Chapter 66

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In the blink of an eye, the monthly exam is here.

Feng Yu still remembered that when Chi Fang was playing before, he promised Jiang Li a 90 in the test. Besides, he heard that Jiang Li promised to raise all Chi Fang's test scores in this monthly test in order to change his position. When it came to the passing line, the day before the exam, he patted Chi Fang on the shoulder earnestly and said with a heavy face: "Brother Chi, although I also sympathize with you, a man must do what he says, ninety is ninety. Points, one less point is not 90 points! Failed

!" "Yeah, Brother Chi!"

"Brother Chi, come on, I'll show you the answer!"

"Go away, just show the answer to Brother Chi."

"My average score last semester was 20 points higher than that of Brother Chi!"

"Wait, are you and Brother Chi in the same exam room?"

"I'm in Class 7, where's Brother Chi?"

"I remember Brother Chi was in Class 4 . Class, right? Who stood up in Class 4."

"Me, me, me! But...I copied Brother Chi's answer sheet last semester .


The other players who were playing also talked aloud, trying to help Chi Fang pass the monthly exam.

The client, Chi Fang, was not nervous at all. Jiang Li was called over by the teacher. He sat on Jiang Li's seat, leaning against the wall, his feet folded on his stool, and he played calmly. mobile game.

"Hey, I said Brother Chi, why are you not worried at all?" Feng Yu asked.

"What's there to worry about?" Chi Fang said without even raising his head, "Brother relies on strength."

Seeing his confident appearance, everyone was silent for a while, and said with admiration, "It's good brother Chi. "

What are you all doing around here?"

Jiang Li's voice came from behind, and everyone looked back to see that he came back from the teacher at some point. Feng Yu said: "We are talking about tomorrow's exam. Everyone is very worried about this monthly exam. Only Brother Chi can stand a steady match. He is really a dragon

and a phoenix.


As soon as Li came back, Chi Fang stopped playing games, put the phone in his pocket, put his legs off the stool, gave him his seat, and waved to the others: "What are you doing around here? !"

Everyone dispersed.

Jiang Li went back to his seat and sat down, Chi Fang pulled his stool over to be next to him, took a piece of chocolate from the desk and tore it into his mouth: "Tomorrow, the monthly test will be taken, you haven't said that if I What's the reward for passing the grade?" The

sweet taste dissipated in his mouth, Jiang Li narrowed his eyes, turned to look at him, met his expectant eyes, and smiled, "So expecting?"

"Not so expecting." Chi Fang touched his nose, "A little bit."

"That's it." Jiang Li nodded, "Then it won't be rewarded."

Chi Fang's face changed immediately after hearing this: "No way!"

For the sake of this monthly test , he studied hard, in addition to not letting Jiang Li lose his trust in front of Zhang Ling, the other thing is to ask for some rewards, such as kissing and touching...

"You can't talk if you say you want to give rewards. It doesn't matter." Chi Fang put his arms around Jiang Li, put his head to his ear, and said in a low voice, "If there is no reward, Jiang Li will do." The

reward, Jiang Li.

Luckily he figured it out.

"Get out of the way, it's too hot." Jiang Li reached out and pushed his head away.

"Why didn't you feel too hot when you hugged me to sleep last night?" Chi Fang snorted, his arms still resting on his waist, half the weight of his body resting on him.

It is common for boys who have a good time to cuddle and hug each other. In winter, everyone huddles together in the same seat and stacks Arhats to keep warm. The actions of the two of them did not attract the attention of others, and they only thought that the relationship between the two was good.

It's just that in the eyes of Feng Yu, who is the first insider of the relationship between the two, it looks different. No matter how Chi Fang put his arms around Jiang Li's waist, he felt that it was out of bounds.

Chi Fang was holding Jiang Li's waist begging for a prize. The phone in his pocket vibrated twice, and he took it out with one hand and opened it.

——Crazy Crazy Yuyu: Brother Chi, Brother Chi, pay attention! The sour smell of love has come to me, be careful of the whole school coming out of the closet! ! !

Chi Fang: "..."

Jiang Li also saw the message, pursed his lips and smiled, took away Chi Fang's hand around his waist, squeezed his palm, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, the reward will be long overdue. I'm ready, you're satisfied."

