After my last exam which ended at four, I rushed to Siam Paragon to the gourmet market. Ming had message me what P'Kit favorite food was. This place is very crowded, and it makes me nervous. I notice a lot of people looking at me. I am not sure if it's the student uniform or the pregnancy, either way it makes me very uncomfortable. I quickly get everything I need on the list, pay, and leave.

Ming said he wanted flowers as well as a stuffed bear in his message, something about having rose petals leading from the door to the table. I turned his idea down flat. Who was going to clean up that mess? He can use that idea some other time. By the time I got home, unpacked everything, took a shower, ate my own meal, it was already close to six thirty. Taken the bus in the even is no joke, the traffic was horrible. Ming said he would message me when they were close. He had a meeting after all his classes. A campus moon meeting. He said they would be here by seven o'clock.

I had music playing in the background. Most if not all of the song on my playlist, where from Yo. The boy has strange taste in music. Old American music, K-pop, classical. It was all over the place. I always made fun of him for it. Just as I was finishing up the main dish, I hear the little water drop and can't help smiling. 'Prefect' By Ed Sherran has always been one of my favorite songs. The first time Yo played the song, I feel in love with it. Wishing, hopping, and praying that one day, I would have a love like what was written in the song. Just as the chorus starts to play, I feel a pair of hands grab my wraist, spinning me around. I smiled shocked. My P'Arthit was home early! I was so happy! God, I missed him so much! When he started to sway with me, wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my head on his chest. I did not want this to end.

When the song was over, we stayed there just like that. I didn't want to home.

"I missed you P'Arthit" I said turning my face into his neck rubbing my nose against his sweat glands taken in his scent.

"I missed you too my bunny, more than you know" he said back kissing the top of my head. "I truly hated being away from you for so long."

"Me too...don't do it again please?" I asked leaning back, locking eyes with me. I really don't know if I could last a whole week without him again.

"Baby I can't promise anything, but what I can promise is that it will be my very last resort and I will take you with me okay?" He kisses the tip of my nose gentle making me giggle, before snuggling back against him. God, I miss him. A notification ping from my phone had me moving away. He quickly wrapped his arms around ne again, placing his hands on my belly, rubbing gentle. The message was from Ming. They would be here in ten mintues! How could I have forgotten so easy! I thought. I quickly turned around and looked at P'Arthit.

"What is it baby?"

"I...I told Ming he would have a date night here...I didn't think you would be home tonight..." I said worry clear in his eyes as he bits his lip. He chuckles at me rubbing my back gentle.

"They can still have their date night here. How about we go on a date ourselves hmm?" He asks making my whole face light up in happiness. Date? We are going on a date?!

"Really? A real date? Just you and me?" I ask excitement in my voice. He laughs nodding. I throw my arms around him again jumping up and down in joy.

"YAY! I am so excited!" I laugh which cases P'Arthit to laugh as well.

"You go change baby and I will finish this up, okay?" I quickly nod rushing to the bedroom to change. As I had taken a shower when I got home, I didn't need to take on again. I did quickly brush my teeth again. I looked through the closet and chose a pair of maternity jeans, along with a short sleeve shirt and a hoodie. I wasn't sure where we were going, but I wanted to look my best, nonetheless. I was walking down the stairs when I heard the intercom "I got it P'Arthit, why don't you go shower and change while I let them in?" I asked heading toward the door. He nods, grabbing his bag off the couch, then heading up to the bedroom.

I let the guard know that they can come up, and then wait. I didn't have to wait more than a minute before a knock sounded on the door. I open it up to see a smiling Ming and a hesitated P'Kit. "Hi! Come in!" I say opening the door more for them, then shutting it gentle behind them. I notice that P'Arthit finished up the dinner for me, so everything was set.

"Thank you nong for allowing us the use of your apartment." P'Kit said looking around. "When Ming told me where we were going, I actually told him to turn around. I didn't want to put you out. Then he said you made dinner and I felt bad if we didn't show up."

"It's okay P'Kit" I laugh. "I actually won't be here tonight. P'Arthit surprised me coming home early and decided we would go on our first ever date!" I said excitedly. I could feel my cheek growing hot and I knew I was blushing. Ming and P'Kit laughed at my excitement, and I didn't care. This was our first date, and I couldn't wait to see how it would turn out.

"You won't have long to wait" P'Kit says nodding behind me. I didn't have the chance to turn around when I felt an arm slip around my wraist.

"Hello N'Ming and N'Kit." My alpha said wai to them both. "We will be out of your hair in a moment. There are bedrooms down that hall" He says pointing, down the hall to our left "I would prefer you stay here if you plan to drink, then to drive. The pool is out those doors" He says pointing to our right "There is also a hot tube if you care to use them. Have fun both of you" He smiles leading me out the door. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye, but did I care? Not at the moment. I was too excited. "Now my little omega, about our date" He said as he pressed the elevator button. This night is going to be wonderful. I could just feel it. 

**sorry for the little delay in getting these publish!  Happy reading everyone!** 

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