Chapter 111

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Xiao Qiheng has been detained in this side hall all these years, and his personality has become cloudy and uncertain. Although he looks like he doesn't care about things, he can't tolerate being neglected. The reason why Xiaoluzi said that about Jiang Li just now is to make the prince feel that Jiang Li, like the previous palace servants, did not care about serving him, the fallen prince, and even looked down on him.

Seeing His Royal Highness's face was a little gloomy, Xiaoluzi was overjoyed, thinking that his plan had worked, he struck while the iron was hot and said, "This little ion really doesn't know what's wrong, just now the servant asked him to come and serve him, but he refused to come. , and said..."

At this point, he hesitated, as if he didn't dare to say it.

"What?" Xiao Qiheng looked down at him.

His voice was not heavy, but his eyes were as sharp as knives. Seeing Xiaoluzi's back shivered, he unconsciously took a step back. Jiang Liqi's mind was also sobered up and eager to take revenge. Using the wrong method, I wanted to explain: "Tai... Your Royal Highness, the servant just now, just now..."

Xiao Qiheng looked at him, his eyes were gloomy: "Speak!"

Under the pressure of his eyes, Xiaoluzi was frightened and gritted his teeth. , Yi Hengxin squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Tell you...Tell you, you are just a disfavored prince with inconvenient legs and feet..."

Seeing Xiao Qiheng's face suddenly cold, the whole person's breath changed, Xiao Qiheng's expression changed. Lu Zi couldn't speak any longer, and he threw himself to the ground: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, His Highness, His Highness! This is what Xiaoion said, all he said, the slave is just... ah!!!" He

didn't say anything. After finishing, he suddenly flew out and slammed into the screen used to cover the door. The whole screen was knocked to the ground by him, making a loud noise, and he also fell to the ground, "poof" Spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xiao Qiheng swayed unnaturally after he shot, and clenched the back of the wheelchair with one hand to stabilize himself, with a thick shadow in his eyes.

Xiaoluzi fell dizzy, but he didn't care about the pain all over his body, he got up from the ground in a panic, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "His Royal Highness Prince, forgive me, His Royal Highness..."

At this time, Zhao Qing broke into the door from the outside and asked anxiously, "Your Highness, what happened? Are you okay?!"

He didn't come in alone, and he was still holding Jiang Li in his hand, because his The action was too hasty and fast, and Jiang Li's gauze hat was shaken off, and his thin body was dragged by him like a little chicken, with a hopeless expression on his face.

Xiao Qiheng's upper body was naked at this time, and when he saw Jiang Li in Zhao Qing's hands, his brows wrinkled: "Nothing."

After that, his eyes stopped on Jiang Li's body. Jiang Li met his gaze and smiled at him obediently. Going down, he said helplessly: "Your Highness, Zhao Huwei's hand is too strong, please forgive me for not being able to salute you."

Zhao Qing heard the words, let go of him, put him on the ground, and saluted Xiao Qiheng, Jiang Li also Kneeling down and salutes Xiao Qiheng.

Xiao Qiheng asked: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Qing said: "His Royal Highness, my subordinate came back after finishing his work and was about to return to His Highness, when he saw this little eunuch sneaking in at the door, he arrested him. "The


Xiao Qiheng looked at Jiang Li, Jiang Li raised his hands and shook it, and said with a serious face: "There is no sneaking, the servant just wants to see if His Highness has a place for servants to serve, but His Highness has not summoned, and servants can't do it without authorization. When you enter, you have to wait at the door."

This is completely different from what Xiao Luzi said just now, Xiao Qiheng swept away from Xiao Lu who was lying on the ground and shivered, and instantly understood what was going on. thing.

Speaking of which, he didn't actually believe Xiao Luzi's one-sided words just now. After all, judging from Jiang Lishang's diligence in rushing to serve him and press his legs for him today, he is not as lazy as Xiao Luzi said. Neglect, the reason why he was angry was only because this ignorant bastard mentioned something he didn't dare to mention.

"When did you come here?" Xiao Qiheng looked at Jiang Li and asked.

"Dinner." Jiang Li said honestly, "The servant explained to Huwei Zhao just now, but he doesn't believe it."

Zhao Qing hurriedly said: "I haven't cross-examined clearly yet, but I rushed in when I heard the sound from His Highness's room. I was in a hurry, and I hope His Highness forgives my sin."

Xiao Qiheng nodded to show his understanding, and moved his hand on the back of the chair slightly. , Jiang Li, who had been paying attention to him, immediately stepped forward, held his other hand, and helped him sit down in the wheelchair.

Xiao Qiheng gave him one more look when he observed his subtle actions, Jiang Li cast a smile, and stood beside him with low eyebrows.

On the other side, Xiaoluzi knew that his lie just now had been completely exposed, and he could no longer be afraid. He crawled forward with his hands and feet on the ground, and kowtowed to Xiao Qiheng while begging for mercy: "Your Highness, forgive me, I will no longer dare, Your Highness, spare your life!!"

Xiao Qiheng didn't look at him, he just ordered: "Drag down, stick thirty, fast for two days."

Thirty sticks, this is almost half your life, and after that, you will have to fast for two days, you will not die. It's fate!

