Chapter 135

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After the corruption case and Jizhou disaster relief came to an end, it was time to worship the heavens and pray for blessings.

Offering sacrifices to the heavens and praying for blessings was a major event in the imperial court. In previous years, it was sponsored by the Ministry of Rites. This year, Emperor Yuan entrusted this matter to Xiao Qiheng, and the Ministry of Rites assisted him. This move showed that he attached great importance to Xiao Qiheng.

It took two months before and after the sacrifice to the sky and praying for blessings. After the end, it was already August, and the grapes planted by Jiang Li were all ripe.

Strings of sturdy and plump grapes hung on the pergola and looked very pleasing. Jiang Li picked some to eat and some to make wine. After the wine was finished, he specially sent two jars to Zheng Yu.

Zheng Yu was very polite this time. Instead of taking it for nothing like before, he gave Jiang Li a lot of things, and said "Thank you, sister-in-law" in a serious manner.

Jiang Li was speechless about this. He didn't know whether he learned from Xiao Qiwen or Xiao Qiwen.

The hallucinogenic incense burned by the Qianhe Palace was withdrawn after Xiao Qiheng was lifted from the Qinghe Palace, but after the corruption case and Xiao Qiyun's murderous murder, Emperor Yuan was in a hurry, and his body was not as good as before, so he was even more eager to seek immortality. Day indulged in alchemy cultivation.

He ordered the prince to supervise the country, and most of the matters were left to Xiao Qiheng to handle, and even the harem rarely set foot.

After Xiao Qiheng supervised the country, he was busy with political affairs every day, and Jiang Li was also by his side every day. Now Jiang Li's status has soared all the way. Except for Eunuch Chen, he has the highest position among the eunuchs in the palace.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it's New Year's Eve.

The palace held a New Year's Eve banquet as usual. This time, Xiao Qiheng sat in the seat below Emperor Yuan. Apart from Emperor Yuan, he was considered the most honorable, which was very different from last year's situation when he failed to step out of the Qinghe Palace.

Years later, Xiao Qiheng finished the matter in his hands and found an opportunity to go out to the palace with Jiang Li again.

This time, the two returned to Yuanshen's hometown, and Jiang Li planned to go back to visit Yuanshen's parents' tombs.

The original hometown is a small village on the outskirts of Kyoto, called Jiangjia Village. Although it is not rich, its folk customs are simple, and it is a good place to be surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The original body was only seven years old when he was sent to the palace. Now that so many years have passed, the road in the village has changed a lot. Jiang Li can't find out which way the original body's parents' house should go from the original body's memory.

However, there were many villagers on the road who went out to work. Jiang Li stopped one of the young people and asked him where Jiang Sheng's family lived.

Jiang Sheng is the name of the original father.

Yuanshen's father passed away for many years, the young man had never heard the name, and he couldn't remember who he was talking about, so Jiang Li asked Yuanshen's uncle's name again,

"Oh! Little brother is looking for him!" The young man pointed to the crooked road, "Go straight on this road and see a fork, turn left, and after passing a few cornfields, the third room from the left is his house.

" Thank you eldest brother."

Jiang Li thanked the other party and led the horse with Xiao Qiheng as they walked inside along the trail.

It was still early, and the two of them were not in a hurry, chatting while walking.

The air in the countryside is very fresh, surrounded by fields and forests. The sound of the wind blowing through the rice paddies and the frogs in the fields mix together to form a wonderful and pleasant pastoral ditty.

Before Jiang Li entered this virtual game world, his idea was to go back to his hometown to raise cats, grow crops, and live an idyllic life without the hustle and bustle of the city and leisurely old age.

Now walking on the idyllic path, he couldn't help thinking of his previous plans, smiled and said to Xiao Qiheng: "Your Highness, do you know? I once wanted to stay away from the busy city, build a house in the country, and live a life without disputes and troubles. ."

Xiao Qiheng looked at his smile and knew that what he said was the truth, he was not attached to wealth and glory like others, if it wasn't for himself, maybe he would really come back here and live the life he said.

The two found Jiang Yi's home, or should be said to be the home of the original body, according to the route that the young man said just now.

The uncle Jiang Yi of the original body, after the death of the original body's parents, occupied the original body's house under the banner of adopting the original body, but secretly sent the original body to the palace to exchange money, and then lied that the original body was lost. .

Yuanshen's parents were honest people during his lifetime. His father was a carpenter. He often helped the villagers build furniture. He had a very good reputation in the village. After Jiang Yi lied that the original body was lost, the villagers also helped him find it for two days. Really didn't find it.

