69. Ship Yard

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You woke up the next morning cuddled up with Bucky while he held you firmly from behind feeling his breath on your neck and you were holding onto his arm feeling the cool vibranium. You didn't have another nightmare thankfully.

"Good morning, love birds. Get ready we gotta head out." Sharon said coming into the room. "I'll let you have your privacy." She said and walked back out.

You groaned and started trying to get up but his grip got tighter around you. "Buck, wake up. We gotta head out." You said and he hummed.

"Five more minutes." He said sleepily.

You giggled a bit. "No, we gotta go." You took his hand from around you and got off of the bed. He slowly started to wake up more and watched as you got the clothes you had on yesterday. "I have to change." You said looking at him pointedly.

"Gotcha, it's nothing I haven't seen before." He said with a sly smirk getting out of the bed.

You looked at him with a surprised face and an open mouth and he chucked at you. "James Buchanan Barnes. Go away." You said with a half smile half stern face. He put his hands up defensively and walked out of the door.

You put the clothes you had on the night before but brushed your hair out and kept it down.
You headed to the ship yard they said he was located in and you walked between the different boxes.

"Madripoor could give New York a run for its money." Sam said.

"They know how to party." Zemo confirmed.

"With that bounty on your head, the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving." Sharon said looking up and down from her phone to make sure she gets to the right one. "All right. He's in there. Container four-two-six-one. I'll keep watch while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We're on borrowed time." She said holding out ear pieces and you all took one and put them in while you walked up to the container.

Sam opened the door and looked in to see it was empty. "Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one? It's completely empty." Sam asked through coms.

"Positive. It had to be." She confirmed and you all walked into it. Zemo held up a flash light and you felt a breeze come through from the other end.

You looked down at it curiously and walked closer. You felt the wall and pushed it finding a secret door. You looked back at the men and they got their guns out with Sam taking the lead and Zemo following.

Bucky stayed behind you as you walked up the secret stairs. You walked into a lab area and heard music being played. You followed Bucky on one side while Zemo followed Sam on the other side. You walked up on a man with his back turned and you made a small ball of energy while the Bucky and Sam looked at each other and Sam approached closer and took the needle from the record stopping the music and startling the man.

"Dr. Nagel?" Sam asked with his gun up.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked nervously.

"We know you created the super soldier serum." Sam said.

"Get out of my lab." Nagel said walking past him and stopped once he saw you and Bucky.

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