Chapter 24

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The three of Shen Yuzhi's eyes were fixed on the hands they were holding, and then they looked at each other, and they all saw unusual doubts in each other's eyes.

This lead method, is it not the one who came, but the sister-in-law?

Jiang Li didn't have stage fright at their inquiring eyes, and said hello generously: "Hello, I'm Jiang Li."

If ordinary people greeted them, Shen Yuzhi and the others would at most take a look, or just say hello and let it pass.

But Jiang Li was different. He was brought by Jiang Zhan, and he was brought in in an indescribable way. Shen Yuzhi thought he was bringing someone to see his brother.

Under such a premise, the three of them were still polite to Jiang Li and greeted him.


Yuzhi." "Zhao Guanyu."

"Sun Zelin." As soon as the three signed up, Jiang Li was stunned, his eyes turned around between them, and his tone was a little subtle: " ...

So it's you?"

Humph." Shen Yuzhi smiled, "See you soon."

"You know each other?" Jiang Zhan asked.

"Knowing is not enough." Jiang Li looked at the three of Shen Yuzhi with a half-smile, "Thanks to the three eldest young masters, I became popular in the hot search."

Jiang Zhan did not know that the three of Shen Yuzhi reposted Jiang Li's Weibo. Hearing what happened, he looked at them and said, "What's going on?"

"It's okay." Zhao Guanyu waved his hand and simply told Jiang Zhan that the three of them had reposted Jiang Li's Weibo, which led to his hot search, "It's just that I supported Jiang Li on the Internet and gave him some popularity. After all, it's yours, so of course we have to support you."

"That?" Jiang Li couldn't understand what he meant, and looked at Jiang Zhan, "What is that?"

"Nothing?" Jiang Zhan pretended to nudge him and led him to sit down on the sofa.

Seeing this, Shen Yuzhi and the others looked at each other again - there was something tricky.

Tonight's original intention was to let Jiang Zhan come out for a gathering, so the three Shen Yuzhi didn't ask anyone to accompany them, but just asked two waiters to pour wine and order songs in the box.

As soon as everyone sat down, Sun Zelin shouted that Jiang Zhan was late for so long, the three of them had to wait for the salted fish to dry, they had to punish themselves for three glasses, and they poured the wine in advance, three full glasses.

The reason for being late was because Jiang Li was delayed in filming, and Jiang Zhan couldn't bear the pot, so he took the initiative to pick up the wine glass on the table and said to the three: "Mr. Jiang was late because of waiting for me, and it's all my fault for the delay, this wine should be mine. Drink, I'll toast everyone first."

"Refreshing!" Zhao Guanyu applauded and picked up his wine, "I'll drink with you."

Jiang Li touched the glass with him, raised his head to drink, but the wine glass had not touched his lips. Jiang Zhan next to him suddenly reached out and took the wine in his hand, drank it in one gulp, and put the glass back on the table.

He moved too quickly. After drinking, he went to serve the second cup like nothing else. When Jiang Li realized that he had already held the third cup, he hurriedly grabbed his hand: "Give this cup to me."

Jiang Zhan Looking at him, Jiang Li said again, "Give it to me, I'm thirsty.


Jiang Li drank the last glass of wine.

As soon as the three cups were finished, Sun Zelin changed into a large cup, poured another full cup and put it in front of Jiang Zhan, and said gruffly, "It's not worth drinking on your behalf, it's just a glass of wine, don't act like you It's like pouring poison."

"That's right, I'm a serious place here, and I didn't add anything unclean." Shen Yuzhi also said aloud.

Jiang Li was amused, and he didn't stop Jiang Zhan anymore. After all, he came out to play, and the main thing was to be happy.

Jiang Zhan drank the big glass of wine, and Sun Zelin let him go, but he didn't forget to complain that Jiang Zhan went home after work every day like he was self-cultivating and self-cultivation during this time, and didn't come out for parties at all. If he wanted to see him, he had to come Company appointment.

