60. The Sapphire Sorceress

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You fell to the ground put a shield around you as you tumbled to the ground. "Well, well. Look at what the cat dragged in. Yet another magic gal." A voice said from above.

You looked up and saw Agatha floating over you. She floated down and you got to your feet. You gathered balls of energy in your hands and stared her down.
She wiggled her black finger, "Not here. Let's talk in private." She snapped her fingers and you were brought into a basement.

You looked beside you and you saw Wanda hanging in the air with her hands and feet behind her back. The powers from your hands went out. And you tried to make more but nothing was happening.

"Your magic's no good here." She said annoyed. You looked around and saw the runes on each wall. "Good, at least one of you knows magic. You're just an extra one I didn't realize was here until fake Pietro or Fietro." She continued.

"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this." Wanda defended.

"She felt it too, more than me even, I can feel the bound you have to one another. Linked for better or worse. You felt everything when she died too, she didn't feel any pain but you, you took all of it for her." She dug.

"Don't listen to her Wanda." You said angrily, "It wasn't your fault, it was Thanos's."

She shackled your arms and legs behind your back and floated you to the center next to Wanda rapidly. "I'm so sick of the 'sisterhood.' Okay, I don't care. We need to start where you felt, what did you say to your fake brother, you felt empty. Alone. Endless nothingness." She looked to two doors that began to glow around them. "It's been fun playing pretend for a while, hasn't it, Wanda." She plucked a hair from her head and Wanda looked at her. She then walked over to you and did the same. "You don't even know what to believe anymore." She whispered to you and stared at her angrily.

She then chanted a spell in Latin and the two strands of hair glows with her purple magic. One strand of hair went to each door, one changed to a white one and the other changed to a wooden one with carving in it. "It's time to look at some real reruns." She whispered then brought her hands up and brought them down quickly and you and Wanda fell to the ground as she broke the chains. "All right, let's go." She said walking over to the doors.

"No." Wanda said looking up at her angrily and blocked you protectively.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget who's got your children and your nephews stashed away in her bewitched basement?" She asked sarcastically.

"Mom! Mom! Aunt y/n! Help, please!" You heard Tommy faintly scream.

"Mom, Aunt y/n! Help us!" Billy faintly screamed.

You and Wanda got up worried and and Agatha nodded her head. "That's right." You held onto Wanda's hand and she held yours too. "You have to go on your adventures separately." She opened the two doors and Wanda looked at you worriedly. You nodded your head assuringly and squeezed her hand before letting it go. "After you, superstars."

You both walked up to your doors and walked through after taking a deep breath.

You stood in the Kamar-Taj and looked around confused. You then saw the Ancient One walk in and following her was your father, Daniel and after your mother Daisy. "We need to get her to safety soon, I have a feeling they're coming sooner than later." The Ancient One said.

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