When the two passed by, there was a rough-clothed woman chopping firewood in the courtyard with a half-height low wall. She was scolding something in her mouth, and a male voice echoed back from time to time in the house.

Jiang Li remembered that this woman was the original aunt. Although she looked a little older than she remembered, she still recognized it.

In Yuan Shi's memory, his uncle Jiang Yi was ignorant and ignorant. In addition to relying on a little family legacy left by his old father, he also came to Yuan Shi's family to eat and drink. Even if he later married, his wife Chen Xiumei was also mean. People who care, the two couples often think about taking advantage of the original net worth.

Take the matter of secretly sending the original body to the palace to exchange money, Jiang Li didn't like the couple, so he walked straight to the yard without saying hello, just pushed open the door of the yard and went in, Xiao Qiheng followed. behind him.

Seeing that they entered uninvited, Chen Xiumei stopped what she was doing, stood up from the low stool, and asked aloud, "Who are you?! How did you break into other people's homes?"

"Other people's homes?" But he was not so kind. "Auntie is probably wrong. This is my home. How can you say

anything?" "What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Xiumei frowned, "This is my home, who are you looking for?"

Jiang Li pretended not to . Answer: "As far as I know, this is the house of Jiang Sheng and Jiang's carpenter. After his old man passed away, this house should also be owned by his son Jiang Li, so how could it be yours?"

Chen Xiumei heard him mention the premature death. The uncle and nephew snorted: "The person you mentioned is already dead, and now this is our home, you hurry up, otherwise I will be welcome to you!"

She still held a machete for chopping wood in her hand, and seeing that Jiang Li was here to find fault, and two big men, she pointed the tip of the knife at him, and shouted into the room: "Jiang Yi, come out, someone is coming. There's trouble in our family!"

Xiao Qiheng saw her holding a knife at Jiang Li, although Jiang Li's skills were not a threat to him, he still felt displeased and went forward and took the knife from her hand. After coming down, he reprimanded in a cold tone: "Shut up."

Chen Xiumei snatched the knife from him before she could react. When she met his cold eyes, she trembled uncontrollably and backed away subconsciously. After a few steps, he stammered, "You... what do you want to do?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man ran out of the room with a hoe in his hand. When he came out, he saw Jiang Li and the two of them and shouted, "Who is coming? Making trouble? Who are you? What do you want to do?"

When Chen Xiumei saw her man come out, she became annoyed again, and said with her hands on her hips, "Be careful of the police arresting you!"

Jiang Li took a step forward, ignoring their threats. Inside, he said to the man with a calm expression: "Uncle, it's only been ten years since I haven't seen you, so you can't even recognize your own nephew? In this case, I think you don't even remember my father and your brother's name. Right?"

Jiang Yi was stunned when he heard the words, seeing that Jiang Li's appearance was a little familiar, and upon closer inspection, he was somewhat similar to his own dead ghost brother, and combined with what Jiang Li said, he was horrified: " It's Jiang Li?!"

When Chen Xiumei heard this, she looked at Jiang Li and Jiang Yi in disbelief: "What nonsense are you talking about?" "Just

remember it, uncle." Jiang Li smiled slightly, "Thank you uncle and aunt for all these years. Help our family take care of the house, and now that I'm back, I won't bother the two of you."

Jiang Yi and Chen Xiumei looked at each other, and both saw suspicion in each other's eyes.

Chen Xiumei is not a reasonable person. She has lived in this house for more than ten years, and she will go back and look at Jiang Li arrogantly: "What evidence do you have for saying that you are Jiang Li? Nonsense, be careful I will ask someone to send you off. Go to see the official."

"See the official?" Xiao Qiheng raised his eyebrows, "Just right."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yi asked.

Jiang Li said: "Just to send you to see the official."

During their confrontation, the neighbors were all alarmed, and there were many people around the door, but Jiang Yi and his wife were usually mean and unkind, and no one came forward to help. Instead, stand outside and watch the fun.

Jiang Li turned around, bowed his hands to some of the older villagers outside, and raised his voice: "All uncles and aunts, you have all been in Jiangjia Village for many years, and you must also know my father Jiang Sheng. I am Jiang Sheng's son Jiang. Leaving."

An elderly man heard the words and said, "I remember Master Jiang, he made the furniture when my son got married."

"I also remember! My daughter-in-law's dressing cabinet was also made by Master Jiang. "

My stool is too."

"My house is too!"

Others also spoke up. Seeing this, Chen Xiumei shouted at them with her hands on her hips: "I'm going to die, you guys, what's the matter with you long-tongued women? Leave me alone!" It's all about you who are immortal!"

