"I cant wait to see you walk down that aisle. I know it's only been like a day since I've seen you but it's killing me that I can't hold you right now." He said.

"Just a few more hours and I'm yours, Mr. Barnes." You said looking down at your new bump rubbing it gently.

"I'll see you soon, Mrs. Barnes." He said and you hung up the phone.

Wanda came in front of you and put her hands up to your belly and she looked up at you for confirmation and you nodded. She put her hands on your belly and saw her eyes glow red before she closed them, "Wow, these babies are strong." She said.

"Can you tell what they are yet?" You asked.

"Not yet, but they'll show you soon enough. But they're powerful." She said and looked up at you with a huge smile on her face. "The car will be here soon to bring us to the lake house. Wear something comfy." She said and started looking through your clothes.

You grabbed a pair of stretchy leggings and a white shirt that almost seemed cropped with your stomach. It made everything finally seem real to see the bump growing.

Sarah woke up and you showed her your new development and she gushed and squeezed you tightly. They got ready as you ate a cereal bar waiting for the car to arrive.

As it did you all walked down and got in seeing Happy in the drivers seat. "Pepper does know I could have teleported us all there, right?" You asked sitting in the middle of the two women.

"Yeah, she figured you'd say that. She didn't want you to tire out, I don't mind the drive anyway." He said giving you a smile and you gave a smile back.


A few hours later you pulled up to the back of the house. You got out after Sarah and wanted to look around already seeing all the beautiful flowers and fairy lights leading up the driveway.

"No peaking, the stylist are already... oh my gosh, you popped." Pepper gushed coming up to you.

You giggled as she looked at you with tears in her eyes, "Just a bit, if the dress doesn't fit Wanda can help me out." You said holding your belly absentmindedly.

"You're already glowing, oh gosh, okay, I'm getting distracted. We need to get her inside, the spare bedroom next to my room is set up for her. Make sure not to go into the other one since that is where the groom is. Pietro's waiting for you in there with Morgan. Let's get this bride ready." She cheered and the other girls did the same following you through the house.

You opened the door and saw the two stylists set up with their hair and makeup and saw your dress hanging on the dressing screen in the corner of the room. Pietro was sat on the couch with Morgan just messing around and they both looked over at you.

You notice Pietro's face change with emotions, he looked at you lovingly then almost sadly then covered it back up with a smile.

"Sissy, your belly. Are the babies in there?" Morgan asked running up to you touching your stomach.

"They are, they're getting bigger so my belly's moving with them." You tried to explain as best you could to the toddler.

"You already look beautiful, Princessa." Pietro said standing up.

"Thank you, Pietro. Oh my gosh you cut your hair." You noticed and walked up to him and played with his hair but made sure not to make it messy. He had his blue suit ready to put on and smiled at you. You had decided that the party would wear yellow while Sam and him would wear blue to stand out a bit.

A girl from a different universe Where stories live. Discover now