"It's been a little busy recently," Jiang Zhan said. "The company's new land needs to go through the formalities. If the action is fast, the construction will start by the end of the year."

Shen Yuzhi and others also knew about Jiang's entry into real estate . We also discussed with them that when Jiang Zhan took the land, the news was broadcast. It's just that no matter how busy he is, he doesn't even have time at night. Everyone knows that he spends his time in the company during the day and where he spends his time at night.

"I'm very busy even in the evening." Zhao Guanyu lengthened the ending in a meaningful way, glanced at Jiang Li ambiguous, and the meaning was very clear.

Jiang Zhan glanced at him, stretched out his hand and pushed him aside, with an indifferent tone: "You are such an idle person that you won't understand."

"Damn, who doesn't understand? I'm busy at night too!" Zhao Guanyu Laughing and scolding, until I clicked, I didn't continue to joke about him and Jiang Li.

They have played with Jiang Zhan for so many years, and they all know each other well. Judging from Jiang Zhan's action of grabbing the wine glass just now, Jiang Li has a certain weight in his heart. Although he doesn't know how much this weight is, Jiang Zhan is a great A person who is very protective of his shortcomings will not be happy to see people who make fun of him too much.

Jiang Li sat on the side to eat, as if he didn't understand Zhao Guanyu's meaning. He was busy with the show in the afternoon, and just ate some fast food for dinner. Jiang Zhan specially asked someone to prepare something to eat just now.

Shen Yuzhi saw him burying his head and eating hard, and gestured to the waiter beside him, asking him to get some more desserts.

When he had almost eaten, Shen Yuzhi threw the microphone over and said, "Jiang Li will go and sing when he's full. Our throats were dry from singing just now, so it's time to listen to the song."

"Okay." Jiang Li was not shy, turned his head and asked Jiang Zhan, "Do you want to sing?"

Jiang Zhan paused while drinking: "No."

"Don't sing for him!" Sun Zelin said beside him, "Azhan never sings in tune, not to mention you, even the singer can be brought out of the earth by his tune, it's super ugly."

"..." Jiang Zhan was caught by him Complaining in front of Jiang Li, he picked up a clean hot towel and slapped him on the face, "Shut up."

"Huh?" Jiang Li looked at Jiang Zhan with interest, "Is it really so ugly? Haven't heard of it before, why don't you try it?"

"Don't sing."

"Can you sing a song?"


Jiang Zhan pushed the microphone away from him and said impatiently, "If you say no to sing, Why are you so annoyed?"

The lights in the box were a little dim, but because the two were close, Jiang Li still saw Jiang Zhan's expression was a little unnatural, obviously because he was very resistant to singing, and he didn't bother him anymore. He just got close and whispered in his ear, "Then go back, we two sing by ourselves, don't let them listen, okay?"

His words were a little coaxing, and Jiang Zhan's ears were spoken by him. The hot breath he exhaled made it ticklish, and I felt a little bit of it in my heart, and I didn't agree or refuse.

Sun Zelin watched the two of them greasy and crooked for a long time and didn't sing. He went to order a song on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, picked up the microphone and opened his voice.

When Shen Yuzhi saw it, he hurriedly shouted to Jiang Li, who was closest to him: "Don't let him sing, Jiang Li, stop it..."

"Who brought it, the ancient call ——————"

Shen Yuzhi said Before he could finish speaking, he was overshadowed by Sun Zelin's singing as vast as the Mongolian prairie.

It was an infinitely broad voice, strong and high, and the tone was pulled to the highest level as soon as he opened his mouth. Jiang Li, who was closest to him, suffered the most turbulence. The pig-killing song poured into his ears, causing his eardrums to shake violently. a handful.

With such a singing voice, how dare you complain that Jiang Zhan's singing is not in tune?