A slightly plump middle-aged woman was not afraid of her, she stepped forward and asked Jiang Li, "Little brother, you say you are Master Jiang's son, but what evidence do you have? I heard that Master Jiang's son was lost many years ago."

Jiang Li said: "To be honest, Jiang Yi and his wife secretly sold me to others to be their servants in order to obtain my house and the money left by my father, and then lied. It is said that I accidentally lost and occupied my house." When

everyone heard this, they all looked at Jiang Yi and Chen Xiumei with condemnation in their eyes. These two people have a terrible reputation, and they really seem to be able to do such a thing. people.

Jiang Yi and Chen Xiumei's faces turned pale, and they took two steps back, but Jiang Yi still clucked his neck and shouted: "Nonsense! Jiang Li has long been lost, you, a yellow-haired child who ran out of nowhere, is full of farts, give I'll get out of here!"

He raised the stick and called at Jiang Li, Jiang Li didn't move, raised his hand to hold the other side of the stick, and with a little force, he threw Jiang Yi to the ground.

Jiang Yi let out an "ouch" and cursed: "Bastard bastard, beat someone to death! Ouch..."

Chen Xiumei hurriedly stepped forward to see if he was hurt, and scolded Jiang Li in her mouth, "What "have a son?" "No asshole" and other swear words were scolded, Xiao Qiheng listened to Wo Huo, flicked his finger, and the leaf he just picked at random hit her mouth directly, causing her to shut her mouth in pain.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the two of them rolled and crawled to hide in the house, but Xiao Qiheng directly took a hemp rope from the side where the firewood was placed, and threw the two of them out, and then tied them into a ball.

After the two were restrained, Jiang Li said to the other onlookers: "I know that the villagers must still have doubts about what I said, but don't worry, I have reported to the official before I came, and the matter will be clear. "

Although everyone hates Jiang Yi and his wife, but Jiang Li's few words can't conclude that he is Master Jiang's son, and he is relieved to hear that he has reported to the official.

Not long after, the government sent officers and soldiers over. After the matter was investigated, Jiang Yi and Chen Xiumei were sentenced.

After Jiang Li asked about the tomb of his original parents from Jiang Yi, he prepared the sacrifices needed for worship, and went up the mountain with Xiao Qiheng.

After Yuanshen's father passed away, his mother became ill with missing and went with him the following year. The original body was still young at that time, and Jiang Yi and his wife took care of his mother's funeral affairs.

However, when Jiang Li and Xiao Qiheng went to the mountain, they found that it was not long after the Qingming Festival in March, but the grave of Er Lao was covered with grass, and even the wooden sign with Er Lao's name on it was worn out.

As soon as Jiang Li approached the grave of the second elder, he felt a burst of sadness and discomfort in his heart. He knew that part of it came from the emotions of the original body, and the other part was that he remembered his parents in another world.

I died unexpectedly. Over the years, no one has cleaned my parents' cemetery.

Jiang Li and Xiao Qiheng cleaned up the grass on Er Lao's grave, lit incense candles, burned paper money, and worshipped sincerely before going down the mountain.

Afterwards, Jiang Li arranged for someone to watch Feng Shui and built a new cemetery for the second old man. He thought that since he had the original body, he would be filial to the other party.


In the 33rd year of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Chengxiang was arrested for betraying the country with the enemy, and his entire family was imprisoned.

At the same time, a case that has been injustice for many years surfaced. In the past, the case of Prime Minister Lu embezzling money and perverting the law was all operated by Prime Minister Wang in the dark, framed Zhongliang, and led to the death of the Lu family and exile.

Emperor Yuan misjudged Prime Minister Lu's case back then, and Empress Shuyan committed suicide, but he regarded it as a curse on him, and then imprisoned Xiao Qiheng in the Hall of Qinghe for many years.

The Lu family has been loyal and good for several generations, and tried his best to assist the emperor, but his family was destroyed. Now the truth is revealed.

At that time, the Lu family exiled more than 60 people. The exile journey was difficult. The old man and the weak woman died on the way to the outside of the pass. Those who managed to make it to the place were also killed due to various reasons. Over the years, only a dozen people have returned to Beijing.

On the day they returned to Beijing, Xiao Qiheng and Sheng Hexuan went out of the city to greet them in person.

Seeing that his uncle, who was only fifty years old, was already full of silver hair, Xiao Qiheng's eyes were hot, he lifted his clothes and knelt down, and said in a hoarse voice: "Qiheng is incompetent, let you suffer.