Chi Fang listened, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he stuffed the phone back into his pocket

. On the day of the monthly test, Chi Fang and Feng Yu were in the same test room, but one was in the first row and the other was in the last. Row, separated by a distance like a river.

In the morning, the first scientific test of Chinese was taken. The fourth test room happened to be Zhang Ling invigilating the test, and Chi Fang was sitting in the first position in the first row.

Zhang Ling still remembered Jiang Li's words that he wanted to help Chi Fang bring his grades up to the pass line. He also wanted to see the results. During the exam, he could not help but pay more attention to Chi Fang. He stood beside him and watched him for a while. As before, he left a large area of ​​blank questions and nodded with satisfaction.

As soon as the monthly exam was over, Zhang Ling gathered the students from the second and first classes of senior high school and announced that they would go out for an autumn tour tomorrow.

At first, everyone only thought that Qiuyou would not have to go to class, but they didn't expect to be able to play in the farmhouse. As soon as Zhang Ling finished speaking, the atmosphere in the class immediately boiled over.

"Master, you're so kind to me! I love you! Momoda! Compare your heart!"

Feng Yu shouted, and after shouting, he realized that he had called Zhang Ling's nickname out of excitement. After he finished speaking, the noisy classroom instantly became quiet, and he saw Zhang Ling's face as black as the bottom of a pot. Kong, silently cast a "Warrior seeks more blessings" look at Feng Yu.

"Teacher, I was wrong... ouch!"

Before Feng Yu finished speaking, Zhang Ling grabbed the end of the chalk and smashed it on his head accurately, pointing at him with a cold face: "Feng Yu wrote a three-thousand-word review, after school. Leave it to me."


Seeing Feng Yu's pale face, the others covered their mouths desperately to hold back their laughter.

Chi Fang put one hand on his face, looked at Feng Yu and scolded with a smile: "Stupid." After

the evening self-study, Chi Fang and Jiang Li rode back as usual. Jiang Li did not go back to his house with Chi Fang tonight. He made an appointment to play there for one more day after the class autumn tour tomorrow, and he had to go home and pack some clothes.

At the fork in the road, Chi Fang supported the car on one foot and said to Jiang Li, "Then I'll go look for you tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll go first." Jiang Li nodded and rode the bike away first.

Chi placed behind him and watched his back disappear at the intersection before cycling away, whistling along the way in a very good mood.

Chi put it at home, Jiang Nuomi squatted on the shoe cabinet and saw him come in alone, and looked behind him with her head: "Meow?"

After establishing a relationship with Jiang Li, Chi Fang asked Jiang Li to stay in the room almost every day for the reason of making up classes. Home, so not only is he happy, Jiang glutinous rice is also happy.

Seeing him come back alone today, Jiang Nuomi jumped down from the counter in doubt, walked to the door and looked around for a while.

"Don't look, your dad didn't come today."

Chi Fang picked him up from behind, closed the door with one hand, carried it to the sofa, pressed its belly with one hand, and smiled maliciously: "I today I'm going to do something to your kitty, let's see who can save you."

Jiang Nuomi: "Meow?"

So it was another cat fight.

In the end, the old man couldn't see it, he scolded Chi Fang for a while, and returned to his room with Jiang glutinous rice in his arms.

Chi Fang patted the cat hair on his clothes, went back to the room and took the clothes to take a bath.

The first thing he did when he returned to the room after washing was to send a video to Jiang Li on the Internet. The first time he didn't answer it, he sent it a second time. This time Jiang Li picked it up.

Jiang Li had just taken a shower, his hair was still wet, and he was wearing a white T-shirt. He looked around and asked Chi Fang, "Why are you alone? Where's Jiang Nuomi?"

"Grandpa took it away." Chi Fang said, looking at Jiang Li in the video.

Maybe it was because he just took a shower. Jiang Li didn't wear glasses. He was short-sighted by more than 700 degrees. When watching the video, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chi Fang felt itchy and wanted to reach out to squeeze his face, so he said, "Come closer."

"What are you doing?" Jiang Li moved closer to his face.

"Pinch your face." Chi Fang stretched out his hand and pinched it, "soft."

"..." Jiang Li was a little speechless, but also a little funny, "crazy."