Xiaoluzi cried with snot and tears, and almost didn't go up to hug Xiao Qiheng's thigh to beg for mercy, of course, Zhao Qing didn't give him a chance, just like he was holding Jiang Li, he was so scared that his legs were weak. go out.

After they left, Jiang Li saw the screen that had fallen to the ground, walked over, rolled up his sleeves and lifted it up.

Xiao Qiheng: "..."

This screen is about eight feet high, and the overall shape is relatively large. It is also made of solid wood, and the weight is not light. Even an adult strong man needs some effort to lift it. Jiang Li A stinky little furry child lifted it up easily.

This reminded Xiao Qiheng that he said in the morning that he wanted to recite his own words, maybe what he said was a real move.

He is young, but his strength is not small.

Jiang Li put the screen in place, looked back and saw Xiao Qiheng looking at him strangely, and asked with some doubts, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Xiao Qiheng retracted his gaze.

The system reminded in his head: "Master host, the male protagonist is probably surprised by your powerful operation."

"I guess so."

Jiang Li's body has a very obvious advantage, that is, he is strong, although he sees He was thin, but he could easily lift two buckets of water with one hand. It was no joke at all when he said that he had to carry Xiao Qiheng on his back, but it was a pity that the other party did not give him a chance to perform.

Xiao Qiheng didn't like being waited on by someone while he was taking a bath. Jiang Li already knew this habit in the morning. After he had packed up his things, he went to wait outside the door, and then went in and pushed him out after he had finished washing.

After the winter, the night temperature plummeted.

The charcoal fire has already been lit in the bedroom, but the situation of His Royal Highness the Prince has not been ideal over the years. Even the charcoal he brought back is rough and low-grade charcoal, and the treatment is not as good as that of the beautiful girl who has just entered the palace.

Jiang Li helped Xiao Qiheng onto the bed, took a pillow for him to lean against, and then asked, "Your Highness, can I help you massage your legs? Clear your blood vessels, and you can sleep better tonight."


Xiao Qiheng leaned on the pillow halfway, took the book and flipped through it, acquiescing to Jiang Li's request.

Seeing his agreement, Jiang Li turned around and roasted his hands by the fire. He waited for the temperature on his hands to get hot before returning, lifted Xiao Qiheng's trouser legs, and began to massage the acupoints for him.

The warm hands on the skin made Xiao Qiheng stop the hand of turning over the book, his face remained calm, but he was a little surprised by his careful actions.

It seems that he is indeed a clever one, and it is not impossible to stay by his side.

Because the massage in the morning happened to coincide with the time for breakfast, the massage time was not long at that time, and the effect was not significant. It was still early, and Jiang Li planned to massage him for an hour to help the blood dredge.

In the quiet bedroom, the charcoal fire in the stove made a "slap" sound from time to time. Jiang Li occasionally asked Xiao Qiheng how he felt. Other than that, there was no conversation.

Jiang Li knew that Xiao Qiheng would not trust others easily after going through so many things, nor would he like talkative people. Now he can only take it step by step and slowly gain the trust of the other party.

Zhao Qing came back after punishing Xiaoluzi, and told Xiao Qiheng about the situation. Xiao Qiheng didn't care about it. He didn't look away from the page, but just responded casually.

Zhao Qing's attention fell on Jiang Li: "This is..."

"Oh, the servant massages the acupuncture points on His Highness's legs, it will help blood circulation and will be much more comfortable." Jiang Li explained, the movement of his hands did not stop.

Zhao Qing was surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that a little eunuch who was under the crown would understand this: "How do you understand this?"

"When I was a child, I learned from the village Lang." Jiang Li said, reaching out and holding Xiao Qiheng's foot , began to massage the acupuncture points on the soles of his feet, and asked Xiao

Qiheng while pressing, "Your Highness, how are you feeling now, are you much warmer?" It wasn't so swollen anymore, the originally swollen instep subsided a lot with his dredging, and then he nodded lightly: "Well."

Jiang Li heard the words and smiled happily: "That's good, now is the time. On the first day, the effect was not obvious, and the servants will press it for you every morning and night, and you will feel much more comfortable this winter."

The implication of what he said was that he wanted to stay in the palace to serve, and Xiao Qiheng naturally heard it. Looking up at him.

I heard that this little thing Zhou Ma is doing chores in the yard, doing some rough work, naturally it is much harder than serving in the palace, it is no wonder that he actively wants to come here.

Anyway, there is no one around at the moment, Xiao Qiheng said: "Tell Mammy Zhou tomorrow, and stay in the hall to serve in the future." The

goal was achieved, Jiang Li smiled happier, and the movements in his hands were more agile, in Xiao Qiheng's double After his legs gradually became warm, he gently lowered his trouser legs and said, "Okay, Your Highness, massage for too long will have the opposite effect, so let's go here first today."

As he spoke, he carefully helped him cover the quilt.

Zhao Qing said from the side: "Xiao Ion, your name is Xiao Ion, right? You can teach me this skill, and I can help His Highness press it when I look back."

Jiang Li shook his head and said solemnly: "Zhao Huwei, it's not me. I don't want to teach you, but the acupuncture points of the human body are very fragile. You are a martial arts practitioner, and your strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people

. After a while, he raised his head to look at Jiang Li, his expression a bit indescribable.

Your strength is much stronger than ordinary people, right? ! !

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