" He and Sheng Hexuan helped him up.

In the thirty-fourth year of Emperor Yuan, Emperor Yuan passed the throne to Xiao Qiheng, retired to the Supreme Emperor, and devoted himself to seeking longevity, leaving Eunuch Chen alone to serve.

On June 6 of the same year, Xiao Qiheng was enthroned as emperor and changed his title to Yuan.

On the night of his ascension to the throne, Jiang Li was suddenly taken by Xiao Qiheng to the highest roof of the palace.

Before he could figure out what the other party wanted to do, he suddenly heard a sharp long beep in his ear, and with a loud bang of "bang--", the sky like a black curtain suddenly exploded with colorful fireworks.

Jiang Li's eyes widened slightly, watching the continuous explosion of fireworks in the distance to light up the night, those gorgeous colors seemed to surround the entire palace, the scene was extremely spectacular.

Jiang Li turned to look at Xiao Qiheng: "This..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other party lowered his head and kissed his lips.

In the sky full of fireworks, the two hugged each other tightly, without saying anything, they knew each other well.

You promise me to accompany me all my life, then I will give you flowers all my life.


After Emperor Yuan Xiao Qiheng ascended the throne, under his careful governance, Guotai was safe, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the court was full of praise.

The only thing that makes the civil and military officials unsatisfactory is that he has been on the throne for four years, and not only does he not stand up, but also does not even have a concubine in the harem.

Everyone in the court knew that Jiang Li was Emperor Yuan's confidant, or even his life.

Everyone still remembers that in the second year of Emperor Yuan's ascension, assassins were recruited into the palace. In order to save Emperor Yuan, Director Jiang risked himself and was held hostage by the assassins.

The people present at the time saw with their own eyes that they had been strategizing, and the calm Emperor Yuan showed a flustered and furious expression for the first time, and pointed at the assassin and said, "If you hurt him, I will make you worse off. death".

Even the confidant, this kind of reaction is a bit too intense, it is really unreasonable, but everyone tacitly does not mention it, and dare not mention it.

In short, Director Jiang has only one word to describe in this palace, that is-under one person, over ten thousand people.

Emperor Yuan had already established himself after the year, and the fact that he did not marry a wife and set up a posthumous family was very anxious for the officials in the court. They did not dare to give advice in front of the parties, so they could only retreat and ask for Xiao Qiwen, the king of Xuan.

As an insider, Xiao Qiwen naturally went in with his left ear in and out with his right, smeared oil on the soles of his feet, and continued to be his idle prince.

However, things backfired. In the fifth year after Xiao Qiheng ascended the throne, he left an edict written by his brother Xiao Qiwen, and both left the palace with Jiang Li.


A family moved to the west of Suzhou City. This family is strange to say, there are only two men with outstanding appearance, a white pet and a green bird, and there is no hostess.

After this family moved in, they opened a restaurant in the street market. The food in the restaurant was very good and the prices were fair. It was very crowded within a few days of opening.

Half a month later, a customer who was eating Bawang's meal suddenly came to the restaurant. After ordering more than a dozen dishes, he wanted to leave. After being stopped by Xiao Er, he even said unreasonably that the owner of the restaurant was the owner of the restaurant. They still owe him silver taels, and they are looking for debt collection from their boss.

In desperation, the shopkeeper could only ask Xiao Er to find the owner to deal with it.

Jiang Li was trimming Jiang Nuomi's hair. After listening to Xiao Er's words, he asked, "What does that person look like?"

"He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he dresses very well. I didn't expect to be a rogue." Xiao Er said angrily. .

Xiao Er's description is similar to what he didn't describe. Jiang Li took the repaired ginger glutinous rice into Xiao Qiheng's arms and said, "I'll go take a look, and you will get Jiang glutinous rice something to eat."

Xiao Qiheng said: "I and I You together..."

"No need to go, I'll come by myself." A

familiar voice came from behind, the two turned around, and saw Zheng Yu swaggering in from the outside, before shouting at the two of them before they got there: "It can be said that I have found you, you two patted your butt and left without saying a word, your conscience was eaten by a dog?!!"

Xiao Qiheng: "..."

Jiang Li: "..."

Listening to the familiar words , Xiao Qiheng was speechless, Jiang Li couldn't help laughing.

Have friends come from afar.

... At the end

of this world, after Xiao Qiheng passed away, Jiang Li also entered the reincarnation.

After they both left, Zheng Yu, who was already white-haired, buried the two of them together, and placed a jar of local wine that Jiang Li taught him to brew before their graves, wishing the two of them a good journey.

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