How exactly did this happen...?

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Published: January 11th 2021 (guesstimate)

I don't know who was the artist for this, I apologize.

Tubbo decided that it was time to take a small break from his presidential duties. He wanted to feel like a kid again. He may be the president and needs to take care of the nation, but he's still a 17 year old kid who wanted peace, but knew it wasn't an option. Tubbo was wondering around the woods as a few bees followed him. Flying around him, making him feel like he was 7 again, walking around the woods with his best friends family since he had none of his own.

Then, Tubbo spots something up ahead. It was a house. It was run down, but it was a house. Tubbo started making his way up to it only to see that it's not just a house, it's a village. Tubbo's curiosity got the better of him as he went walked up to the houses, seeing that there most likely over a century old. Tubbo looked around to see all the houses were moldy, run down, and even some parts missing. But what mostly caught Tubbo's attention was the middle of the village. Tubbo saw it was a water well like they had in the past.

The bees flew with Tubbo as he went up to the water well and saw a sign. Tubbo, being dyslexic, had a little bit of a struggle reading it but he read it.

"Town of Sahem?" Tubbo mumbled as he looked around. He guessed this was a town. Meaning the well was the town square in the town called Sahem.

Tubbo began looking around. The showing of existing life before everyone in L'manburg made him excited. He never knew that there was any other people living in the Dream SMP lands, he wanted to know as much as he can figure out about the past.

Tubbo was unsure if anyone else from the Dream SMP knew where this was. Not sure if Dream himself knew. It looks like no one has been there. No traces of anyone being here in a century.

Tubbo may have been dyslexic, but he wasn't dumb. He was in fact, really good at detective work. Whenever it played in, he could pin it down the person who done whatever happened. Tubbo looked around and investigate outside the houses for any human markings, to make sure that no one has been there. But, as Tubbo predicted, there were no traces of recent humans. There were traces of animals and greenery, but no humans.

There was a building that caught Tubbo's eye. It was made out of stone. It looked to be a jail cell. However, there was a lever. Tubbo saw how small the spot in the jail cell was and his breath hitched as Tubbo was severely claustrophobic. Tubbo looked back at the level before decided to pull it. He heard a noise of pistons and looked back at the cell to see the floor opened up to show magma and dried up blood. Tubbo just stared down, wondering what this was for.

Is it something they used for execution? Why did they need to execute people? This town doesn't seem that big so there wouldn't be someone intruding without them knowing... were there traitors? Murderers?

Tubbo snapped outa thought when a bee nuzzled his cheek. Tubbo smiled at the bee before flicking the lever once again. It was fair to say that Tubbo was very interested on what happened in this town to make them to do to those extremes.

Tubbo walked into a house, one of the only houses that had a sturdy enough floor for his weight in fact. Tubbo walked in and saw it was a one roomed house. Tubbo took this information and assumed all the other houses were the same since they all were built the same. Tubbo looked and saw a single bed, a stove, and then a desk with a book shelf next to it. It looked like all the books have been taken well cared off for being here for a century. They were fragile and dusty, but didn't look torn.

Tubbo looked upon the desk to see in the corner, there were 3 candles on top of a paper of a drawing of some sort of instructions to make medical supplies. Next to it was a cup that was still full of something that was red. Tubbo looked at it. It looked like some sort of tea as there was a kettle that had some of the red liquid in it on the stove. Tubbo saw that there were papers of all kids of medicine made by flowers and plants pinned to the walls around the desk.

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