Just when he was stunned, Jiang Zhan covered his ears with one hand and pressed his head against his chest, raised his slender legs and gently kicked Sun Zelin's butt.

"Could it be that there are still, speechless songs, or that... oops."

Sun Zelin staggered a bit after being kicked by him, and the singing stopped, and Shen Yuzhi took the opportunity to cut the song.

Sun Zelin: "..."

Sun Zelin threw the microphone away, rushed towards Shen Yuzhi, pressed him on the sofa and beat him violently, while Zhao Guanyu, who was beside him, clapped and coaxed.

Jiang Li felt a little funny when they made a fuss. He planned to order a song by himself, but the phone rang before he even got there. He looked down and saw that it was Mother Jiang's call.

It was almost twelve o'clock at this time. Mother Jiang rarely called him so late, for fear of affecting his rest. There should be something wrong with the call at this time.

Jiang Li picked up the phone and told Jiang Zhan that he would go out to answer the phone.

Jiang Zhan was sitting beside him, saw the caller ID as soon as the bell rang, and nodded.

Jiang Li went outside the box and found a quiet corner around the corner to connect.


Jiang's mother's voice came from the phone, with obvious worry and anxiety: "Is Xiaoli? Where are you?"

"My friends and I are outside." Jiang Li heard that her voice was not right, "You Why haven't you slept yet? What happened?"

"It's okay, I just dreamed that something happened to you, and I was a little worried." Mother Jiang laughed, her voice seemed relieved, "It's fine,"

Jiang Li listened. Her tired voice, thinking of how she woke up from a nightmare alone and hurriedly called her son to confirm his safety, felt a little uncomfortable and didn't dare to tell her that her son was gone.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Jiang Li comforted, "I'll go back to see you in a few days, rest early."

"Okay, okay." Mother Jiang replied repeatedly, telling him to go back early.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Li took a deep breath, suppressed the sour emotions in his heart, and was about to return to the box. Just two steps away, he was suddenly pulled from behind. After standing firm, he found that it was Zhang Ziyang.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Li frowned and waved him away to grab his hand.

"Xiao Li." Zhang Ziyang called out his name, his face was no longer hostile, but a little more ingratiating, "I heard you calling Aunt Jiang just now, do you want to go back to see her? Shall I go back with you?"

Jiang Li didn't know why he suddenly changed his attitude, he looked like he was going to kill him yesterday, but he didn't care, he took two steps back to avoid the hand he stretched out again: "Use No."

After speaking, he was about to leave, but was pulled back by Zhang Ziyang again.

Zhang Ziyang grabbed his hand tightly: "Ali, I know it was me who was wrong last time, I shouldn't threaten you, so I'll delete all the chat records, you think nothing happened, okay?

" What trick are you playing?" Jiang Li was bewildered by him, and he didn't want to entangle with him, thinking that Jiang Zhan was still waiting for him in the box, so he threw him away and left.

Zhang Ziyang stopped him reluctantly, and while trying to push him back into the corner, he said, "I know it was me who was wrong at the beginning, but our relationship for so many years is not fake, didn't you say you like me? Then you and Jiang Tell me, how about letting me sign his company too?"

President Jiang? Jiang Zhan?

Jiang Li suddenly understood the reason for the change in his attitude. It is estimated that he and Jiang Zhan were together just now. After all, everyone in the entertainment industry knows Jiang Zhan's influence.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhang Ziyang thought he was softened, and took the opportunity to hold his hand: "Xiaoli, I know that I was wrong to ask you to accompany Assistant Director Jiang for me, but I was also for our future, we didn't say it. Will we go back to our hometown to live together in the future? You..."

"What did you just say?"

A cold voice interrupted him. The two looked back and saw Jiang Zhan standing behind, apparently overhearing their conversation.

He stared at Zhang Ziyang with a gloomy face, and said word by word, "Tell what you just said again."

Seeing this, Jiang Li's heart skipped a beat.

When it was over, President Jiang became angry again.

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