𝗦𝟭, 𝗘𝗽𝟮𝟯: 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗜𝗻𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘀...

Start from the beginning

Harley snorted and he glared playfully at her. "I-It's for this skirt she's making- You know what, I don't gotta explain myself to you," He said as he pointed at her and walked away.

"I'm so sorry, I can't miss that," Harley continued laughing as she got up and followed him. I turned to face Carter but he was already watching me. "Are 'we' ever gonna happen?" He asked and I know he's trying have an honest conversation.

"I enjoy spending time with you," I said as I wiped the corner of his mouth that had a crumb. "But I can't. Not right now, not whilst we have bigger issues to sort out," I said as I removed my hand from his face.  I grabbed my tray and stood up. "Well I'm gonna throw this out, and I'll see you later?" I asked and he nodded.

"Am I waiting for you after school?" He asked and I shook my head. "I actually have somewhere to go, and then I'll meet you later," I said as I gave him a small smile and headed to the trashcan to throw away the food before disappearing out into the halls.

| harley |

"Can someone kick her out if she's gonna keep laughing?" Chase whined as he pointed to me and I only laughed harder. I've reached the point of tears and restricted breathing as I tried to balance myself on the chair.

"I think it's cute," I said as I wiped my eyes and he gave me a look before doing a little twirl with a grin on his face. "You really think so?" He asked hopefully and I shook my head as I started laughing again.

"You should totally make a matching headscarf," I suggested and Athena nodded whilst clapping her hands in excitement. "No, no you should not," Chase protested but she already disappeared into the fabric cupboard and glared at me as I held in my laughs. "Get out," He ordered as he pointed to the door and I nodded quickly and I walked out of the classroom.

I walked down the halls but paused as I peered closely at, who seemed to be, Ricky in the middle of the hallway. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked up to him and he looked up. "I saw something, and thought I should go check it out." He said as he gestured to the same storage cupboard Luna and I went to and I stopped.

"I'm not going with you," I said and he sighed. "I need to you to take me that wormhole you saw. It's important," He urged and I thought about it for a moment before giving in. I opened the door and stepped into it. He followed me inside and I shut the door.

I ignored the awkward promixmity between us as I pushed the cabinet and began to climb up the ladder. I reached the top and opened the hatch before climbing onto the roof. Ricky followed shortly after. "So why are we here?" I asked as I looked around. A thud echoed behind us and we both turned around and Natassia was stood there.

"Ooh, you caught me," She said as she held her hands in the air. "This is why you brought us here?" I said to Ricky as I gestured to her. "So you knew I was gonna be here," She said as she walked up to Ricky. "I know what you're doing here, but I came to ask why," Ricky asked her and she scoffed. "I really shouldn't have to explain myself to you," She said as she stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Does this have anything to do with your disappearance?" I asked and she looked me up and down before turning to face Ricky again. I tried to read her thoughts but her head sharply turned towards me. "Get out of my head," She warned and I held my hands in the air.

It's not surprising she had a traumatic past.
It really shows.

"Stop following me," She said to Ricky. "Or I may have to do something I'll regret," She threatened. "And as for your previous question, I'll be where it all began," She finished before she glitched and disappeared.

"Why didn't you just say you were planning on following her?" I hissed. "Cause I knew you wouldn't come," He countered before heading back to the opening.

| khloe |

I took a deep breath before opening the door and shutting it behind me.

She was in the middle of a simulation and hers was a lot different to mine. I grimaced at the sight of the weird tree monsters but didn't realise she stopped and was facing me. "Can I help you?" She asked.

She didn't seem angry, or trying to mock me. "I came to talk," I said but she turned around again. "I really have to train, could we talk later?" She asked.

"No, we have to do this now," I urged and she stopped before turning off the simulation. "Talk then," She muttered in a bored tone. "In like 10 minutes, we have the group training session, and I realised that it wouldn't be fair on everyone else if we messed up our performance because of the tension between me and you," I said as I gestured to us.

"So, I came to say sorry. It was out of line for me to overreact the way I did. It was selfish and stupid and I'm sorry I didn't tell Ricky that it wasn't you that hit me." I said and she didn't react for a moment. "It's all good," She said as she let out a small smile. "But you know, just for next time," She said as she approached me.

"Don't use your jealousy as an excuse to resent or hurt anyone," She said and I nodded. "Do it again, and I will fight back. And also, if I want to date Carter, I can. you know why? Cause you already have Ricky." She finished before walking out of the room.

I waited a few moments before leaving too. I almost collided straight into Ricky and he was about to walk past me, but I grabbed his hand to stop him. "I just want you to know, that I apologised to Luna," I said and he removed his hand from my grip. "Good for you," He said simply before walking away and I walked a few feet behind him as we both entered the main training facility.

"Okay Thissa, everyone's here," Athena said as we joined together and stood in the circle on the floor. The lights dimmed and the simulation played. We were in a deserted area. We all stood in a circle, our backs facing each other and scanned the area.

"This is simulation number 6217. Get ready Inhumans," Thissa said and Chase paused. "Wait, when did you choose a name? And also, that's what we're calling ourselves?" He asked and we all got out of ready positions and faced Chase.

"Come on, you guys are gonna settle for 'The Inhumans'?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, everyone focus!" Athena yelled and we all resumed our positions. "How many simulations are there?" Harley asked curiously and Athena glared at her. "I wanna know too," I said as I raised my hand slightly.

"There are over 10,000 simulations built in with various different scenarios. Some are unbelievable, obviously, but it helps to train with the worst, so you're not surprised when something less powerful approaches you," Athena grumbled and we all nodded.

We resumed our starting positions as we waited for Thissa's signal.


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