have done already to protect them. I would never hate you bunny, and our babies will not either. Nobody knows how to be a parents. That comes with time. If someone tells you different, they are lying to you sweetheart." I kiss his lips again feeling him starting to relax. "You will always have me and mae to help you. You have our friends as well. If at any time you feel overwhelmed of like you can't do this, lean on us okay?" Kong placed his hands over mine nodding gentle, his body slowly relaxing against mine. I wrap my arms around his wraist as he places his head on my chest. I hear a content sigh slip form his lips as I rub circles on his back. We stay like that for a little while, before he slips off my lap, only to sit back down sideways. "Bunny, I have a surprise for you., but we have to leave the condo for it." I say kissing the top of his head. He tilts his head back looking at me.

"Can it wait? I don't want to leave. We just got home." He whines softly making me chuckle. I nod my head rubbing his check with the pad of my thumb.

"of course, it can wait bunny. I didn't mean we had to go today. We can wait till tomorrow or the next day. Whenever you are comfortable leaving." Kong smiled at me before laying his head on my chest again.

"then maybe tomorrow?" He asked yawning. I knew my baby was tired. He didn't sleep at all last night, excited to bring out little ones home.

"Sure princess." I say chuckling as he slaps my chest playfully. We again fall into a comfortable silence the TV on low in the background. My phone dinged settled both of us before we both chuckle softly. I look and it a reminder of my rut. I had totally forgot about it. I started to keep better track of it after Kong come into my life. I didn't want to scare my omega by jumping him. I wanted to give him fair notice. I had my rut two days after he woke up, it was the only time I ever left him, and it seem like I will have to leave him again.

"Bunny...how would you feel about staying with mae for the next three days?" I ask. I didn't want him to leave, I didn't want to be apart from my babies at all. Kong was still healing from the birth, and my rut should not be the first time we have sex after his healing. Kong sat up looking at me.

"No...No...we just got home; I don't want to be apart from you. Why would you ask me that?" Kong asked upset. I showed him the notification on my calendar. He looked at it then back at me. Hurt in his eyes. "Do...Do you not want me anymore?" He asked pulling away from me. I quickly pulled him back, smashing his chest to mine. Now I was the one upset.

"You will never ask that again understand me?" I say my voice deep, dominating. Kong blushes but nods "you just gave birth six weeks ago. You are still healing from the birth. I don't want to hurt you" Kong looks at me pouting. He looks at my chest instead of meeting my eyes. "the first time we had sex was during my rut I don't want that to happen again" Kong meets my eyes this time anger in them.

"I wanted you during your rut, don't make it sound like it was a bad time for me you stupid alpha" He said getting up. I watch as Kong matched into the kitchen visible upset with me. I sigh before following him.

"Bunny, I'm going to knot during my rut, that is the point of a rut. To knot and get an omega pregnant. Do you want to get pregnant already?" The thought of my bunny pregnant again brought a smile to my face. I would love to see his belly grow again with my pups, but its way to soon.

"Would that be so bad?" he hissed at me. "or do you not want anymore children? Do you find me repulsive pregnant? Is that it?" He asked angry and hurt clear in his voice. I rushed over to him, grabbing his cheeks gentle forcing him to look at me.

"Kongpob Rojnapat, you listen to me and listen closely. I have never found you repulsive and I never will. You will get that fucking thought out of your head right now. I find you so god damn breathtakingly beautiful that sometimes I think you are a dream." Kong cheek turn red, blushing, which only adds to my point. "Do I want to have more kids with you? Fuck yes, I do. Just imaging your belly growing big with my pups turns me on so fucking much." I lead down capturing his lips to make a point, I am already half hard thinking about knotting him. We pull apart after a few moments breathing deeply. Kong face is flushed his eyes glazed with lust. "Bunny listens to me. I want to wait, till your last year of university before we have more. Its already going to be hard with the twins and school. I do not want to add more stress onto you. Do you understand me?" Kong pouts, then sighs nodding.

"I understand I just...I want to have YOUR pups too. I'm going to forever feel guilty that my first child wasn't biology yours. Its my omega logic that all children should blood of my alpha. I know its silly. You clearly have shown you want the twins as much as I do. I'm sorry." Kong bit his lip looking at me.

"I wont lie bunny. My alpha feels the same way. My alpha also feels a sense of pride, possessive, and wants nothing more than to protect those pups as if they were his blood. Whats done is done, we can't undo it. I love those two pups just as much as if they were my blood. I will never treat me them any different when we do have our own." I pull him into a tight hug rocking him gentle. I place gentle kissed on his head, and behind hid ear. I feel his arms slide around me leaning into me. "I love you and our twins with my whole being and nothing will change that" I whisper gentle.

"I love you to my alpha with my whole being." Kong says pulling back giving me a bright smile that I love to see on his face. I lean down to kiss him again when the high pitch cry of Sonny reaches our ears. I close my eyes as Kong giggles. "Sonny...is a cock block" I say making Kong laugh hard as he walks out of the kitchen. I follow behind him leaning against the kitchen wall, watching my mate pick up Sonny rocking him gentle. This is something I want to see for the rest of my life. 

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