It's past eleven o'clock now, and tomorrow will be Going out, the two chatted for a while and then went offline.

Jiang Li had just logged out of WeChat when he heard the system say, "The host has something to say. I don't know if I should say it.

" Web page.

The system sighed: "Watching the host and the male protagonist fall in love, I have an inexplicable feeling of reading a campus romance novel." Jiang Li heard the words and laughed

: "Aren't you two in a love game?"

"That 's true."

Looking at the trend chart, Jiang Li turned off the computer after reading today's data, and went back to his room to rest.

The next day, Jiang Li got up and packed up, and when the appointed time was approaching, he planned to go out to meet Chi Fang. Who knew that as soon as he twisted the door, he was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and the door slammed into him, almost knocking him down. , Fortunately, he held onto the wall on one side in time.

After supporting the wall, Jiang Li looked up and saw three men coming in from outside. One of them asked him aloud, "Are you Jiang Li?"

The three of them didn't look like good stubbornness in terms of appearance and dress . , but rather like some friends on the road.

Jiang Li took a step back vigilantly and looked at them: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"I didn't expect that Jiang Laolai himself was useless, but the son he gave birth to is pure and beautiful." The leading man held the cigarette between his fingers and looked at Jiang Li Dan said, "Your father ran away with the money you owe us. Now that I can't find anyone, I can only use you to pay for it." The

last time Jiang Li saw Jiang's father was on the TV news, that is, he asked Chi When Fang and Feng Yu ate hot pot, they saw the news that a nightclub was taken away because of drugs, and they never saw anyone again after that.

Unexpectedly, someone would take him to pay off his debts because he owed money today.

"Jiang Hai's debt is his business, it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Li looked directly at the other party, stretched out his hand supporting the wall to the back of the door, and touched the half wooden stick hidden behind the door, but his expression did not move. "I'm just a student, and I don't have any money."

"It doesn't matter if I don't have money, as long as I can earn it." The man said, looking at Jiang Li with a bit of obscenity in his eyes, "Like you A lot of people like this kind of high school student."

Jiang Li heard someone mention that there is a red light district in the southern district, where an alley is full of meat business, it is very messy and dirty, and there are many technical schools students sit there.

Most of these people came from there.

Jiang Xin was a little concerned, and quietly held the wooden stick in his hand: "I repeat, I have no money. If you don't leave, I will call the police." As soon as

the man heard that he wanted to call the police, the other two made a color: "go."

The other two rushed towards Jiang Li. Jiang Li saw the opportunity and kicked one of them with one foot. At the same time, he clenched the stick and smashed it hard on the other's head, directly smashing the person out of blood.

"Ah!!" The

leader didn't expect him to suddenly make a move, so he took a few steps back, avoiding the falling body of his companion, and pointed at Jiang Li: "You..."

"How am I?" Jiang Li looked at him with a stick. He looked at him with a smile on his face, "Aren't you going to take me away? Let's see if you have the skills."

... On the

other side, Chi Fang waited for a while at the entrance of the alley and did not see Jiang Li come down, so he called There was no one to pick up, so I simply found a place to put the car and went up to find someone in person.

When they got upstairs, Chi Fang found that the door of Jiang Li's house was open, and there was a faint voice inside.

Chi Fang was a little puzzled. He walked to the door and looked inside, just in time to see Jiang Li clasping a man's arm with one hand, while the other hand grabbed the other's hair and pressed him against the wall. His face was deformed, and his face was blue and swollen with a painful expression.

There were two rolling young men lying on the ground.

Jiang Li clasped the man's arm and squeezed his hair slightly, forcing him to raise his head, and said in a cold voice, "Didn't you say you were arrogant to take me away just now? Why don't you say anything now, eh?"

Jiang Li The appearance of Li at this time was completely different from usual. His face was a little cold and cruel. Chi Fang couldn't help but be a little stunned. He subconsciously called out to him: "Jiang Li?

" , was also stunned for a moment, seeing that his eyes fell on the person in his hand, he immediately released his hand, without looking at the other party's limp body, looked at Chi Fang with a look of relief: "How did you do it? Come on?! You scared me to death."

Chi Fang: "..."

You scared me to death, okay? !

(BL) Almighty Strategy Game [quick wear] BOOK 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin