Ch.59 ↬ "Make sure you rip her apart."

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She turned back to Danielle who was now sobbing with her head down.

"Okay. You walk in and distract her while I swoop by and grab her head. I'll try to break Silas's magic."

Bonnie nodded, taking a deep breath in, "what happens if she kills you?"

"Nah– I'll be fine," Kara shrugged her shoulders and opened the door for Bonnie.

Since Danielle's head was down, she seemed unfocused on what was happening around her. Bonnie began to approach her slowly.

"Danielle. I'm so sorry Silas did this to you, but what's happening right now is real. It's actually me, Bonnie–"

Kara appeared behind Danielle and clutched her head tightly, trying to get into Danielle's mind, but to her surprise— nothing.

"What?" Kara opened her eyes, then tried again for the second time, but it was like something was blocking her mind control.

"What's going on?" Bonnie noticed Kara's confusion, "what did you see?"

"Nothing. I can't get inside her head," she lifted her hands up and stared at Danielle. She was quiet now, almost like she was sleeping.

"She's not letting you?" Bonnie pushed with the questions, "does magic not work on her?"

"It's like.. she's not here," Kara couldn't explain it any further than that, "like her soul is somewhere else and that's left is this body."

"Are you enjoying yourself? All by your lonesome?"

Klaus refused to go back inside the house, hearing Mia's screams of terror every now and then. He regretted letting Elijah take initiative.

Elijah noticed Niklaus wasn't checking up on her. Not even passing by to see what was going on. He was just pretending she wasn't someone he had to deal with.

"She's got you to look after her. No room for two," Klaus filled a drink for his brother, "not even in her heart."

Elijah let out a small sigh at Klaus's small remark, "your intention of avoiding Mia has something to do with your guilt."

"Always the wise one," Klaus didn't confirm or deny what he just said.

"Guilt for not keeping a closer eye on her. Guilt for not being able to protect her both when she died and when Elena made her turn off her humanity. Guilt for letting her get hurt too many times when she always protected you. Letting her find comfort in a complete stranger who stole your first love."

Despite the silence, Elijah continued on with the one-sided conversation, "and re-kindling a friendship with Kara isn't helping you, now is it? It's a reminder of how you can't change, no matter how many years have passed. But let me say, that's not true."

He placed his hand on Klaus to grab his attention, "I have lived my fair share of shame throughout life. The only way to move on is to forgive yourself. Acknowledging your mistakes and shaping your future. You may think of this as impossible, but.. I believe in you, Niklaus."

Klaus needed to hear his older brother's advice. He felt so lost in all these emotions for the past day. Other than Mia, Elijah made him feel stable again.

"I'm not sure if she's up to hear an apology right now."

"No, but seeing you might help her," Elijah leaned off of the railing and stood straight, "out of the almost 300 nightmares I've seen– 110 included you in it. 50 of them resulting in you dying. The other 50 resulting in Mia dying. And last ten were about you abandoning her. Specifically you telling her you never really loved her."

Forever ➼ BOOK 1 (Klaus Mikaelson) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now