Chapter 62: Mission Number Two

Start from the beginning

I had my reasons but it didn't matter in the end. Lily had done nothing wrong after all, she was just young and stupid, but I understood her parents worry all the same.

"Alright," I gave in, watching her slice the apples. "As long as my six girlfriends get to move in after this." I said, grabbing a slice and eating it.

She rolled her eyes. "Never going to let that one go huh."

I snickered as I headed upstairs to let Lily know, get washed and change.

Once an idiot friend of mine spread a rumour I had six girlfriends that lived in my bedroom and even though people didn't believe it and thought I made it up they continued spreading it so that it got back to my parents who, instead of laughing immediately and appreciating the imagination that went into a line as dumb as that, went ahead and literally checked my room. 

Lily beamed at me as I slammed the door behind me and headed for the shower.

When I got out of the shower I stopped to check my face, my hair was a little dark when it was wet against my skin. It would look darker if I didn't have the slight tan, it would look even darker if I stopped dyeing it from it's natural brown colour.

There was something mildly entertaining seeing the teachers lingering stares over that. They suspected it was dye, clearly. Usually students that disobey the 'no hair dye' rule go to get their hair close shaved or dyed back to the initial colour. My hair didn't match my dark eyebrows but it was the same colour the rest of my family had so they never asked.

I towelled off and got into some loose dark green shorts and a black tank top.

"Lily!" I yelled her name, grabbing my wallet and heading downstairs, she trailed after me quickly and I only noticed at the door that she was dolled up.

I had to blink a moment because I wasn't sure I'd ever seen her in that short skirt before or the makeup. None of it looked shit, it just made her look like an older teen... a very small, short older teen.

I frowned, ignoring it as we set off together.

I was too tall not to be noticed but I'd make it my mission not to be seen around with her.

My friends already assumed I was dating my mom I'd punch someone if they thought I was dating my fucking sister. I cringed to myself. I'd find the most secluded booth they had in Deep Fry and keep my head down...

[Akara's POV]

"Explain why I'm being a pussy then."

Bobby rolled his eyes. "What's got you off beer then, explain."

"I just don't want any, why do you keep shoving it off on me, I'm not thirsty."

He frowned at me.

I sighed, leaning away from him. His gaze grew concerned and he reached out, I backed away automatically but his hand still reached my face and the back of his fingers pressed against my forehead.

"Not ill right?"

I stared at him, was he normally that... nice? I blinked twice. "I'm not ill, or sad, just not thirsty."

"Then take one. When you're thirsty you can drink."

"Jesus you're pushy."

Misbah laughed. "Don't get offended. He's only trying to prepare you for British office drinking. You'll thank him when you're working in your dead end office job being dragged along after work hours to drink fifty pints and you don't pass out like a pro."

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